Brother is too evil

Chapter 768 Reunion, Battle of the Demon Emperor!

Chapter 768 Reunion, Battle of the Demon Emperor! (2)
Demon world.

Shenyuan City.

In the huge Shenyuan City, many top powerhouses of the demon world gathered. Early in the morning, before dawn, Shenyuan City boiled, and the Shenhong kept flickering. Until the sun was in the sky, many people were still there Continue to rush over to Shenyuan City.

Shenyuan City was already overcrowded at this time, and those who rushed over could no longer squeeze into Shenyuan City, and could only stay outside the city, looking in the direction of the city from a distance.

Look excited.

Shenyuan City is the capital of the demon world. Xia Jiutian, the demon emperor who has ruled the demon world for countless years, lives in the Heavenly Demon Palace in Shenyuan City. in the atmosphere.

Although Shenyuan City is overcrowded, there is no one in the tens of miles around Tianyao Palace. There are only groups of mighty and elite guards in silver armor standing, holding long swords. Not only were there neatly dressed elite guards standing around the Sky Demon Palace, they were also present in other places in Shenyuan City.

Xuanyuanqing tore through the void and came out, and what Qin Luoyi saw was the countless human heads all over the sky, she blinked, and then couldn't help but smiled jokingly at Xuanyuanqing: "There are so many people coming to see the show! "

Xuanyuan Qing just smiled and said nothing.

The current cultivation bases of the two belong to the top powerhouses in the upper realm, and no one in the entire Shenyuan City has discovered their arrival. Xuanyuan Qing also specially blessed a barrier that can be invisible around the two of them. He could see the monks in Shenyuan City, but those people couldn't see them.

Because Xuanyuanqing has been keeping secrets about the good show to be staged, and seeing so many people watching at this time, Qin Luoyi's curiosity was completely aroused, but when he got here, he didn't speak, and she wasn't in a hurry Instead, let go of the consciousness directly.

The deliberately low whispers of the cultivators in Shenyuan City quickly reached her ears.

"It turns out that someone really wants to duel with the Demon Emperor. But do you know who that person is?"

"I heard her surname is Feng."

"The one with the surname Feng? Is it a monk from our demon world? I haven't heard that there is a strong man with the surname Feng in our demon world. Could it be someone from the fairy world or the demon world? He actually came to challenge the demon emperor. Could it be that he wants to be the demon emperor? "

"The cultivation of the Demon Emperor is unfathomable! Hey, you see so many guards of the Heavenly Demon Palace here are waiting in full force, and the four major demon kings have all come out. The monk surnamed Feng is probably in danger today."

"Ha, as soon as I heard this, I knew that you must have just come to our demon world, or you have just come out of retreat? So what if there are many guards in the Heavenly Demon Palace? Since they dared to duel with the Demon Emperor, they didn't pay attention to those guards at all. Li! Mr. Feng is very powerful, what are the Four Great Demon Kings, those who follow Mr. Feng are not weaker than the Four Great Demon Kings!"

"What! Not weaker than the demon king... and how many... When did our demon world produce so many strong people? Tell me quickly, man, you really guessed it right, I just came out of retreat yesterday, My two brothers are also retreating with me."

Qin Luoyi glanced at Xuanyuanqing.No wonder he was also interested, and he said it was a good show. It turned out that someone came to duel with the Demon Emperor and wanted to kick the Demon Emperor from the stage. No wonder there was such a big commotion.

"What's your relationship with that demon emperor? Where do you stand?" She asked Xuanyuan Qing curiously.Thinking in his heart that Xuanyuanqing really only came to watch the show, or he actually came to help out.

"Whichever side you stand on, I will stand on that side." Xuanyuan Qing smiled slightly, but there was a flash of smile in his eyes.Under the sunlight, his handsome face looked even more majestic and extraordinary.

"What does it have to do with me?" Qin Luoyi sneered, turned his head and continued to look at Shenyuan City.At this moment, the void became turbulent, and Ouyang Ling tore through the void.

Along with him, there were two familiar people. They were the strong men from the fairy world who fought against Mo Xiao with Ouyang Ling back then, and their cultivation base was similar to Ouyang Ling's.

Along with Xuanyuanqing, four extremely powerful men came to the fairy world!
Qin Luoyi couldn't help raising his eyebrows again.

There was another turmoil in the void.

Another strong man came tearing through the void. Seeing the people who appeared this time, Qin Luoyi frowned slightly. It turned out to be King Guyue and King Beiming from the Demon Realm.

Several big demon kings from the demon world greeted them and directly welcomed them into the Heavenly Demon Palace.However, King Beiming and King Guyue saw the three of Ouyang Ling, and their faces darkened obviously.

The three of Ouyang Ling didn't have any good looks on their faces either.

Qin Luoyi put his consciousness on them, and followed them into the Heavenly Demon Palace. She was really curious about the demon emperor who was being challenged. She wanted to engage in such a big battle to make the two worlds of immortals and demons come together. Can you all be witnesses to his duel?

Sitting in the Heavenly Demon Palace was an old man in green clothes, with a gloomy expression on his face, which made people feel a little uncomfortable when he saw Ouyang Ling and the others coming in, he smiled, and then stood up unexpectedly Come and welcome.

Qin Luoyi frowned.

After listening to him quietly again, she couldn't help snorting coldly, ha, she guessed wrong, I didn't expect that the demon emperor didn't let people from the world of immortals and demons be witnesses, but asked Unite with them to kill the monk surnamed Feng!
Qin Luoyi didn't like the demon emperor at all.

Just as he was about to turn his head to talk to Xuanyuan Qing, there was another turmoil in the void, and a red monstrous figure swept out of the void, followed by several handsome men.

Qin Luoyi's body froze at first, and then his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Big Brother..."

His voice was hoarse with excitement.

That red figure was actually Feng Feili, who had not been seen for more than three years, and her other husbands, Dahei and Heidi came out of the void with him, and Dahei and Heidi Beside him, there were also several spirit beasts.

Xuanyuanqing's eyes fell on her, and then he looked at the figures in front of him, and then turned his head to look at Qin Luoyi who was extremely excited, the sharpness in his eyes disappeared, leaving only warmth and softness.

Qin Luoyi wanted to tear the barrier and get out.Xuanyuan Qing held her back and shook his head: "Let's stay here for now, and we'll go out later."


Qin Luoyi was puzzled.

However, her doubts didn't last long, and soon she heard all the monks in Shenyuan City get restless, looking at Feng Feili with fiery eyes, and the original whispers became much louder.

"Look, Mr. Feng and the others are here!"

Feng Feili stood above the void, with a faint smile on his lips, looking down at the Heavenly Demon Palace, Dahei said a word to a spirit beast following him, the spirit beast Eyes lit up, and he raised his head at the Heavenly Demon Palace and shouted: "Xia Jiutian, what are you doing hiding? Our young master is already here, why don't you hurry up and fight! If you are afraid, just say, admit defeat, and kill the Heavenly Demon!" It's fine for the palace to let you out, we, Mr. Feng, are generous, and don't mind letting your life be spared."

(End of this chapter)

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