Brother is too evil

Chapter 746 Fusion

Chapter 746 Fusion (2)
"Don't worry... I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

Mo Xiao looked at her pretty face glistening with water, and the corners of his lips curled up, revealing a dazzling and dazzling charming smile.

Qin Luoyi was speechless.This is said... It seems that she is urging him with desire and dissatisfaction.

"However, today is also our bridal chamber wedding night, and this place is too simple." Mo Xiao looked around and suddenly murmured dissatisfied.

Then, with a wave of his hand, a phantom formation appeared, and in front of Qin Luoyi, a sky filled with peach blossoms appeared in an instant, a beautiful scene of falling slowly from the sky, and a flower bed covered with petals underneath him. Not only soft, but also fragrant.

Mo Xiao sat on the flower bed, the pink peach blossoms made him more enchanting and charming, coupled with his smiling lips, it seemed as if he was welcoming someone to pick and ravage him.

Seeing Mo Xiao like this, Qin Luoyi's heart seemed to be hit hard by something, she closed her eyes reflexively, but even after she closed her eyes, the evil and handsome Mo Xiao still clearly appeared in front of her eyes look.

Mo Xiao watched her crystal-clear and snow-white pretty face stained with a peach-like blush, and smiled silently with his lips curled up.

The desire in the bottom of the eyes is dark and hot.

Pulling her body, kissing her red lips passionately again.

Qin Luoyi was almost bewildered by him.

Taking advantage of her emotional moment, Mo Xiao exerted force on the hand on her waist...

After a long time, when the rain was about to clear and the clouds were about to rest, a very strong pure Yang essence rushed from Mo Xiao's body into Qin Luoyi's body.

That force is very majestic and huge, but also very comfortable, as if Qin Luoyi's internal organs are illuminated by Xu Yang.

Qin Luoyi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted, quickly operating the Heavenly Demon Dafa in his body, continuously refining and absorbing this powerful energy that was almost terrifying.

This energy is very powerful, but also extremely soft, which is very conducive to the absorption of monks. After a while, Qin Luoyi completely refined and absorbed this energy, and her cultivation base has been advancing by leaps and bounds. The first step of the Demon Lord has reached the high level of the Great Demon Lord.

She had a feeling that as long as she practiced for a few more days, she could become the devil king at any time.After refining all the power, Qin Luoyi opened his eyes and looked at Mo Xiao.

The corner of Mo Xiao's lips curled up into a charming smile, and he leaned lazily on the petal bed that appeared behind him.

"Actually rushed to the high level of the Great Demon Lord in one fell swoop, haha, I knew you would be able to advance quickly, but I didn't expect you to advance more than I expected. Let's double practice a few more times in a while, and you can refine it again." Some sources of chaos will definitely be able to become a demon king." Mo Xiao was obviously very satisfied with the speed at which she advanced.

After finishing speaking, she raised her hand and stroked Qin Luoyi's strand of black hair intimately.

Qin Luoyi's jet-black hair had already been scattered during the intense exercise just now, and it was scattered on the shoulders behind her. Against the snow-white skin on her face with a lingering aftertaste of passion, it made her look even more beautiful. People are beautiful and alluring.

The desire that had been extinguished suddenly rose again.

Qin Luoyi gave him a sideways look.

I was really surprised.

Unexpectedly, Mo Xiao was really a boy.

That pure yang essence can't deceive anyone, and because he has been practicing for a long time and his cultivation level is high, it only takes a short time for her to advance from the first stage of the Great Demon Lord to the peak of the Great Demon Lord.

It's no wonder that pure yang boys are very popular in the upper world, and female demon cultivators want to get their essence. This kind of promotion speed is more effective than eating any treasures.

Thinking that Lu Xiao is the son of Jinpeng King of the Northern Demon Realm, and can identify whether there are powerful magic crystals in the spar. He has been promoted to the Great Demon Lord for tens of thousands of years, and he will still be the Great Demon Lord when he dies It's just the beginning level, so it can be seen how difficult it is to cultivate from the beginning level of the Great Demon Lord to the advanced level of the Great Demon Lord.

It's Qin Luoyi herself, regardless of how fast she was promoted before, she has been promoted from the practice of loose demons to the great demon king in more than three years. She has estimated before that even with the Hunyuan dzi, she can now concentrate on Multi-purpose, no matter when and where you can use the Heavenly Demon Dafa to practice, it will take at least more than a year to successfully advance to the rank, and this is the most conservative estimate.

It may actually take more time.Of course, if she could control the flow of time, these times would be almost negligible.

Looking at Mo Xiao's beautiful face.

Qin Luoyi narrowed his eyes slightly.

An extremely dangerous light flashed in the pitch-black phoenix pupil.

She leaned slightly and leaned over, eye to eye and nose to nose with Mo Xiao, the two were very close.

Just now, she was promoted and got Mo Xiao's pure yang essence, but there was no change in Mo Xiao's body.

"Didn't you say that I have your original power in my body? Where is it!" Qin Luoyi smiled, but although there was a smile on her face, the smile didn't reach her eyes.

Mo Xiao seemed to remember it only at this time.With a heavy ah, he raised his hand to caress his forehead: "Hey, I actually forgot such an important thing."

"Forgot?" Qin Luoyi snorted, "Did I forget or didn't?"

"I really forgot, Luo Yi, you didn't even know how beautiful you were just now, so I just looked at you and felt your beauty. That feeling made me want to die. How could I remember this? I have no experience for the first time, let's come again, this time I will definitely remember." Mo Xiao blinked, the corners of his eyes were slightly raised, evoking a bewitching solitude, and his long black hair was in the fluttering peach petals. It is coquettish and uninhibited.

Pulling Qin Luoyi, he eagerly wanted to push her down, a bit like a young man's urge to taste the essence.

Qin Luoyi didn't resist, and took advantage of the situation and sat down.

It's just that he sat a little hard this time.

There was no shortage of vengeance.

Demon Xiao seemed to be extremely happy.

Actually called out loudly.

Qin Luoyi's face turned green.

"Mo Xiao, if you lied to me, I will make you a eunuch for the rest of your life! Anyway, your body is broken now, so you won't have any regrets." Qin Luoyi threatened him with his chin raised slightly.

"So cruel!" Mo Xiao shook his head and sighed with a smile.

"Where is the power of this essence? Get it out quickly and let me see." Qin Luoyi snorted, not letting him be sloppy, the pure yang essence came out of his body at the last time, but there was no movement in her body at all , if Mo Xiao is telling the truth, it means that He Huan is simply unable to arouse the original power.

"Okay, I'll let you see right away."

With Qin Luoyi's threat, Mo Xiao finally moved. He quickly activated the Heavenly Demon Dafa in his body, and soon Qin Luoyi's internal organs and meridians were covered with a layer of crystal luster, and the luster became more and more intense. More and more, brighter and brighter, all were sucked into his body by Mo Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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