Brother is too evil

Chapter 711 Save Your Life Again

Chapter 711 Save Your Life Again (1)
Xuehu's eyes glowed, and he jumped eagerly. Qin Luoyi just glanced at it, but he understood that the magic fruit was actually the famous phantom fruit in the devil world. There is a great deal of confidence in being able to transform into a human form in advance, no wonder Xuehu is so excited.

"Just that phantom fruit, you give me the phantom fruit, and that magic sword, and I'll take all of you out." There is a secret way in the phantom array, and it's easy to take them out, but she came in It's been a while, I have to go out quickly, it's better to leave this place as soon as possible.

The man in black looked at her, then at the white fox, stood up from the ground, nodded and said, "Yes... I can give you the phantom fruit and the magic sword, but you have to bring us Just go out."

Obviously worried about her.

Qin Luoyi accepts this condition, but there are so many of them, the so-called intention of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of guarding against others is indispensable. She must be careful not to take them out, and then he will no longer give her Mirage Fruit and Magic Fruit. Jian, wouldn't she be at a loss?

The key is that Xuehu likes the phantom fruit, even in the entire demon world, I heard that there are not many such phantom fruits. Many powerful monsters that have no phantom are staring at those phantom fruits. Every time a phantom fruit is produced, there will be bloodshed, because with the phantom fruit, not only can a human body be cultivated in advance, but many things passed through the bloodline can also be awakened in advance.

"It's fine to save you guys, but you have to swear a heavy oath first, otherwise I won't be at ease." Qin Luoyi looked at him and said.

"Lord Lu, the Yunhe Valley is ahead." Lian Peng, who had been staying close to Lu Xiao, pointed forward and said in a low voice, with a look of unconcealable excitement flashing in his eyes.

Lu Xiao narrowed his eagle eyes slightly.

Standing in the clouds and looking down for a moment, he waved his hand to signal the people behind him to disperse, and quickly surrounded the cloud valley.

As the name suggests, Yunhe Valley is a valley, but it is hidden among the mountains. If it is not for someone who is very familiar with the terrain to lead the way, idlers will not be able to find it here.

When they came out this time, they deliberately grabbed two demon cultivators who are very familiar with this mountain range to lead the way. Even so, it took three days to find this place. Looking around, the terrain of this mountain range is very complicated, with many valleys, and rivers. Criss-crossing, Yunhe Valley is just one of the inconspicuous valleys.

A group of people quickly entered the valley. When they got closer, they found that the valley was even lower than what they saw from the sky. The wind was howling inside, the air was full of obstacles, and the climate was extremely harsh. There are many stones, and there are some huge caves, which are very scary at first glance.

There is also a deep lake in the valley, the lake water is black, there is a dense forest in the south of the lake, and there is a small wooden house standing in it.

Lu Xiao's pupils shrank sharply.A sinister, bloodthirsty smile curled up on his lips, signaling Lian Peng to lead the crowd around the cabin.

He stood far away in a hidden corner, his eyes fixed on the small wooden house, his powerful spiritual sense covered the entire Yunhe Valley, so tight that even a mosquito could not fly out.

Lian Peng quickly rushed into the wooden house with his people, and after a burst of ping-pong-pong, he rushed out of the wooden house quickly, his face a little ugly, and he reported: "Lord Lu, there is nothing inside."

He gritted his teeth with hatred in his heart, it didn't look like anyone lived in the wooden house, those bastards actually said that Pei Ming, the capable general under the Demon King of Ancient Yue, was seriously injured and hid here!

If it wasn't for the fact that there were rumors that Pei Ming was injured, he wouldn't have believed it so quickly... He cursed those captives a hundred and eighty times in his heart, and decided to torture them until they could survive or die. No, it's fine if he is played by others on weekdays, but this time there is also the Great Demon Lord Lu Xiao!
It actually made him lose face in front of Mr. Lu.

When Lu Xiao heard about Fang, his smiling face suddenly became cloudy.Eagle eyes were extremely sharp, and he looked at him coldly.

Lian Peng only felt a chill soaking into his bones, and the powerful coercion made him kneel directly on the ground with a bang. His body was extremely cold, but the sweat on his forehead was dripping down.

"Keep looking!" Lu Xiaoying stared at him coldly, and finally spoke after a while: "See if there are any hidden formations around, dig the ground for me!"

Lian Peng, like Meng Dahe, responded respectfully, and hurriedly led his people to search in the valley again. Let alone three feet, they directly dug thirty feet. Those snake holes, rabbit holes, and even mouse holes were not released. However, in the end, ten rabbits, two big snakes several meters long, and dozens of mice were found, but no trace of a single person was found.

It took a few days, but they returned without success. Everyone was terrified, fearing that an accident would offend Lu Xiao. Although Lu Xiao gracefully shook the silver fan with a smile on his face, the smile was clearly not there. Entering the fundus of the eyes, it makes people feel even more frightened for no reason.

When they came, they walked against the wind at an extremely fast speed, but when they returned, Lu Xiao directly released his luxurious flying magic weapon, and carried them to Water Demon City.

On the way, he killed dozens of monks who were suspected to be from the Southern Demon Realm. Lian Peng had a deep plan, knowing that the gloom in Lu Xiao's heart had not yet come out. thing?If Lu Xiao didn't vent his anger all this time, he wouldn't be the one who was unlucky when he got to Water Demon City!
After thinking about it for a while, he took advantage of the murder and ordered his subordinates to kidnap two very young and beautiful female demons to repair them on the flying magic weapon. The anger in my heart is gone.

Although he is the lord of a city, he is now in command of a hundred thousand miles of demon territory, and his cultivation level has even reached the level of a demon king, but he is not a star behind the cultivation level of the great demon king Lu Xiao.

Originally, I thought I could show my face in front of him this time, but in the end this happened... However, if this show is not successful, it can't leave him with an impression of being incompetent, right?If he was in a bad mood all the time, and he didn't like him, even if he insulted him in front of the Demon King and the Demon Emperor, it would be enough for him to walk away.

So Lian Peng not only caught two beauties, but he couldn't stop thinking about how to win Lu Xiao's favor.

Lu Xiao was really upset.

Others just heard about it, but he saw with his own eyes that Gu Yue was indeed seriously injured, and several of Gu Yue's confidants were also seriously injured. Being able to seize the opportunity to catch his confidant, and then follow the trend to catch the King of Guyue, this credit is resounding. In the future, he will be able to gain a firm foothold in front of the devil world and even the devil emperor. When he is promoted in the future, Maybe the devil emperor can also make him a devil king.

(End of this chapter)

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