Brother is too evil

Chapter 745 Fusion

Chapter 745 Fusion (1)
This furnace fire is ready-made, it is not an ordinary fire, but a strange kind of fire for refining weapons, it is extremely domineering, it was sealed here by Jin Ruihuang in the past.

After igniting the sky fire, Mo Chende sat on the side with his hands behind his back contentedly: "No matter where you stay, since you don't want to come out, and you don't want to take the path I left for you, then I have no choice but to refine you slowly. It also saves me the effort of doing it."

Having said that, his whole body was fully on guard, fearing that Mo Xiao would suddenly rush out and attack him.

"Hey, I didn't expect that Mo Xiao would be burned to death in the end." Mo Xiao sighed and murmured.

In such a situation, Qin Luoyi thought that he should be gloomy, but after hearing what he said, he couldn't help laughing out of nowhere.

Mo Xiao let go of her body, and moved her directly. In an instant, the two of them were sitting face to face, and it was Qin Luoyi sitting on Mo Xiao's waist. Even more intimate and ambiguous.

"Little heartless...I'm about to die, and you can still laugh at this moment, it's a pity that I'm still a child when I'm about to die." Seeing Qin Luoyi's pretty face, Mo Xiao's eyes narrowed dangerously Standing up, he stretched out his hand and tapped her forehead heavily.

Qin Luoyi suppressed his smile, lowered his eyelids, his expression seemed to be in a trance for a moment.Outside the space, a raging fire has already ignited. Fortunately, this piece of waste is extremely tough, and the fiery air has not spread in at all, and has no effect on the people inside.

"Mo Xiao, do you regret making a life-and-death contract with me?" Qin Luoyi said quietly.

"Ha, I never regret what I do." Mo Xiao chuckled, his pale face could not hide the arrogance and domineering and unparalleled elegance that emanated from him when he smiled. He raised his hand and pinched Qin Luoyi's cheek Looking into her eyes, she said with a playful smile: "The only thing I regret now is why I was still a child when I died, and I just died like this. I am not reconciled to death."

With his words, his handsome face collapsed.Seeing him playing tricks, the corners of Qin Luoyi's eyes twitched fiercely.

"No, we can't just die like this... If we die, that bastard Mo Chen should die. Qin Luoyi, I want to double cultivate with you now!" road.

Qin Luoyi glanced at him lightly.

Mo Xiao was vented by the fierceness of that look, and let go of his hand: "Don't worry, I said I won't touch you without your consent, but you have to think about it, if you are really dead, But I will never see your husbands again. In the past, Jin Ruihuang got the Hunyuan Dzi Bead and was very ambitious. First he became the Great Demon King and ruled the entire Northern Demon Realm. Later, he became even more ambitious and launched a war. The Demon Realm died Many people who opposed her, her enemies also died terribly, and later she even ruled the entire devil world and became the devil emperor."

"Because of the Hunyuan Dzi, her cultivation has grown stronger and her ambitions have become bigger and bigger. Later, she even wanted to unify the three worlds of demons and immortals. Now we are working together, so don't even think about taking this Hunyuan Dzi. It's ruined, and it will be for nothing at that time, that villain Mo Chen, that bastard's ambition is not as small as Jin Ruihuang, hey, maybe after he gets the Hunyuan Dzi, he will one day want to dominate the entire heaven, there was a Xuanyuan before Qing, but Mochen will definitely learn from Jin Ruihuang's lesson, and will not take it lightly until he is sure to win. He was able to undo Jin Ruihuang's soul contract, and after Jin Ruihuang's death, he can still survive alone. Such a person faced Xuanyuan Qing, and he didn't know who would win? Thinking about Xuanyuan Qing not taking Mo Chen's life, but seriously injuring him, Mo Chen must hate Xuanyuan Qing to death..."

Qin Luoyi's expression was slightly moved.

Mo Xiao hooked the corners of his lips imperceptibly, sighed and continued: "Hey, I don't know what kind of chaos will be in the upper world."

"It took Xuanyuanqing 20 years to return to the fairy world. I don't know if he will be able to come back alive next time he faces Mo Chen..." Before he could speak, his lips were suddenly painted red. His lips were blocked, of course, the person who saw his mouth was none other than Qin Luoyi.

Mo Xiao's eyes lit up, and he didn't even bother to speak anymore, and directly changed from being passive to actively sucking Qin Luoyi's red lips eagerly.

One hand tightly hugged Qin Luoyi's waist, fixing her body, and the other hand quickly stretched out to her belt, and with a slam, she tore off her belt.

The belt slipped off, and Qin Luoyi's outer shirt fell apart, revealing the snow-white and crystal-clear skin and attractive curves inside.

Mo Xiao's eyes dimmed.

The red lips moved away from hers.

Qin Luoyi gently closed his eyes.

She had already prepared that what she was about to face would be a violent storm, so she was not surprised that Mo Xiao acted eagerly and rudely at this time.

The raging fire outside was burning, accompanied by Mo Chen's extremely proud smiling face.Although there is no heat coming from inside yet, since the piece of waste she is staying in is refined by Jin Ruihuang here, it is only a matter of time before this piece of waste is refined by the fire of the refiner.

Mo Xiao's urgency was actually just what she wanted. At this time, when there are strong enemies around, it is necessary to make a quick decision... You must know that the important thing is not the process, but the result.It's good that Mo Xiao can completely recover the cultivation base that was damaged because of her. As for what he said about him being a pure Yang boy, she really didn't take it to heart.

As the great devil king of the world, Mo Xiao is extremely handsome, how could he keep his virgin body?These days by his side, she can see the admiration of those northern devil nuns for him.

Just based on his appearance, not to mention his high status and powerful cultivation base, even if he doesn't have this level of status, I'm afraid those women are willing to voluntarily post it.

That pure yang boy body might just be teasing her again, so she just listened to it as a joke.Not to mention in the Water Demon City, when the two of them first met in the Lower Realm, he was obviously the most feared underwater monster, but he still called her a monster when he saw her...

Mo Xiao reached out and took off her coat.

Although there is still a layer of inner shirt, but the inner shirt is really light and thin, and the small and round shoulders are looming. With Qin Luoyi's current cultivation, she is not afraid of the cold, so naturally she doesn't need to wear too thick, Mo Xiao raised his hand and stroked it Going up, under a thin layer of brocade, the shoulders are round and delicate, yet a little fragile, which makes people can't help but play with them.

Qin Luoyi felt as if his shoulders were being burned.Can't help opening his eyes to look at Mo Xiao, Mo Xiao smiled at her, and kissed her with his lips instead of hands.

A misty mist gradually appeared in Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes, and a strange feeling emerged from the bottom of her heart, and her breathing became slightly rapid.

"Demon owl!"

Seeing Mo Xiao, she frowned slightly, and leaned back to avoid Mo Xiao's lips. Shiming had already sensed his ready-to-go, but she didn't expect that he was not in a hurry at this time. Seeing like this, is it possible? Still want to slowly flirt with her?

(End of this chapter)

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