Brother is too evil

Chapter 769 The New Demon Emperor

Chapter 769 The New Demon Emperor (1)
Xia Jiutian, who was originally talking to King Guyue in the Tianyue Palace, changed his face suddenly when they appeared, and his eyes were full of murderous intent: "It's really deceiving! You see, it's them, the ambition Bobo not only bullied my daughter, but also wanted to take over the entire demon world as his own. Today is my demon world, and tomorrow it may turn into the demon world and the fairy world. Please tell the South Demon King and Xuanyuan King quickly. Individuals must not stay in the upper realm anymore. Today is the best time for us to work together to eliminate them, and they don't know what kind of exercises they have cultivated, and the speed of their cultivation is astonishingly fast. They are no longer their opponents, that Feng Feili's ambition is even more terrifying than the former Jin Ruihuang!"

The spirit beasts outside were clamoring again, agitating everywhere, Xia Jiutian couldn't be more excited, stomped his feet fiercely, rushed out of the Tianyao Palace, leaped into the air, and stood face to face with Feng Feili, of course, the two There are hundreds of meters between people.

Seeing such a situation, and the people below are constantly screaming like Mr. Feng, Mr. Feng, what is there that Qin Luoyi doesn't understand?
The person who duels with the Demon Emperor today is clearly Feng Feili!

This Xia Jiutian actually wants to join forces with the two worlds of immortals and demons to kill all her husbands!
It just doesn't make sense!
Qin Luoyi was furious.

The phoenix eyes stared at Xia Jiutian fiercely, if Xuanyuanqing hadn't been pulling her, she would have rushed out already.

"Xuanyuan, let go and let me go out!"

"Luoyi, don't be impulsive! With us guarding here, Feng Feili will not suffer. His current cultivation level is different from the past, and today's battle was scheduled ten days ago, yes In the life-and-death battle between the two of them, the winner will be the emperor of the demon world. If you rush out now, you can’t play for him. Okay." Xuanyuan Qing approached her and explained.

Qin Luoyi took two deep breaths and finally calmed down.The pitch-black phoenix eyes looked at Xuanyuan Qing: "Tell me, what's going on?"

But he made up his mind in his heart that he didn't need to speak morally to Xia Jiutian, a hypocrite who behaved in front of his face and behind his back!
Say it's a duel, what is he doing?
The person who dared to unite with the Three Realms of Immortals, Demons and Demons to deal with her wanted to play tricks behind her back... If he was unkind first, then don't blame her for being unrighteous later.

Xuanyuanqing smiled slightly, and began to tell her the ins and outs of the matter, and above the Sky Demon Palace, Feng Feili and Xia Jiutian had already started fighting.

Qin Tian, ​​as well as Duanmu Changqing, Chu Yifeng, Jian Yuyan, took the big black Heidi back to the side, and gave the main battlefield to those two, their cold eyes fell on the big demon kings, Ouyang Ling and his party The people also came out of the Heavenly Demon Palace a long time ago. They didn't stand with the Demon King for a few days, but stood outside the Heavenly Demon Palace expressionlessly, watching Feng Feili and Xia Jiutian in the battle.

Feng Feili and Xia Jiutian had already entered the void. Although they could be seen and they were fighting non-stop, the fighting between the two would not affect the entire Shenyuan City or even the demon world.

There was a roar in the whole world, and various lines of heaven and earth emerged. Feng Feili's red clothes fluttered, his black hair fluttered, and his hands kept drawing the tracks of various avenues and spells. A calm smile.

His every move of his hands and feet was in accordance with the law of nature, which was in line with the Tao, while Xia Jiutian, who was fighting against him, looked very serious, and his eyes became more sinister and dignified.

While listening to Xuanyuan Qing's narration, Qin Luoyi looked at the two people in the battle, and his tense body relaxed.

She had already seen that when Feng Feili faced Xia Jiutian, not to mention winning immediately, if he continued to fight like this, he would win [-]% of the time. Xia Jiutian was no match for him at all.

Facts have proved that Qin Luoyi's eyes are still very poisonous. She was not wrong. At the beginning, Feng Feili and Xia Jiutian fought regardless of the outcome. After fighting for more than half an hour, the two used all kinds of secret techniques. After that, Feng Feili became more and more courageous as he fought, and became more handy as he fought, but Xia Jiutian gradually lost the wind.

The big demon kings were a little restless.

Xia Jiutian wasn't calm anymore.


When Feng Feili landed another blow, the turbulent and terrifying force crushed towards Xia Jiutian. Xia Jiutian resisted with all his strength, but the blood in his heart was churning so badly that he almost blurted out a mouthful of blood.

Fortunately, he knew that now was the critical moment of the duel, and there were still many monks in Shenyuan City watching with open eyes, so he forcibly swallowed the blood.But his eyes glanced at Shenyuan City again.

Disappointment flashed in his eyes when he didn't see the person he wanted to see.Just as he was about to look away, there was a slight sway in the void.

A black figure swept out from the void, tall and tall, with red lips and white teeth, very handsome, but a pair of beautiful eyes with fierce domineering and a strange evil beauty.

Xia Jiutian's eyes lit up.

The demon owl finally came.

King Xuanyuan didn't count on it at all, but Mo Xiao was different, and the conditions he offered were at the cost of money, so he didn't believe that Mo Xiao would not be tempted. With him and himself, killing Feng Feili was out of the question. Down.

Feng Feili actually wanted to take his position as the demon emperor... It's just a dream!
King Guyue and King Beiming both went towards Mo Xiao, and after saying a few words, Mo Xiao looked at him, with an unpredictable smile on his lips.

Xia Jiutian felt relieved when he saw this.

Qin Luoyi also saw Mo Xiao appear.

She gritted her teeth fiercely, her phoenix eyes burst into flames, and seeing him secretly flirting with the Demon Emperor as soon as he came, she couldn't help but snorted softly.

Feng Feili followed Xia Jiutian's eyes to look at Mo Xiao, and then attacked Xia Jiutian mercilessly again.

The golden brilliance kept flickering in the void, and the extremely terrifying waves spread out, like a tsunami rising to the sky, which was soul-stirring.

The arrival of Mo Xiao gave Xia Jiutian a sudden boost of confidence. With a loud roar, he met Feng Feili's attack.

On the top of his head, there appeared a nine-day sun and moon map. As soon as the picture came out, the sky and the earth were overshadowed. The sun and moon map suddenly expanded, as if it was about to cover the sky and the sun. As the map became bigger and bigger, the entire Shenyuan City and the void world where they fought became extremely dark.

Ordinary monks can no longer even see things.

However, no matter how powerful the Nine Heavens Sun and Moon Map was, it would not hinder Qin Luoyi. She looked coldly at Xia Jiutian in the Void Realm.




(End of this chapter)

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