Brother is too evil

Chapter 719 It Was Him

Chapter 719 It Was Him (2)
Seeing everyone's suspicious eyes on her, she also knew that she was the most suspicious among them, so she decided to take a gamble, not to mention that she didn't think that she could hide the fact that she had the Black Moon Order from King Guyue go.

"I have a Black Moon Token on me." She took out the Black Moon Token very simply.


When everyone saw the Black Moon Token in her hand, they gasped.Xing Mo even dodged to block the King of Guyue behind him, and he didn't know whether he was on purpose or not. He also blocked the man in Tsing Yi who was standing beside Qin Luoyi, and looked at him sharply. she.

The man in Tsing Yi raised his eyebrows, and glanced at him with a half-smile, Xing Mo's face flushed, and he hurriedly backed away half a step.

"It turns out that you belong to Lu Xiao! We underestimated you. In order to win our trust, we treated the monks of the Northern Demon Realm so cruelly... You are indeed a witch from the Northern Demon Realm, so ruthless!"

"No wonder you didn't even dare to take off the veil. It was obviously because we were afraid that we would see her face. We were careless, and even exposed the position of the king, and let that bastard Lu Xiao chase after her."

"Kill her!"

"It's all my fault... If it wasn't for me, Lord Xing wouldn't have let her go with us, witch, you... Could it be that's what you did when you saved us last time? You even lied to us about the Phantom Fruit ! And followed us all the way to Weicheng!"

King Gu Yue originally got a hint that he wanted to take everyone away first, but now seeing Qin Luoyi take out the Black Moon Token, and everyone's emotions became extremely agitated and angry, he didn't leave, only using dark and unpredictable eyes Looking at Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi took out the Black Moon Token to win the trust of the King of Guyue, but she was secretly on guard in her heart, and she was ready to call the puppet in Tsing Yi to help the battle at any time, but she didn't want to fight with King Guyue or King Guyue unless it was absolutely necessary. The people fought against each other.

"You guys are thinking too much. I don't want to harm you. I can't even talk about following you. It's just a coincidence that I met you. My Black Moon Order came across after I left the customs near Water Demon City last month. Lu Xiao gave it to me when Lu Xiao gave it to me. He asked me to do things for him and the devil emperor of the Northern Demon Realm. Naturally, I didn't want to, but Lu Xiao is the great devil king, and his cultivation base is much higher than mine. Now my arm is twisted. But the thighs, of course, can only be continued temporarily. I just know that he is going to come to this Weicheng, thinking that this place is also close to the Southern Demon Realm, and there may be a chance to leave the Northern Demon Realm... You can believe it, and there is no way if you don’t believe me, but they will follow. I was also surprised that the Black Moon Order came here, it was my negligence."

After finishing speaking, Qin Luoyi took off the veil without hesitation, and saw a beautiful face under the veil, with white complexion, picturesque eyebrows, bright eyes looking forward, and everyone lost their minds for a moment.

Even the King of Ancient Yue, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and then he subconsciously looked at the man in Tsing Yi, but he gave the man in Tsing Yi a casual look.

"Ah, three years were the one who crossed the Earth Demon Thunder Tribulation near Liyuan City!" The middle-aged man who was rescued by Qin Luoyi in Water Demon City suddenly said with a shocked expression: "You now Already a Demon Lord? It’s only been three years, how is it possible!”

King Gu Yue was moved when he heard the words.

It took three years to cultivate from the Earth Demon to the Demon Lord... With such a perverted cultivation speed, if what she said is true, it is not surprising that Lu Xiao would give her the Black Moon Token. People who cultivate talents like this will definitely have great achievements in the future. Little, if you take him under your command early, it will be beneficial and harmless.


His eyes swept over Qin Luoyi's beautiful face, and he knew in his heart that Lu Xiao might not just have the idea of ​​taking her under his command.It is not impossible for her to want to leave the Northern Demon Realm because of this.

"Have you been practicing all these years?" Xing Mo couldn't help but ask with his eyes burning.Qin Luoyi's face looks strange, if such a beautiful woman is helping the Northern Demon Realm to burn, kill and plunder, and is a demon king, she should not be too unknown... Not only does she have a fresh face, her name Also very strange.

Qin Luoyi nodded: "I've been cultivating, and I met Lu Xiao when I left the pass to cross the thunder tribulation."

Xing Mo believed it a little bit.

But... How to deal with it, he can't decide this matter, but if it wasn't for Qin Luoyi today, they probably wouldn't all be able to get here safely, such a girl who makes people like her, from the bottom of his heart, he really I don't want anything to happen to her.

Not only did he believe it, but a few of his other people in the original also believed it.

They set their eyes on King Guyue, but Xing Mo quietly glanced at the man in Tsing Yi standing beside Qin Luoyi.

The man in Tsing Yi was looking at Qin Luoyi, and said with a smile: "You can't hold this Black Moon Token anymore." He took the Black Moon Token from her hand and handed it to King Guyue.

King Gu Yue turned the Black Moon Ling over to look at it, and then squeezed it lightly, and the Black Moon Ling turned into nothingness. There were endless bangs outside, and the entire mountain seemed to be flattened by Lu Xiao and the others.

"Leave here first." Throwing down these words, King Gu Yue turned around and left.

Qin Luoyi secretly breathed a sigh of relief at King Guyue's attitude, but she did not completely relax her vigilance. These people were all injured, including the man in Tsing Yi who was injured to save herself, and King Guyue... and King Guyue really The injury was extremely serious, and it cannot be ruled out that he wanted to kill her, but he was not sure that he would hit her with one blow, and he was afraid of alarming the people in the Northern Demon Realm and causing even more trouble, so he was going to save her life to go out and kill her again. .

King Gu Yue walked in the front, Xing Mo was behind, and Qin Luoyi was in the middle. They had been walking in the cave protected by the barrier. The man in Tsing Yi saw that she seemed to be thinking along the way, so he approached her curiously. :"What are you thinking?"

They approached without a sound.

Qin Luoyi was shocked.Can't help but glared at him, lowered his voice and reprimanded: "Go your way, you don't care what I think now!"

The thought of keeping a distance from him has been lingering.I'm really afraid that if I talk to him a few more words, he will say something surprising again.

King Guyue paused, resisted the urge to turn back, and continued to walk forward, while Xing Mo was at the end, opened his mouth in shock, glanced at the man in Tsing Yi in fear, and then looked at Qin Luoyi. full of mercy.

Is this the fearlessness of the ignorant?
The passage was very long, and everyone was moving very fast. After walking for nearly half an hour, they finally came out of the barrier. This end of the barrier was also hidden in a valley, which was already the territory of the Southern Demon Realm.

After everyone came out of the barrier, King Gu Yue directly destroyed the passage, and the group left quickly, sweeping thousands of miles away, without seeing any people along the way.Obviously, the route chosen by the King of Ancient Yue was an extremely remote route, with barren mountains and wild mountains everywhere, just like the Weicheng area in the Northern Demon Realm, there are also traces of the war everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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