Brother is too evil

Chapter 784 Confusion

Chapter 784 Confusion (2)
"It's fine if you like it." Feng Feili smiled wickedly, and there was a charm in Taohua's eyes. After Qin Luoyi commented on it and finally put the painting down, he took her hand, walked to the side and sat down on the soft couch. Ask directly: "These days, do you feel any discomfort in your body?"

"No, I'm fine." A gleam flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes.

Except for being harassed by the demon owl every night, making her feel a little depressed, everything else is really good.But the elder brother would ask her this way, it seems that like Chu Yifeng and the others, they also suspect that she is pregnant.

"Are you not in a good mood during this period? You sleep a lot every night, and you sleep very deeply, and you can't wake up in the morning... You were not like this before." Feng Feili frowned slightly and looked at her : "We are all worried about you."

"I'm fine. If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself." In order to dispel his doubts, Qin Luoyi simply cooperated actively.She stretched out her hand, and stretched it out in front of Feng Feili.

Feng Feili wrapped her arms around her waist, hugged her body, and took her hand politely, then poked her divine sense in, her phoenix eyes drooped slightly, and the light fell on her wrist.

Qin Luoyi tilted her head and stared at his handsome face. From such a close distance, she could see clearly the black and long curled eyelashes on his eyelids. Those eyelashes were so beautiful that they matched his peach blossom eyes. more beautiful.

After a while, Feng Feili finally let go.His brows were slightly furrowed, his expression serious.

"How about it, let me say I'm fine." Qin Luoyi smiled brightly at him, revealing his face like the moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival, which made Feng Feili's heart skip a beat, and he raised his hand to pinch her cheek affectionately pinch.

"Yes, your body is very good." But because it was so good, there was nothing unusual, but he became more worried in his heart.

"You mean... not pregnant? There's nothing wrong with your body?" When Duanmu Changqing heard the news, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then became suspicious like Feng Feili.

Chu Yifeng, Jian Yuyan, and Qin Tian also looked at each other in blank dismay.

"She slept really deeply. Could it be because the moon is too young, you didn't see it?" Chu Yifeng thought for a while, and said hesitantly.

Feng Feili glared at him.

"It's just that you're accompanying her tonight. If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself." Feng Feili narrowed her peachy eyes, and looked at him with a half-smile: "Are you just hoping that she won't get pregnant?"

It's one thing for Mo Xiao to save Qin Luoyi, but they are very serious. None of the famous and famous people has successfully created a child, but she conceived a child of a man who has no name and no status. Just thinking about it, he also felt jealous.

"Of course not." Chu Yifeng replied quickly, the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely: "However, your idea is good, I will take a look at it tonight."

Qin Tian smiled and shook his head.With Feng Feili's cultivation, let alone the one who was conceived more than 20 days ago, she can tell even if she was conceived just a few days ago.

Chu Yifeng also knew that the possibility of Feng Feili making mistakes was very small, almost non-existent, but when he was alone with Qin Luoyi at night, he still checked it out himself. Qin Luoyi knew that he was still suspicious, so he also Consciously cooperated with him to do a whole body check.

After finally confirming that Qin Luoyi was really not pregnant, Chu Yifeng was completely relieved. After a false alarm, his desire to have a child was unprecedentedly high.

Although they know that with their current cultivation, it is not easy to get pregnant, but it is not impossible. If you work hard on weekdays, there will always be a day when what you want will come true.

Then when the two were together, he no longer had all kinds of tricks like before, but had always used the traditional posture of man on top and woman on bottom, and he didn't rush out of her body even after it was over.

Qin Luoyi was a very smart person, as soon as he connected Chu Yifeng's actions with what happened during the day, he knew Chu Yifeng's plan.

She couldn't help wrapping her arms around his waist, trying to cooperate with Chu Yifeng, closing her eyes slightly and thinking about who would be more like her and Chu Yifeng's child.

In the middle of the night, Demon Xiao came to report in her dream again on time.

His eyes were shining brightly, like shooting stars passing across the sky, with bright rays of light flashing across his face, his face was like white jade, and his spirit was high: "Luoyi, do you want to have a baby?"

Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up, and then she turned her eyes away and looked into the distance. She didn't want to discuss the child's affairs with Mo Xiao.

Who is the demon lord?Having caught the light in Qin Luoyi's eyes earlier, he knew that she liked children very much, "If you like... I will give you a child right away, okay? You will be able to be a mother next year." He approached Qin Luoyi In the past, a flash of charm flashed in his eyes.

Qin Luoyi couldn't laugh or cry.

This person... started fooling her again, thinking that having a baby is buying cabbage?Do you want to conceive when you want?
She glanced at him coldly and said, "I want to have a child, so naturally my husband will have it, so what's your business?"

Mo Xiao sneered.

His brows raised slightly: "You have to work hard for tens of thousands of years if you want to have children with them, but it's different with can have children whenever you want!"

Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat.

Her eyes fell on Mo Xiao's face, Mo Xiao's eyes were full of confidence, and there was a hint of color that he couldn't hide.

Is there really anything he can do?
Qin Luoyi was suspicious.

Of course, Qin Luoyi naturally didn't have the idea of ​​having a baby with Mo Xiao, but what Mo Xiao said about giving birth whenever he wanted made her heart flutter.

"Marry me, Luoyi, marry me, and you will have a child right away, Luoyi..." Seeing her heartbeat, Mo Xiao's eyes became brighter, and he inadvertently approached her, leaning closer to her whispered in his ear, his voice was low and hoarse, with a tantalizing charm.

Qin Luoyi came back to his senses, quickly moved sideways, and instantly opened the distance between the two, minimizing Mo Xiao's influence on her: "When will I have a baby, don't worry about it!"

In the past, because of Jin Ruihuang's threat, she never thought about the child's affairs, and then there was a war between the North and the South Demon Realm, cultivation and how to go to the fairy world occupied most of her thoughts, so she never thought about the child's matter , now she and Chu Yifeng and the others have also met again, Mo Chen is dead, Jin Ruihuang is also dead, Feng Feili has become a demon emperor, Chu Yifeng and the others have extraordinary cultivation bases, and they will stay together in the future The days are long, and there is no rush to have children slowly.

What's more, what Mo Xiao knew, Xuanyuan Qing had been in the fairy world longer, maybe Xuanyuan Qing also knew... After Qin Luoyi decided to go out, he asked Xuanyuan Qing.

"Do you want to ask Xuanyuan Qing?" Mo Xiao chuckled, guessing her thoughts: "You can ask, but you will be disappointed. Even if he knows, he probably won't let you I wish."

(End of this chapter)

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