Brother is too evil

Chapter 771 Hostage

Chapter 771 Hostage (1)
Thinking that they had just ascended to the upper realm, their cultivation should not be very high, but no matter what methods Xia Qingluan used in the demon world, no matter how intimidating and lure he was, they didn't move him. It would be a lie to say that he wasn't moved.As well as Chu Yifeng and everyone else, Xuanyuanqing had said that Xia Yuluan not only seduced Feng Feili, but he didn't let anyone else go.

Taking a deep breath, if she hadn't forced herself to suppress the excitement in her heart, knowing that it was really not a good time to go out, she would have run out a long time ago. I don't feel anything when I keep practicing to strengthen myself, but when I really see them at this moment, I really feel how much I really miss them and how much I miss them.

"Haha, are you sure that your Heaven-devouring Blood Formation can still be used?" Dahei sneered.

Xia Jiutian and his daughter were taken aback.

"Dark Devouring Blood Formation! Open!"

Xia Jiutian was the first to react and yelled loudly, but the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation just stood quietly in the air, without any movement, and the veins in Shenyuan City that were originally shining with strange light gradually faded away. faded.

All the monks in Shenyuan City cheered.

"It was you who did the trick!" What else does Xia Jiutian not understand at this moment?He was seriously injured, but his most important support was lost. Under the stimulation, with a puff, he spurted out another big mouthful of blood.

Xia Yuluan's complexion also changed drastically.

Looking at Feng Feili, there was love and hatred in his eyes, but he also knew that the general situation was over, he turned around and ignored his father Xia Jiutian, and was about to tear the void away. and go.


The palace-protecting formation of Tianyao Palace was smashed into pieces by Feng Feili's palm, and it didn't take much effort. Qin Luoyi blinked, suspecting that the palace-protecting formation had already been manipulated by them.

Without the protection of the palace guard formation, the entire Tianyao Palace was exposed. Qin Tian, ​​Jian Yuyan, Chu Yifeng, and Duanmu Changqing, Dahei and Heidi all rushed over quickly, directly tearing the void away. And those who went stopped, Xia Yuluan and the big demon kings were naturally unwilling to let go, and knew that they had offended all these people before, and if they fell into their hands, how could there be any life left?

Eyes red with anxiety, he released the magical weapon, and fought with them without reservation, hoping to leave here by grabbing the gap.

Feng Feili looked at Xia Jiutian coldly.

Xia Jiutian roared: "I'll fight with you!" The Nine Heavens Sun and Moon Map was displayed again, and a strange black light radiated from his body, and the whole world changed color again in an instant.

"How dare you go all out at the expense of your life's essence?" Qin Luoyi's expression changed, and he couldn't stay still any longer. He broke the barrier and was about to rush out, only to find that Xia Jiutian, who was still in awe and desperately, sacrificed the Nine Heavens Sun After the moon map, people took the opportunity to run away.

Qin Luoyi had black lines all over his head.Even Xuanyuan Qing raised his eyebrows, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

However, although Xia Jiutian ran fast, he was still not as fast as Feng Feili. Feng Feili restrained the void, and a golden divine light shot out from his hand, and hit Xia Jiutian's body fiercely with a bang.

Xia Jiutian fell from the sky in extreme embarrassment, and the nine-day sun and moon map completely dimmed and fell on him.

"kill him!"

"Yes, killing him actually set up such a vicious formation in Shenyuan City. I heard the news from the Demon Realm that the former Northern Demon Emperor Mochen also arranged this formation. Every day, he had to use virgin boys and girls. The blood to nourish the formation, and many boys and girls in our demon world have disappeared inexplicably over the years, he must have done it!"

Xia Jiutian seemed to have had all the strength drained from his whole body, and it took a lot of effort to stand up from the ground, feeling anxious, angry and hated in his heart.

It was originally a duel for the demon emperor, but Xia Jiutian finally sacrificed the vicious formation that Jin Ruihuang made in the past, the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation, and almost used them all to sacrifice the formation. The monks in Shenyuan City naturally treated Xia Jiutian hated him so much that he wished to cut him into pieces immediately.

Feng Feili was not in a hurry to kill Xia Jiutian, she turned her head abruptly, and her eyes fell on the pretty figure that suddenly appeared in the void.Unconcealable ecstasy escaped from Taohua's eyes.



Seeing Qin Luoyi's appearance, Dahei let out a roar of joy, his big black eyes were extremely bright, and he couldn't hide his excitement. With a slap of his big paws, he immediately slapped a demon king who was besieged by him and the Hei Emperor heavily. shot down from the sky.

The demon king was seriously injured, not to mention tearing apart the void and running away, even standing up was extremely strenuous, the number of bones in his body had been broken.

It was Jian Yuyan who was fighting with Xia Yuluan. Seeing Qin Luoyi appear, Jian Yuyan's hands froze, and ecstasy flashed across his face. Xia Yuluan was standing in the direction of Feng Feili. From her, she knew clearly Seeing the excited look on Feng Feili's face, following his gaze, she also saw Qin Luoyi.

In Feng Feili's eyes was a tenderness she had never seen before, it was astonishingly bright, Xia Yuluan suddenly realized it, and felt hatred and jealousy in her heart.

She was comparable to Jian Yuyan in cultivation, both of them were demon kings, and she was not far from Qin Luoyi, so she took a slap from Jian Yuyan, calculated her position, and retreated in Qin Luoyi's direction.

Before Qin Luoyi came to Feng Feili, she arrived first, Feng Feili's face changed suddenly, Jian Yuyan also came to her senses, and quickly came towards her.He shouted loudly: "Laoyi be careful!"

But it's too late.

Xia Yuluan arrived at Qin Luoyi's side, and immediately surrounded herself and Qin Luoyi with an enchantment. She stood beside Qin Luoyi, with the long sword in her hand pointing at Qin Luoyi's vitals. , Qin Luoyi could be killed by her hands in an instant.


Xia Yuluan laughed triumphantly.

The accident happened suddenly, and because of his carelessness, Qin Luoyi was in danger. The smile on Feng Feili's face disappeared, and he looked at Xia Yuluan with incomparably cold eyes.

Xia Yuluan was so excited that he almost couldn't even hold the sword steadily, so Xia Jiutian took the opportunity to get close to his daughter.

Ecstasy flashed across his face.

Originally, it was already a doomed game, and he thought he was going to die today, but he didn't expect... He saw the ashen faces of Feng Feili, Jian Yuyan and others who rushed over, and then when he looked at his daughter, there was a flash of approval in his eyes color.

Duanmu Changqing and the others had long since ignored those demon kings, left them behind and came over, glaring at Xia Yuluan sharply.

"Xia Yuluan, let go of your sword!" In Feng Feili's eyes, a raging storm gathered, and he tried his best to control his urge to kill.

It is not difficult to kill Xia Yuluan.

The difficulty is that the sword in her hand is pointing at Qin Luoyi's vitals. He can't act recklessly and let Qin Luoyi take risks. This woman is a lunatic and the daughter of the demon emperor Xia Jiutian. There are many magic tools.

(End of this chapter)

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