Brother is too evil

Chapter 772 Hostage

Chapter 772 Hostage (2)
Because she was worried about Qin Luoyi, and afraid that Xia Yuluan, a lunatic, would drag Qin Luoyi to his death in despair, Feng Feili was a little wary.

Due to this change, Shenyuan City, which has hundreds of thousands of people, suddenly became eerily quiet, and everyone nervously watched this scene in the void.Even if they didn't know Qin Luoyi, seeing Feng Feili's expression, they could guess that the woman kidnapped by Xia Yuluan must belong to Feng Feili's party.

"Put down my sword?" Xia Yuluan saw that although they were extremely angry, they didn't dare to make a move, so she knew that she had made the right bet. Not only did she not put it down, but she sent her sword two inches forward, approaching Qin maliciously. The skin on Luoyi's neck, the point of the sword was about to pierce into the flesh further forward.

"It's so funny, do I want you to kill me with a sword? Haha, this is the woman you like, isn't it? Huh, Feng Feili, tell your people to put down all the magic weapons in your hands, hurry up , or I'll kill her right away!"

Dahei cursed in a low voice.

Chu Yifeng gritted his teeth in hatred, Qin Tian's body burst out with evil spirits, Duanmu Changqing's whole body was covered with frost, his expression was extremely cold, Jian Yuyan's thin lips tightened.

Qin Luoyi's eyes fell on the long sword on his neck, his expression was a little careless, but his phoenix eyes were very dark.

It was this woman who forced several of her husbands into the no-regret zone in the Three Realms of Demons and Immortals—the Realm of Death!
Now, she still wants to use her to threaten them. It's too cheap to kill her like this, and she can't let her die too happily.

"Let go of her, and we'll let you go." Feng Feili spoke again, her voice was hoarse and low, her eyes fell on Qin Luoyi's pretty face, and she signaled her not to panic.

Xia Yuluan is now very sure that it is because of this woman under his sword that she has not been able to win Feng Feili, and made their father and daughter feel ashamed today, almost fleeing in embarrassment.

He hated Qin Luoyi so much in his heart, how could he let her go?This woman is her life-saving talisman now, and she can't be killed now, but after this matter is over, the first thing she has to do is to destroy Qin Luoyi's attractive face, torture her severely, and then kill her .

Slightly raising her chin, Xia Yuluan looked at Feng Feili and the others proudly, waiting for them to submit.According to her intention, naturally it is not enough to just let them put down the magic weapon, but Feng Feili's current cultivation base is too terrifying, she dare not open her mouth to anger this man, and is going to slowly test how much he cares about Qin Luo Clothes, and then decide what to do next.

Qin Luoyi naturally didn't pay attention to the sword, she looked away from the sword tip, and winked playfully at Feng Feili, with a playful smile in her eyes.

Feng Feili was startled, but Xia Yuluan was furious.

He was still eyeing her in front of her face!
"Put down your magic weapon! Hurry up!" She yelled, and the long sword in her hand stabbed forward again. Seeing that she was about to pierce into Qin Luoyi's skin, a figure suddenly flashed in front of her. The tip of the long sword was gently pinched by someone.


Xia Yuluan's face was full of disbelief.

It was none other than Qin Luoyi who pinched the tip of her sword!
"how is this possible!"

Feng Feili and the others were also stunned for a moment, and then looked at her with burning eyes in surprise.Qin Luoyi held back his breath before, but now he released it unreservedly. That powerful coercion was not weaker than him!

Thinking of the voice in her heart telling him not to worry when she blinked just now, Feng Feili smiled... With Qin Luoyi's current cultivation level, Xia Yuluan really doesn't have to worry about her opponent.

Xia Yuluan also understood that Qin Luoyi's cultivation level was higher than hers... her face turned pale instantly.Xia Jiutian also understood, he took advantage of the situation to leave, and he was stopped by Dahei and ruthlessly pushed him away.

When Xia Yuluan took Qin Luoyi as a hostage, the anxious faces of Feng Feili and the others were not missed by the big demon kings, who also thought that there was hope for a comeback, and stood behind Xia Yuluan long ago. If the situation is not good, you have to run.

Chu Yifeng smiled coldly, shouted, and stopped him.Qin Tian and the others followed closely and also stopped them. In an instant, the battle above Shenyuan City broke out again, with terrifying and dazzling divine lights one after another.

The barrier that Xia Yuluan created to cover herself and Qin Luoyi was easily slapped away by Feng Feili, and Xuanyuanqing also came out from a distance, and with a flash of white shadow, she came to Qin Luoyi's side, her cold gaze He looked at Xia Yuluan indifferently.

Seeing that Xuanyuan Qing from the Immortal Realm also appeared, Xia Yuluan's heart beat wildly, and a look of obsession flashed in his eyes.

"King Xuanyuan..."

Xuanyuanqing glanced at her in disgust, then set his eyes on Qin Luoyi, his disgusted eyes became warm and soft.

Xia Yuluan slightly parted her lips in shock.

Qin Luoyi snorted coldly, and with a slight force on her hand, the long sword pinched by her tip instantly turned into powder. The power in the surrounding world clearly did not fluctuate, and Xia Yuluan felt an extremely powerful force rushing towards him. When she struck, her body immediately fell from the air like a kite with a broken string, and landed on the ground with a bang.


Her face turned pale, and she cried out in pain.No external injuries could be seen outside the body, but the viscera and meridians inside the body were severely injured. Even if there was a heavenly elixir, it might not heal within three to five years. A look of despair flashed in Xia Yuluan's eyes.

Seeing Qin Luoyi, Feng Feili, and Xuanyuanqing talking with a smile, looking very familiar, Xia Jiutian finally understood that Xuanyuan King of the Immortal Realm clearly knew Qin Luoyi, and it was probably because of a close relationship. No wonder he suddenly appeared in the Northern Demon Realm to prevent him from attacking Qin Luoyi.

It's just that he couldn't figure out why Xuanyuanqing didn't take his life and let him return to the demon world.

The arrival of King Xuanyuan caused a commotion in the entire Shenyuan City. Qin Luoyi actually severely injured Xia Yuluan with a single palm, and he was clearly another extremely strong man. All these made them excited and curious.

You must know that the long sword in Xia Yuluan's hand is the Chixia Sword, the holy sword of the demon world!It was refined from the extremely rare Scarlet Cloud Gold in the Upper Realm!
"The Chixia sword was destroyed by her so easily. It's too perverted. Who is she?"

The monks in Shenyuan City whispered.As for the life and death of Xia Yuluan's father and daughter, no one cared about it for a long time. When they sacrificed the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation to kill the monks in Shenyuan City, they already hated him extremely.

I even guessed that Xia Jiutian was probably like Jin Ruihuang in the past, and had the ambition to dominate the entire upper realm, so he came up with such a formation. Fortunately, it was revealed today. When will it become a stepping stone under his ambition.

(End of this chapter)

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