Brother is too evil

Chapter 783 Confusion

Chapter 783 Confusion (1)
From the voice, she could tell that the people behind the rockery were the second senior brother, Chu Yifeng, and Qin Tian.

They... actually suspected that she was pregnant.

Qin Luoyi was really dumbfounded.

But... It's been a few years since they got married, and she really wants to have a child, but the higher the level of cultivation, the harder it is to have a child, even the spiritual fruit that Jie can help Huaiying has no effect on her now.

She couldn't help caressing her stomach with her hands.

Just like when he came, he quietly retreated, left the City Lord's Mansion, and went to the outskirts of Yaoxue City.

A chuckle rang in her ear.Immediately, a familiar breath came to her side: "They actually suspect that you are pregnant... Luoyi, if you are really pregnant, count the time, the child should be mine too."

Qin Luoyi rolled his eyes and ignored him.

"It would be great if you really had a child." Mo Xiao stood beside her, looked sideways at her, and his burning eyes fell on her stomach.Thoughtful in the eyes.

Except for Xuanyuanqing, Qin Luoyi's other five husbands were sitting in Feng Feili's Ziyou Pavilion, no one spoke, and everyone looked strangely dignified.

If Qin Luoyi is really pregnant and has a pregnancy reaction of lethargy, then the child in her belly is definitely not one of them.

It was only half a month ago that Xuanyuan Qing reunited with Qin Luoyi in the Demon Realm. If she really wanted to conceive, it was most likely to be his child, but even Xuanyuan Qing would not have a pregnancy reaction in half a month.

The atmosphere in the pavilion was extremely suppressed.

A black shadow swept in from a distance, and soon came to Feng Feili, kneeling in front of him on one knee.

"Your Majesty! This is a message from the leader of the dark guards from the Demon Realm."

Respectfully presented a sealed envelope with both hands.

Feng Feili's dark eyes flickered, and as soon as he raised his hand, the thing in the man's hand in black fell onto his hand automatically.

Then he waved again.

The man in black left as quietly and quickly as when he came, and disappeared instantly. Feng Feili stared at the envelope in his hand over and over for a moment, then raised his hand and tore it open elegantly.

The eyes of Chu Yifeng and the others all fell on the envelope in his hand, but there was a tacit understanding without urging him.

Inside the envelope was a white jade slip. Feng Feili squeezed out a hand formula, and a purple light shot into the jade slip, and then he penetrated his spiritual sense.

After a while, his consciousness withdrew and gave the jade slip to Qin Tian who was beside him.

Soon, the jade slips were rotated quickly in the hands of the five people. When the jade slips returned to Feng Feili's hands, he pinched the jade slips with his fingers, and directly crushed the jade slips into powder, which disappeared into the void.

"The one who gets the Hunyuan Dzi Bead is the Devil Emperor... I didn't expect that Yi'er almost became the Devil Emperor of the Devil Realm!"

Feng Feili finally spoke, breaking the silence in the room.

At the beginning, Qin Luoyi explained many things about the demon world in one word. Her cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds in more than three years, and she was promoted to the rank of Great Demon King. He always thought it was because of the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, and also because she had been practicing in closed doors. reason.

Qin Tian caressed a lively and exquisitely crafted liger placed on the Duobao Pavilion, thoughtfully.

Yujian said that many people in the Demon Realm are guessing that Qin Luoyi will form a double cultivation partner with Mo Xiao... an extremely powerful Demon King in the Southern Demon Realm, who knows that if he obtains the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, he will be able to obtain the position of Demon Emperor smoothly Not only did he not take the Hunyuan Dzi from Qin Luoyi's body as his own, but he also showed the Hunyuan Dzi on Qin Luoyi's body to the world. If there is no deep meaning in it, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

20 years ago, everyone in the Three Realms knew about the battle between Mo Xiao and Mo Chen. Mo Xiao had long had the ambition to dominate the entire Demon World!
The news that Qin Luoyi had a Hunyuan Dzi Bead on his body was made public, and the relationship between the two was ambiguous. Luoyi was taken away by Mo Chen, and Mo Xiao broke into the Dark Realm alone and rescued him. Afterwards, the two disappeared... and The time that disappeared was clearly the time when Qin Luoyi realized the true meaning of time and was able to control the flow of time.

"The demon owl...couldn't be because he likes clothes when he was in the lower realm." Jian Yuyan guessed.

He looked at Qin Tian.Among all of them, only Qin Tian had contact with Mo Xiao.Can't blame him for thinking so.

Qin Luoyi's Heavenly Demon Dafa came from Mo Xiao, and Jin Dongyan was also killed by Mo Xiao... They have all heard Qin Tian talk about these things.If it wasn't for Mo Xiao back then, no matter if it was Qin Tian, ​​Qin Luoyi, or Duanmu Changying, they would all have been in danger.

At that time, Jin Dongyan's cultivation should definitely produce spiritual flowers. Against the top monks of the Zifu, he has a great chance of winning, not to mention that he is a person who has descended from the upper realm, and he himself knows many secret methods. Horror, maybe they didn't realize it before, but the higher their own cultivation base is now, and they can also exert their utmost sublimation at the last moment, the greater their experience will be.

On the day of the decisive battle between Feng Feili and Xia Jiutian, it was not that Xia Jiutian didn't want to exert his utmost sublimation, but he was powerless. A few months ago, nearly half of his cultivation had been ruined by their joint design.

Later, she was injured by Feng Feili again, escaped by chance, and completely hid herself for several months before appearing.

Thinking back to the information recorded in the jade slips, Chu Yifeng felt mixed feelings, some were shocked, but even more fortunate, even if they had never been to the Demon Realm, they had heard of Mo Chen's cruelty.In order to win the Hunyuan Dzi and dominate the demon world justifiably, I'm afraid I can do anything, and the time when Luoyi was attacked by Mochen's contracted monsters... So Moxiao saved Qin Luoyi not once or twice time.

"It's very possible." Duanmu Changqing pondered for a moment and said: "It's just that the jade slips said that King Gu Yue was preparing for Luoyi's Demon Emperor Ceremony, but in the end it was nothing, Luoyi also came to the demon world with Xuanyuan ...and I don’t know what’s going on.”

When Qin Luoyi walked into Zimo Pavilion where she lived, she found Feng Feili in her room.

She quickened her pace and walked into the house.

"Big Brother."

Feng Feili was standing at the edge of the desk, drawing a picture, the brush was like a dragon, very chic, Qin Luoyi walked over, and the painting was a peony flower in full bloom, noble and graceful, gorgeous and colorful, very beautiful, only One petal is almost finished.

Feng Feili narrowed her peach blossom eyes, glanced at her with a smile, motioned for her to sit down, then continued to draw, and soon finished the last petal, he put down the pen, and then looked at Qin Luoyi again, Seemingly inadvertently, his eyes quickly glanced at her stomach.

"The painting is really good. The more you look at it, the more you don't want to let it go. Why don't you give this painting to me. You have already painted peonies, so why not work harder and find time to paint a few more. When the time comes, I will send them to you." Make it into a glazed screen and put it in my house after the place where we live is built." Qin Luoyi discussed with him.

(End of this chapter)

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