Chapter 789
This feeling of being completely controlled by others made Qin Luoyi very upset. How could she really not move after hearing what Mo Xiao said?

It was obviously the cultivation base of the great demon king, but every time she met the demon owl, she was completely passive. The more Qin Luoyi thought about it, the more annoyed she became, and her body twisted even more.

"Let go!"

Demon Xiao quickly responded.

His pupils shrank sharply, and he let out a low growl. He couldn't bear it any longer, and the hands on her shoulders exerted strength, and instantly hugged her. Their bodies were close together, and Mo Xiao bowed his head fiercely again. He kissed her lips, tossing and sucking.

The spiritual power in Qin Luoyi's body has been completely controlled by Mo Xiao, no matter whether it is the Heavenly Demon Dafa or Wuxiang Dafa, he can't use it, and he didn't close his eyes when he was kissed by Mo Xiao, his heart was ruthless, and he stretched out his hands , No matter what, he directly grabbed Mo Xiao's neck with both hands.

"You murdered your own husband!" Mo Xiao was annoyed and funny, looking at her widened phoenix eyes, he could only let go of his lips, and fell down on the back of the chair behind him in a rage.

Qin Luoyi snorted lightly.

"Let go!"

Mo Xiao glanced at her angry pretty face, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'm afraid of you." Finally he let go of his hand, but the barrier in the dressing room still didn't dissipate.

He let go, and Qin Luoyi also let go and got off him.

"You didn't stay in the front, what did you come here for?" Knowing that she couldn't get out, Qin Luoyi didn't go to waste that effort. Now that she is in a weak position, she should stop pissing this person off, it's really pissing off He would only be slaughtered, so he decided to delay the time first, and then slowly look for an opportunity to find a way to escape.

"Of course I'm here to see you, and I'll discuss something with you by the way." Mo Xiao smiled, but there was a flash of light in his eyes, and his eyes were still fiery on her, lingering even more on her chest. endlessly.

Qin Luoyi glared at him.

Only then did Mo Xiao chuckle and look away.

"What's the matter?" The word "discussion" was actually used!Having said that, Qin Luoyi was secretly on guard in his heart, always feeling that Mo Xiao's visit today was not kind.

Mo Xiao stroked his chin and said with a smile: "I came here today to prepare a dowry gift. Do you think I will propose to you at the banquet tonight, or will I choose an auspicious day to propose marriage in a few days?"

Then he showed her the betrothal gift he had prepared.It is full of all kinds of treasures from heaven and earth, and if you take them out casually, they are all priceless and precious in the upper realm.

Qin Luoyi's head was full of black lines, he didn't look at the so-called betrothal gift, and said coldly: "I don't use it to ask for marriage at any time, I didn't say I would marry you! Mo Xiao, don't make trouble anymore!"

Mo Xiao looked at her and smiled meaningfully: "Luoyi, we have all formed a natal contract. We will live and die together. We will live and die together. We will be together for the rest of our lives. This natal contract between a man and a woman is the most steadfast vow. People who love each other will form such a contract, we get married, it's a matter of course, if you don't get married, others will suspect that you have a new man and forget the old one, and you will always abandon me..."

Qin Luoyi was blocked by him in the chest.The phoenix eyes narrowed dangerously, stared at Mo Xiao, and said after a while: "Are you... threatening me?"

Demon Xiao smiled.Standing up in a very chic manner, he patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, walked up to her with his hands behind his back and said, "I'm here to discuss with you, how can I threaten you? I know, you won't treat me all the time." Abandoned at the end of the chaos, taking my Yuanyang body is still irresponsible... The time is almost up, let's go out together, if you don't go out, Feng Feili should be anxious, think slowly on the way, think carefully , if you can't make up your mind, I'll come and make up your mind for you, it's actually best to propose tonight..."

He took her hand and walked towards the door.

Qin Luoyi followed him mechanically, with a gloomy face. Isn't this a threat?Damn bastard!He recalled the ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty in his heart, and used these tortures on Mo Xiao.

Mo Xiao's body trembled slightly.

When holding Qin Luoyi's hand, he forgot to take back his consciousness, and suddenly detected what was in her heart, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Busily took back his consciousness.

"Luoyi, you are really beautiful tonight." Just as he was about to open the door, Mo Xiao turned his head and winked at Qin Luoyi, smiling very charmingly.

Qin Luoyi opened the door heavily, and a white shadow flashed between the lightning and flint. Qin Luoyi had escaped Mo Xiao's control in an instant, standing a few meters away from Mo Xiao, and the person standing beside her was It was Xuanyuanqing.

Apart from Xuanyuanqing, Chu Yifeng and the others were also there, staring at him with cold eyes.

The demon lord secretly cried out!

Obviously someone lured Xuanyuan Qing away, but he didn't expect Xuanyuan Qing to come back so soon, and he didn't even notice when he came here.

On his face, he had a calm and clear look.

Qin Luoyi was a little overjoyed.

Xuanyuan Qing didn't look at Mo Xiao, his dark eyes only fell on Qin Luoyi.After patting her lightly a few times, Qin Luoyi instantly recovered the stagnant power in his body: "Feng Feili is waiting for you in front, you go first, leave this place to us."

Qin Luoyi hesitated for a moment, then nodded, turned around and walked away. After walking a long way, he stopped again and looked back.

Her yard was completely covered by the enchantment at this time, and even her spiritual sense couldn't get in, so she understood that this must be the enchantment laid down by Xuanyuan Qing.

Sighed lightly.

She walked on again.

The appearance of Qin Luoyi surprised the audience.

She and Feng Feili's male is handsome and evil, and the female is Kong Wanlingxiu, one is a great demon king, and the other dominates the demon world. Standing together, they are so suitable.

Feng Feili looked at Qin Luoyi's peach blossom eyes with undisguised tenderness and pampering, and since Qin Luoyi appeared, Feng Feili has been by her side all the time, even the powerful men of the demon world stepped forward to face her. He saluted, but he didn't let Qin Luoyi avoid it.

What else do people not understand about Qin Luoyi's identity?
However, King Xuanyuan of the Immortal Realm did not show his face at the banquet except for Qin Luoyi once before he came out, and Chu Yifeng and others only showed their face at the beginning, so everyone felt that the rumors were half-truths and half-false It's true that Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili are partners of double cultivation, and she married King Xuanyuan of the fairy world at the same time, but they couldn't believe it.

But just like this, many female cultivators who love Feng Feili because of their beauty feel sorry for each other, and their hearts are broken countless times. Qin Luoyi is the cultivation base of the Great Demon King. With such a cultivation base, he is an extremely strong person in the upper realm. , is still a Tianpin alchemist, so although many people regret it, no one dares to jump out and provoke.

Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili have the same level of cultivation. After they ascended to the upper realm, they both reached the peak of the upper realm within a few years.

(End of this chapter)

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