Brother is too evil

Chapter 720 It Was Him

Chapter 720 It Was Him (3)
Soon they arrived at the edge of an endless stretch of black water, which is a famous and fierce place in the devil world - Jiuyou Shentan.

"The monsters here are very powerful, and there is a strong suction force in the Nine Nether God Pool, it is difficult to fly too high when flying on it, but even so, you have to fly as high as possible, hold back Breath, otherwise it will alarm the monsters inside." Before crossing the river, the man in Tsing Yi approached Qin Luoyi and said with a serious expression.

Qin Luoyi looked around.I felt a gloomy air filling the surface of the pool, but the surface of the pool was extremely calm and dead silent, as if there was nothing in it.

King Guyue fled out.

His body was less than a thousand meters away from the lake surface.

Seeing this, Qin Luoyi's heart trembled, and he was more cautious when flying out. Sure enough, when he reached the surface of the pool, a huge and incomparable suction force came from the pool, as if it wanted to tear her down from the sky. generally.

She hurriedly used the Heavenly Demon Dafa to stabilize her figure, while resisting the strong suction from the pool, she speeded up and swept forward.

This place is not far from the enchantment of the North and South Demon Realms. People from the two sides of the North and South Barrier often invade each other's territory to fight and fight. If the monsters are really alarmed, and then the monks from the Northern Demon Realm are brought over, things will go awry. Knowing that the injured King Gu Yue is a favorite, everyone wants to cut off his head to make a contribution in front of that devil emperor.

The Nine Nether God Pool has a radius of thousands of miles. From a high altitude, it looks like a pool of stagnant water. It is extremely empty and stands there quietly.

After sweeping for nearly two thousand miles, there was no movement at the bottom of the pool, and it seemed that they were about to reach the other shore. Suddenly, a hurricane suddenly burst out on the calm and dark water, and a deep hole was broken in the lake, and a huge monster shot out from under the water surface. He got up and rushed towards the group of them fiercely, the speed was extremely fast, and he was about to catch up with them.

"Damn it, it's a sky-swallowing tyrannosaurus! Let's go separately!"

King Gu Yue snarled, the energy around his body exploded, and the speed was faster than before. He rushed towards the opposite bank, and landed on the bank in a blink of an eye, followed by Xing Mo. From the corner of his eye, he saw a cyan figure falling in the distance, and he felt certain.

Only then did he look at the water.

The Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus swung its huge tail and was chasing a slender green figure.

Huge eyes like copper bells gleamed, a huge mouth opened, and a huge soul sword with hundreds of feet shot out, shooting fiercely at Qin Luoyi.The huge dragon body was extremely dexterous in the air, and saw that the soul sword was about to fall on Qin Luoyi's body.A look of pity flashed in King Guyue's eyes.

It took three years to cultivate from the earth demon to the demon king. Such a talent for cultivation is rare in the demon world. I didn't expect to be buried in the mouth of the sky-swallowing tyrannosaurus today. The demonic beast of a human being is cruel and cruel, and it will never die if it is stared at by it... If she is not injured, she can be saved.

just now...

Even if he passed, he couldn't save her.

While he was sighing endlessly, his expression suddenly changed.

The cyan figure that had landed on the distant shore had disappeared at some point, and when he let go of his consciousness to find him, he found that he had rushed into the Nine Nether God Pool and headed straight for the Heaven Swallowing Storm Dragon away.

The dark eyes were extremely cold, and he stood in front of Qin Luoyi, who was about to be overtaken by the Sky Swallowing Tyrannosaurus. He pushed him away with one palm, and with one palm, he slapped away the extremely fierce soul sword. On the other hand, a blue flame glowed, and it slapped the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus viciously from a distance.


The sky-swallowing tyrannosaurus was slapped squarely by that palm, and the blue flames slapped on its body, and a large piece of muscle on its body was burned off immediately. It screamed and roared angrily: "I will kill you!" !"

The whole earth trembled under its roar. It opened its mouth, and a huge invisible black spear with hundreds of feet shot out, tearing the space fiercely, and shot fiercely at the man in Tsing Yi. .

The man in Tsing Yi snorted coldly, grabbed the spear from a distance, and the terrifying spear stopped suddenly, and when he flicked his sleeve, he immediately turned around, and instead swallowed the sky violently in a more fierce posture. The dragon shot away, and it was even stained with clusters of strange blue flames.

The terrifying aura on the spear made the pupils of the Sky-Swallowing Tyrannosaurus shrink sharply, not daring to fight, and fell straight into the black pool, apparently wanting to dive into the water to avoid it.At this time, many monsters in the Nine Nether God Pool were startled by the huge movement, and many monsters in the pool showed their heads. Seeing this scene in the sky, fear flashed across their faces, and they sneaked quietly. Go down, leave here far away, just wait and see from a distance.

The Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus rex wanted to escape, but someone didn't want him to be happy. The cyan figure chased after him, blocked its way, and controlled the flaming spear to shoot straight into its chest. inside the body.

Immediately, the flames stained on the spear spread from his body with a bang, as if it had encountered dry wood.


The sky was filled with fireworks, and the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus let out a shrill scream. Its huge body rolled continuously in the air, with a rare fear in its expression: "You... who are you? If you kill me, the Devil Emperor will definitely not kill you!" I will let you go."

The man in Tsing Yi looked down at him with a calm expression, looked at him with contempt and disdain, and smiled slightly: "I'm waiting for him to come to me."

The palm stretched out again, a terrifying suction formed in the palm, blue fireworks were burning all over the body, the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus involuntarily opened its mouth wide, its body fluctuated violently, and then quickly flew out of its mouth. A snow-white shiny thing the size of a human head flew out, and it landed on the hand of the man in Tsing Yi.

"It's the magic pill, he actually forcibly grabbed the magic pill out!"

"God... who is he? He is so powerful!"

Sky-swallowing tyrannosaurus, that is the demonic beast of the Northern Demon Emperor, extremely powerful, there are only a handful of demonic beasts in the entire demon world who can defeat him!There are only a handful of people who can defeat him, and they are not demon cultivators at the level of a demon king. Fighting against it is a dead end!
King Guyue's face became even more ugly, he frowned slightly, and his thin lips were tightly pursed.The men beside Xing Mo looked at the man in Tsing Yi excitedly, their eyes full of envy and admiration.

Qin Luoyi stared fixedly at the blue figure, his expression changed several times in an instant, and finally he gritted his teeth fiercely.

However, the body of the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus that lost the magic pill slowly shrank in the flames, and then disappeared, and that magic pill turned into a figure-like appearance, with scarlet and furious pupils, dying Staring at the man in green clothes with a cold expression standing in front of him: "The devil emperor is coming soon, you can't kill me, hmph, I'll wait to see the devil emperor tear you to pieces so that you will never be reborn forever, When the time comes, you will kneel down obediently in front of me, and just beg me to give you a good time!"

(End of this chapter)

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