Brother is too evil

Chapter 710 Pure Yang boy body

Chapter 710 Pure Yang boy body (3)
I looked at his eyes and then looked at his face, and found that the face that was only considered handsome at first became so eye-catching because of those eyes. pleasing to the eye.

The two looked at each other through the railing made of black iron. Although the snow fox jumped in, it didn't dare to get too close to the man. Although its cultivation base had become stronger over the years, the coercion of the man made it He clearly knew that his cultivation was not as good as his.

He hurriedly turned his head and excitedly called Qin Luoyi to go in.

Qin Luoyi and the man looked at each other for a moment, and then looked at the dozens of nearby stone rooms. The people inside were startled, but they all stayed quietly in their own stone rooms, and no one made a sound.

"Do you want me to rescue you?" Qin Luoyi withdrew her gaze and looked at the man in black again. After their eyes met, she smiled and whispered.

Although the veil made it difficult to see the expression on her face, the man clearly caught a smile in her eyes, and his originally tense body relaxed slightly.

"You want to save me? Why? We don't seem to know each other." The man in black stared into her eyes and said, his voice was very soft, but it was enough for people to hear him clearly. His voice was a little low and hoarse.

"I didn't know each other before, but... don't we know each other now?" Qin Luoyi blinked, and a sly look flashed in his clever phoenix eyes: "Of course, I didn't save you for nothing, as long as you Take out the most precious thing in your body and exchange it with me, and I will rescue you. How about it?"

As he spoke, his eyes swept over him again.

Thinking in my heart, obviously this person is the same as those who were locked up last night, and the treasure was originally on the middle-aged man, but now it is placed on the young man. People in the Demon Realm, given her relationship with Demon Xiao, well, she wouldn't mind helping them out together.

Of course, this rescue can't be in vain, can it?She has no guilt about taking the initiative to ask for other people's treasures as a reward.But this man should not have been arrested yesterday, she did not find him among the kidnapped people yesterday.

"You woman is not annoying!" The man sitting inside suddenly froze and covered his crotch reflexively. Looking at her: "How can I give you my treasure? From birth to now, I have always guarded my body like a jade... Demon girl, don't you want to lie to me about my pure yang boy body!"

After talking about it, he actually gritted his teeth a little bit.

Qin Luoyi was stunned at first, but then quickly realized that when she was thinking about something just now, she didn't pay attention, and her eyes fell on his crotch... No wonder she was misunderstood.


Seeing the funny look of him covering his crotch with his hands, his face flushed slightly, and his eyes flickering with displeasure, Qin Luoyi's eyes were crooked, and he almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

She pursed her lips and was about to speak, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she thought that his most precious thing was his pure yang boy body, and she couldn't help but want to laugh again.Fortunately, she didn't forget where this place was, and she managed to hold back that smile, but the intestines in her belly felt like they were about to tie up because of holding back the laughter so much.

Out of the corner of his eye, he cast a wry look at Xuehu.

The snow fox has black lines all over its head.

In fact, the body of a boy with pure yang is an excellent physique for dual cultivation. If women can obtain their Yuanyang, it is no problem for them to advance to one and a half levels of cultivation.

Well, in fact, speaking of it this way, this should be the most precious thing in his body, no wonder he wanted to go there when she said it.

According to her estimate, the place next to the stone house was built in the mountainside behind the house, and there was no one guarding it. Seeing his nervous look, Qin Luoyi suddenly became narrow-minded.

She looked at the man staring at her in the stone room with a smile, stroked her chin and said, "What's so annoying about this, you have to think about it, although your pure yang boy body is considered a treasure, if you continue to stay here , life is gone, what's the use of keeping your precious body?"

As far as she knew, there were indeed female cultivators in the Devil Realm who were looking for such pure-yang boys for their cultivation.

I think this man must have encountered many such problems before, so after she and Xuehu came in, he casually said that he wanted the most precious thing on him, and he actually revealed himself and slipped out what was on him. secret.

Generally, a man with a virgin body of pure yang, unless his strength is particularly strong, will never open his mouth to reveal his physique.

The expression on the face of the man in black darkened, and he lowered his eyelids, as if he was a little shaken. Qin Luoyi was a little speechless, afraid that he would really agree, and then he would be unable to come to the stage.

So before he could speak, he took the initiative to sigh: "Well, I don't like to force others to make things difficult. People say that twisted melons are not sweet. Seeing you like this, I won't embarrass you anymore. We are destined to meet, anyway. I’m here, so I’ll save you, but you have to take out everything on you, and let me choose one as a reward, how about it?”

The man in black's eyes lit up.His pupils were shining brightly.Qin Luoyi was dazzled by the light in his eyes, and sighed secretly, this is also a monster.

"If you save them together, how about I take out the things on my body and let you choose two?" The man in black opened his mouth to negotiate terms with her.

Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows, glanced around, and thought to himself that he was indeed a gang, and then nodded readily, feeling a little happy in his heart, it seems that today he can help Xuehu think It's done.As for those monks in the Southern Demon Realm, she originally planned to save them.

Seeing her nodding, the man in black took out his belongings, which turned out to be a storage ring, but the storage ring was not on his hand, it was actually hidden, no wonder no one noticed it, Qin Luo Yi's eyes became a little hot. This kind of invisible skill is very rare. It would be great if there is such a skill in the space ring.

The things that the man in black took out from his body included a magic sword with a strong demonic energy, exercises, magic spar, and many spirit plants from the demon world... It's a pity that none of those exercises can be invisible, Qin It's a pity to drop clothes.

After a white fist-sized fruit was finally taken out, Xuehu rushed over excitedly.Qin Luoyi immediately understood that Xuehu was looking at this magic fruit. The man in black moved very quickly. Maybe he had been on guard against them all along, so when Xuehu rushed over, he quickly dodged away. , and put all the things that were taken out just now into the storage space at a strange speed.

(End of this chapter)

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