Brother is too evil

Chapter 770 The New Demon Emperor

Chapter 770 The New Demon Emperor (2)
In the dark night, the terrifying attack sounds in the void became clearer and more deafening. With a scream, the sky and the earth gradually returned to light.

The void barrier has been broken, Feng Feili is standing in the air with a red body, his skirt is fluttering, as if a god has descended into the world, there is a faint luster flowing on his buttocks, and a glass-like light flashes in his peach blossom eyes. There, it looks like Qiongzihuahua, Qinghua and noble.

Xia Jiutian stood pale on the square outside the Tian Yao Palace, describing himself as embarrassed, his eyes full of disbelief, he stared at Feng Feili, and then at Mo Xiao.

Demon Xiao still maintained the posture when he sacrificed the Nine Heavens Sun and Moon Map, and it seemed that he hadn't changed, looking at him indifferently.


As soon as he opened his mouth, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and his body was even more shaky, obviously he was seriously injured.

Mo Xiao looked at him expressionlessly, and when everyone was not paying attention, a sneer flashed in his eyes, and a soft but extremely cold voice rang in Xia Jiutian's ears.

"How about me? Xia Jiutian, you and Mo Chen came to my Demon Realm, and are going to join forces to deal with me. You won't, after you do this, I will save your life!"

Xia Jiutian's eyes widened suddenly, and his heart sank to the bottom... Mo Xiao, so he knew it all along!

He really wanted to ask him how he knew, whether King Xuanyuan of the Immortal Realm told him... But after what Mo Xiao said, he turned his head away without even looking at him again. Ce's eyes flicked over the monks in Shenyuan City one by one, as if they were looking for something.

"Young Master Feng has won!"

After the initial shock and silence of the monks in Shenyuan City, bursts of exclamations suddenly burst out, and the faces of the four original demon kings of the demon world also became extremely ugly.

Qin Luoyi looked at Feng Feili softly with a smile on his lips. Feng Feili seemed to feel something, and looked in her direction. After watching for a while, he didn't find anything unusual, and then he looked away.

"Young Master Feng has won, and the demon emperor of the demon world will be Young Master Feng in the future!" Among the many monks in Shenyuan City, more than one-third of the monks looked the most excited. Qin Luoyi looked at them, I guess in my heart that these monks are probably monks in a part of the demon world that the elder brother has already subdued.

Mo Xiao glanced at the monks in Shenyuan City, and finally looked at Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing and his party, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, just like when he came, he tore open Go in vain.

Northern Pluto and Guyue King followed behind him and left.Even Ouyang Ling and the other two strong men from the fairy world left quickly.

Xia Jiu was in extreme weather and forcibly swallowed another mouthful of blood.However, the strong men from both worlds of immortals and demons left just like that when they saw his defeat, and after making him extremely angry, there was excitement and joy in his heart.

He looked coldly at Feng Feili, who was walking towards him, and said with a ferocious smile: "In a duel, you have to fight until one side completely falls down. The two of us have not yet decided the winner! If you want to be the demon emperor, you have to step on me." Only dead bodies can go up!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced coldly at those monks who wanted to embrace Feng Feili as the emperor, and then moved quickly towards the Heavenly Demon Palace.

The powerful defense of Tian Yao Palace was suddenly opened.Feng Feili watched him leave, but did not stop him.

And when Xia Jiutian opened the defense of the Heavenly Demon Palace, the Four Great Demon Kings also quickly entered the formation of the Heavenly Demon Palace. in the law.

"What else does he want to do?" Qin Luoyi murmured, let go of his consciousness, and headed towards the Heavenly Demon Palace, and quickly retreated back, smiling: "I didn't expect this thing to exist here!" A strong killing intent flashed in the phoenix eyes.

Xuanyuan Qing smiled lightly and patted her on the shoulder: "He's lost, it's useless to have that thing." Still pulling Qin Luoyi, he didn't let her go out now.

Qin Luoyi also knew that now was not the time to go out, so he had to wait for the elder brother to tidy up the demon emperor before going out. Today was not only the decisive battle, but also the time to establish his prestige as the demon emperor in the future.So he patiently stood inside the barrier with Xuanyuan Qing.

In addition to the palace protection formation of the Heavenly Demon Palace, after Xia Jiutian entered the Heavenly Demon Palace, another formation soon appeared in the sky above Shenyuan City.

"Dark Devouring Blood Formation!"

As soon as this formation came out, the expressions of tens of thousands of monks in Shenyuan City suddenly changed, and they exclaimed, and those who reacted quickly and reflexively ran out of Shenyuan City.But how can I run out at this time!
Under Shenyuan City, a divine light suddenly appeared, and formations depicting complex patterns emerged one after another. The Heaven Devouring Formation not only enveloped Shenyuan City, but also dozens of long rainbows stretched to an unknown distance.

Standing in the sky above the Heavenly Demon Palace, Xia Jiutian looked at the shocked, angry and terrified faces of all the monks, and laughed loudly: "The demon emperor of the demon world can only be me! If you dare to fight against me, I will let it go out of my mind, and then I will let you die!" I can't stay in this world either!"

A young woman who was extremely alluring and beautifully dressed appeared beside Xia Jiutian, her eyes fell on Feng Feili, and she looked at him proudly and proudly.Feng Feili didn't even look at her out of the corner of her eye, and when the woman saw this, her face was filled with anger.

"Father, save him for a while, his life is mine!" She turned to Xia Jiutian to speak, and with Qin Luoyi's cultivation, she naturally heard her words clearly.

"That woman is Xia Yuluan, the daughter of Demon Emperor Xia Jiutian?" Qin Luoyi's pupils shrank sharply, and he turned to Xuanyuanqing and asked.

Xuanyuan Qing nodded.

A chill appeared in Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes.

It turned out to be this woman, who happened to meet the elder brother who was looking for her in the demon world, and actually wanted to kidnap someone. The elder brother avoided the people she sent out. , just to force the elder brother to submit.In the end, the big brother and the others were forced into the no-regret zone between the three worlds of immortals, demons and demons—the realm of death!
It is the most dangerous place in the entire Upper Realm, and even the top fighters dare not set foot on it easily.

After going through all kinds of dangers, she escaped. Although it was a blessing in disguise that the elder brother finally understood the true meaning of time in it, and had many adventures with other people in it, and her cultivation level improved greatly, but she still hated this woman to the core.

What's even more hateful is that they have finally escaped from the realm of death with great cultivation, Xia Yuluan is still undeterred, and continues to stalk the elder brother, even the last four demon kings and demon emperor Xia Jiutian also took action. Only then did Feng Feili get annoyed completely. Since a few months ago, he began to take crazily revenge on the Demon Emperor, robbed him of a lot of territory, and pushed him steadily, which led to today's duel.

Qin Luoyi stared fiercely at Xia Yuluan, then his eyes fell on Feng Feili and the others, their eyes were bright and soft.

(End of this chapter)

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