Brother is too evil

Chapter 722 Really Hurt

Chapter 722 Really Hurt (2)
This place is calm and peaceful, and it is no longer a place full of bloody traces of war at the junction of the North and South Demon Realms.

Qin Luoyi glanced at Mo Xiao and sneered secretly.He obviously has the ability to tear apart the void, and he can come and go freely in this demon world, but he just wants to change his appearance and toss around. The ancient Yue king is obviously seriously injured, and he still has leisure time to lead people from the knot in the northern demon world. If it wasn't for the incident of the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus and he was connected with his life, would he still plan to keep concealing his identity and slowly fly here?

I really don't know what he was thinking.


As soon as Mo Xiao appeared, four robust men in Tsing Yi came out from nowhere and saluted him respectfully.

Mo Xiao glanced at them, and said to one of the square-faced men: "Zhuifeng, you take Xing Mo and the others down, they have injuries, and they are well placed to heal their injuries, and bring some healing pills down."


He turned his head and said to King Gu Yue: "You are also injured, go down to heal your wounds, there are healing pills in the Pill Pavilion, you can get them yourself if you need anything."

The man named Zhuifeng quickly left the courtyard with Xing Mo and his party. Qin Luoyi followed them to go out, but was stopped by Mo Xiao.

Under the surprised and curious eyes of everyone, he had to stop.


King Guyue couldn't care less about Mo Xiao's strange attitude towards Qin Luoyi at this moment, and said anxiously in his expression: "Your Majesty, my injury doesn't matter, it's about I go and call Ling Tian and the others back?" ?”

Falling into this magic garden, the demon owl has already recovered his original appearance. His handsome eyebrows are as beautiful as a crown jade, his lips are beautiful, his face is fair, and his demeanor is outstanding, blooming like a mandala flower. Standing in this courtyard full of flowers, it seems that thousands of scenery have become his foil, and the brilliance of his body is so radiant that no one can ignore it.

Seeing such a handsome Mo Xiao, Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered. Compared with when he was in the lower realm, although the Mo Xiao still had the same face at this time, his aura was more noble and domineering.

"No, I'm fine, you go down." There was a hint of order in the deep and pleasant voice.

King Gu Yue didn't dare to disobey, so he had no choice but to retreat.

Mo Xiao made those in the garden exude a strong aura, and the man in Tsing Yi, who was not a simple person at first glance, also retreated, and Qin Luoyi and Mo Xiao were the only two left in the garden.

The two stood facing each other, their eyes falling on each other.

"Luoyi, count your fingers, we haven't seen each other for a long time." After a while, Mo Xiao took the initiative to open his mouth, looked at her and raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I didn't expect to see you for a few years. , these years, I always miss the days when we were together..."

"Long time no see?" Qin Luoyi looked at him with a half-smile: "Has it been a long time? I remember it was only a few days? Oh, I forgot, you are the majestic devil king of the devil world, so these small things naturally don't matter." I will keep it in my heart, and it is reasonable to forget it.”

Mo Xiao looked at her smile that was half a smile, his dark eyes gradually became cloudy, his smile became a little sinister, and the corners of his slightly raised eyes evoked a bewitching arc: "Luoyi, don't worry, I forgot who... and I won't forget you."

While talking, he leaned towards Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi looked at him calmly, and when he was close to him, he suddenly shot, grabbed his collar fiercely, and looked at him with gritted teeth: "You haven't forgotten me, even when I saw you Trick me, why, isn't it fun to tease me? Ah!"

Thinking of the previous few encounters, he clearly recognized himself, but he didn't say anything, not only didn't say anything, but also teased her time and time again. The fire was burning, so he didn't even care about his identity as the great devil king with an unfathomable cultivation in the devil world, and he just wanted to vent his anger.


For her actions, Mo Xiao didn't move away, and let her hold his collar. His face, which was as white as jade, suddenly became very pale, and his soft body leaned against her. On his body, a gorgeous bright red escaped from the corners of his lips, staining his fair and handsome face, showing a kind of bewitching beauty.

"Mo Xiao! What's wrong with you?" Qin Luoyi sensed that something was wrong, so he didn't dare to push him out, and quickly supported him with both hands.

"Your Majesty!" The three men in black who had already retreated rushed out in unison, their expressions shocked. "My lord, what's the matter with you?"

King Guyue, who hadn't gone far and was really worried about Mo Xiao, rushed in when he saw this scene, reaching out to support him.

Demon Xiao avoided others and glared at him.

He stared so hard that he took the initiative to retract his hand, and then he said: "Isn't it just a little injury, what are you so nervous about? Gu Yue, I didn't ask you to heal your injury, what are you running back for, why don't you go quickly? You took my words as a deaf ear, didn't you?"

When he turned his head to look at Qin Luoyi, he had a smile on his face. He clearly had a face, but he still smiled. It was inexplicable that people couldn't laugh or cry when they saw it. The anger in Qin Luoyi's heart could not be released.

"I'll just go and meditate for a while. Luoyi, please help me in." Mo Xiao leaned against Qin Luoyi again, pointed to the far away palace on the right side of the garden, and said, "I live in the Nine Layers Palace." , you will live in the Lingxiao Palace on my left from now on."

Mo Xiao didn't let other people help him, only Qin Luoyi helped him, and kept telling others that he was fine... After Qin Luoyi was initially shocked, he looked at him suspiciously, only in front of everyone but didn't question him Are you trying to lie to me again?

This is Demon Xiao's territory, in order not to become the target of public criticism, she held back her words and helped him towards the Nine Layers Palace he was pointing at.

She didn't look back, so she didn't see that ever since Mo Xiao asked her to help her into the Nine Layers Palace, and then pointed out to her the Lingxiao Palace on the side, the faces of King Guyue and the others were full of shock, until Qin Luoyi He helped Mo Xiao walk a long distance before he came back to his senses.

"Your Majesty, you actually let her live in the High Heaven Pavilion...Did I hear you right?"

"It should be true, I heard it too!"

"And let her go to the Jiuzhong Pavilion...His Royal Highness King Gu Yue, you came back with the king, who is that woman?"

The three black-clothed men are all very stable people. Seeing such an unbelievable scene, they couldn't help burning the fire of gossip in their hearts. Even if they don't order the Nine Layers Hall, they can't enter it. Your Majesty today Actually let a woman in.

The three looked at King Gu Yue with burning eyes.

King Guyue was more puzzled than them. On the edge of Jiuyou Shentan, Wang Shangming knew that he could not use the power in his body without authorization, and the other party was a powerful monster like the Sky Swallowing Tyrannosaurus!Knowing that he couldn't do anything, he went anyway, brazenly saving Qin Luoyi.

(End of this chapter)

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