Brother is too evil

Chapter 773 Love Entanglement

Chapter 773 Love Entanglement (1)
Of course, they are very interested in Qin Luoyi, not only her cultivation, but also her relationship with Feng Feili and King Xuanyuan, especially King Xuanyuan, who is No. 1 in the fairy world, and King Xuanyuan will Smiling to a woman will allow a woman to get so close to him, let alone seeing it with my own eyes, or even hearing about it.

Perhaps because Shenyuan City is far away from the demon world, and Qin Luoyi's promotion to the Great Demon King was short, no one in the entire Shenyuan City recognized Qin Luoyi.

It didn't take long for the four major demon kings to be wiped out, leaving no one left. As for Xia Jiutian and Xia Yuluan, father and daughter, because several friends of Feng Feili were still in their hands and they could not find them, they temporarily put their lives on hold. He stayed and prepared to ask questions slowly.

After winning the duel, Feng Feili became the demon emperor of the demon world as a matter of course, but he did not order the guards in Shenyuan City who belonged to Xia Jiutian to be cruel, but directly dismissed these guards and let them go.

Xia Jiutian and Xia Yuluan were very stubborn, knowing that they would die if they confessed to the people, so they gritted their teeth and fought. Dahei and Heidi led people to search the Tianyao Palace, but they did not find any trace of the captured people .

"I know there is a kind of elixir. When I refine it and give it to them to eat, they will tell me honestly." Qin Luoyi did not miss the depressed look in Feng Feili's eyes, and comforted him.

It was a new elixir she had developed, and she just took these two people to test it. Xia Jiutian used to be the demon king, and his cultivation base was abolished, lest he couldn't help tossing, and he would smash the pot to death if he didn't ask anything. Lost, but don't abolish his cultivation base, his body cultivation has already reached the peak state, some methods naturally don't work for him.

Xia Yuluan's cultivation was not as good as his, but the skin and bones of his body were extremely perverted because they were nourished by various geniuses and treasures from the demon world, so these two people resisted their persecution.

Looking at her pretty face, Feng Feili relaxed and nodded.I personally searched the Tianyao Palace several times with my spiritual sense, and then sent a general to guard the Tianyao Palace. Then I took Qin Luoyi, Xuanyuanqing, and Duanmu Changqing to tear the void and leave the source of God. The city is far away from Demon Snow City.

Feng Feili lived in the City Lord's Mansion of Yao Xue City.

Qin Luoyi didn't know until he arrived in Yaoxue City, but in just a few months, Feng Feili, his brother, and a few senior brothers actually occupied nearly one-third of the territory of the Demon Realm. The city lord of the city has the grace to save lives.

The city lord of Yaoxue City was trapped in the realm of death for nearly a thousand years, and was also killed by Xia Yuluan. He was lucky enough to save his life, but he couldn't get out, and after being trapped for a thousand years, he only had one breath left. He thought he was going to be trapped to death inside, but met Feng Feili and his party, and managed to escape.

Entering the city lord's mansion of Yaoxue City, Chu Yifeng could no longer bear the excitement in his heart, and hugged Qin Luoyi fiercely into his arms, staring at her with burning eyes. Love and longing.

Qin Luoyi felt warm in his heart.She smiled brightly at him, then raised her arms and hugged him back forcefully.

"Where have you been all these years?" Looking at the two hugging each other, Qin Tian asked with a smile.

Qin Luoyi let go of Chu Yifeng.

"elder brother!"

She directly gave Qin Tian a big hug, smelling the familiar aura on his body, Qin Luoyi's brows and eyes curved, and the smile in his eyes became brighter.

Of course, she didn't leave behind Duanmu Changqing, Jian Yuyan, Feng Feili, and even Xuanyuanqing. After hugging her, she sat down on the chair and looked at the few people standing around her. As a husband, she began to tell what happened after her ascension.

"The Demon Realm? How did she ascend to the Demon Realm?" Feng Feili turned to Xuanyuan Qing and asked the common doubts in their hearts.

A glimmer of light flashed in Xuanyuan Qing's eyes, seeing Qin Luoyi's face darken because of Feng Feili's words, he knew that she was thinking of Mo Xiao again.

"It has something to do with the exercises she practiced."

No one else knew about the fact that Xuanyuanqing had imposed a restriction on Qin Luoyi, so no one doubted that he said such things at this time.

Qin Luoyi thought of Mo Xiao, his heart froze, he gritted his teeth secretly, a strange light flashed quickly in his eyes.

"Heavenly Demon Dafa...I didn't expect that exercise to be from the Demon Realm. If we had known this, we should all have come to the Demon Realm to find you." Chu Yifeng rubbed her hair, his face could not hide his annoyance.

After confirming that Qin Luoyi was not in the fairy world, Xuanyuanqing chose the demon world, and they chose to come to the demon world in order to find someone as soon as possible.

Although Qin Luoyi was looking forward to seeing them sooner, he didn't want them to come to the Demon Realm. They were forced into the realm of death and encountered many dangers. However, the Demon Realm has been turbulent and unsafe these years.

"Xuanyuan is in the fairyland. I will definitely come to the fairyland. If you stay in the fairyland, I will find you sooner or later." Qin Luoyi looked at him and said.

"Stay in the fairy world?" Chu Yifeng sighed: "I lost you, how can we rest assured?"

Qin Luoyi's heart fluttered, and she felt what Chu Yifeng said. When she first ascended to the upper realm, she tried her best to leave the demon realm, just to find them, and she was afraid that they would encounter danger in the upper realm. The reason is too low, and the demon world is too chaotic, she finally failed to leave successfully, and finally had to retreat and practice hard in the bracelet space.I hope to improve my cultivation as soon as possible, and the purpose is to find them in the fairy world as soon as possible.

Everyone sighed for a while, and rejoiced that everyone was fine, and today was finally a reunion.

After changing the subject, Qin Luoyi asked about Duanmu Changying.

Tsing Yi's soul power is also strong enough, and now his thinking is no different from that of ordinary people. The second senior brother and the others are all much stronger in cultivation, and Duanmu Changying should have absorbed a lot of the power of Thunder Tribulation.

There is also Bodhizi, and it is not known whether his soul has come to life.

"Changying is fine, you don't have to worry." Duanmu Changqing smiled, seeing Qin Luoyi looking at his wrist, he took off the bracelet on his wrist and handed it to her, it was Qin Luoyi originally Bracelet: "But he is no longer in the bodhi seed."

It turned out that Duanmu Changying slowly woke up not long after they ascended to the upper realm. Of course, the time for waking up was very short at first, and then gradually became longer, and absorbed the power of thunder disaster when they advanced, Now his soul power has been completely restored, and he is currently practicing in seclusion, because Xuanyuan Qing found a method for him to cultivate his physical body again.

Qin Luoyi was very happy when he heard the words, and he tightly grasped the bracelet that still carried Duanmu Changqing's body temperature. Although it is very convenient to seize the house, it is no wonder that Duanmu Changying would have a good body and practice skills. I chose to practice and recast my body by myself instead of taking the house to quickly rebirth.

(End of this chapter)

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