Brother is too evil

Chapter 721 Really Hurt

Chapter 721 Really Hurt (1)
"Let me not be reincarnated forever? I'm afraid you don't have that life to see it." The man in Tsing Yi raised the corners of his lips and smiled coldly: "Since you like not being reincarnated so much, I will grant you!"

Holding it tightly with his left hand, his right hand quickly changed complicated and cumbersome seals, and as his seal changed, streaks of blue flames suddenly shot out from his fingertips, quickly The magic pills are intertwined and turned into a strange formation.

The figure inside the magic pill struggled in horror, screaming something frantically, but the voice was blocked by the formation above the magic pill, what it shouted, Qin Luoyi couldn't hear it Then, gradually, his figure disappeared, and the magic pill returned to its original white and crystal clear.

She knew that the extremely ferocious Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus just now had truly lost its soul.

Holding the magic pill, the man in Tsing Yi turned around and strode towards the shore.With a chic and neat posture, Yuzan's long jet-black hair slid out in mid-air in a graceful and wanton arc.The sleeves of the cyan robe fluttered, like sparkling waves rippling in the wind.There is a bright brilliance in the eyes that seems to be able to take people's soul.

Wherever they passed, all the monsters bowed down and gave way.

"Demon owl!"

Qin Luoyi looked at him with phoenix eyes fixedly, and murmured softly in his mouth, although it was a different face, and this face was much more common, but the aura emanating from his whole body, was it not the demon owl, who else would it be? ?

As soon as Mo Xiao stepped onto the shore, the King of Guyue greeted him, his anxious face could not be concealed: " can you kill that sky-swallowing tyrannosaurus!"


Qin Luoyi gritted his teeth even louder.

Originally, it was only [-]% suspicious, but now it is [-]% sure. King Guyue is one of the most powerful and terrifying demon kings in the Southern Demon Realm. Who else can be called the king besides the great demon king Moxiao?
After taking a deep breath, she resisted the urge to go up to him and twist his collar to question him. There was no joy on her face, but a expressionless and sullen expression.

King Guyue looked anxiously at Mo Xiao, and the corner of his eye suddenly caught sight of Qin Luoyi's gloomy face, and he couldn't help but sink his face. He didn't forget that the king just went down to kill Tuntian just to save her. Tyrannosaurus.

If it's normal, it's fine, if you kill it, you will kill it, but now... once the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus dies, Mo Chen will come here soon, and the king's body... Thinking of this, he looked into Qin Luoyi's eyes The light got colder.

Xing Mo knew Mo Xiao's identity a long time ago, and the others were stunned by Mo Xiao's arrogance when he killed the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus Rex. Walking out of the Jiuyou Shentan, he was even more excited and admiring. At this time, when he heard King Guyue's voice, his body shook, and he suddenly understood the identity of this person, and they all knelt down respectfully.


Only Qin Luoyi stood there without moving.Looking at Mo Xiao with a blank face, changing his appearance or something, it is really not a difficult thing for the Great Demon King, but I have been played around by him during this period of time!
Mo Xiao raised his hand to make everyone stand up, then turned to look at her, King Guyue also looked at her, because she stood still, even Xing Mo frowned slightly.

"Miss Qin...was she scared just now?" Although she is a Demon Lord, she is a woman after all, isn't she?
Qin Luoyi's heart moved, and she took a quick look at Xing Mo, and then she walked towards Mo Xiao, with a relieved expression on her face, with a smile on her lips, she stood in front of Mo Xiao and saluted Mo Xiao, her phoenix eyes There was a jade-like luster in his eyes, and he stared at Mo Xiao and said, "The sky-swallowing tyrannosaurus just now was really terrifying. Thank you for saving me, my lord. If it wasn't for my lord...Luoyi would probably die in the dragon's mouth today."

While speaking, she quickly glanced at King Gu Yue and the others from the corner of her eye, and sure enough, she saw that the expressions on their faces improved a lot.

Mo Xiao took a deep look at her, and then a smile appeared on the corners of his lips. He walked up to her and said with concern: "Are you really scared just now? You are so timid... This is for you, don't be scared." .”

There was a sense of intimacy in the voice that seemed to be very familiar to each other. After finishing speaking, she directly put the extremely pure magic pill filled with powerful energy in her hand.

King Gu Yue's pupils shrank sharply.

For the first time, he looked at Qin Luoyi very carefully, as if he wanted to see through her.Qin Luoyi felt cold when he saw him, and felt that the magic pill in his hand was an extremely hot potato, and he was about to find a reason to return it to Mo Xiao (it's not that she didn't want to take Mo Xiao's things, because Mo Xiao During this period of teasing her, she wished to search out everything on him to relieve the anger in her heart, but she didn't want to accept his things in front of so many people, she felt that the two of them should keep a distance Well, in this way, the relationship between the two of them is a natal contract so that people will not be suspected. This is good for both of them, and Mo Xiao will give her these things. It is definitely not because of guilt for teasing her, I am afraid that he wants her The rapid improvement of cultivation has barely become his burden.)
"Get out of here first."

Mo Xiao didn't wait for her to speak, he had already turned his head to face Gu Yue Wang Dao, and with a wave of his palm in the air, he tore open the void and dragged everyone into it.

The movement made by the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus was too great just now, which made the monks near the Nine Nether God's Tan feel something strange, and all the monks rushed over here one after another, but when they arrived at the Nine Nether God's Tan, Qin Luoyi and his party It has already left, and the surrounding area of ​​Jiuyou Shentan has returned to calm. All the monsters have shrunk under the water, not even showing their heads. Such a peaceful state makes many monks think that the horrible thing just now The feeling is just my own illusion.

Soon they all left with doubts.

And tens of thousands of miles away, a man sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes, and looked towards the direction of Jiuyou Shentan with his sharp eyes, and felt the connection between himself and the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus after a while. The contact disappeared, and suddenly there was a monstrous storm gathering and rolling in his eyes.

"Demon Xiao, you dare to kill my monster and trap me here. When I get out, I will destroy your Southern Demon Realm, and then I will become the real Demon Emperor of the Demon Realm! It's just a small formation. How long do you think you can hold me?"

With a sneer, he continued to sit cross-legged and closed his eyes, resisting the formation that trapped him, looking for an opportunity to break it. Half a year ago, if it wasn't for his carelessness, how could he be trapped by the trap set by the demon lord.

Coming out of the void, Qin Luoyi and everyone landed in a huge garden. There are many rare spiritual plants planted in the garden. Hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, the fragrance is refreshing, and the air is filled with aura. Many buildings can be seen around the garden. , Double corridors and complex halls, cascading upwards, running through Qingsuo, majestic.

(End of this chapter)

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