Chapter 790
During the banquet, Feng Feili noticed that Qin Luoyi was a little restless, and would look behind the City Lord's Mansion every once in a while.He naturally knew why Xuanyuanqing and the others didn't come out again. Xuanyuanqing had sent someone out to greet him in advance.

Feng Feili is now the most powerful person in the demon world. Although he organized this banquet, as he is, naturally he will not appear in the banquet all the time, and take Qin Luoyi out to show his face and say a few words Talking about the scene, they sat with each other for a while, exchanged pleasantries with the local strongmen in the demon world, and then handed over the banquet to the city lord of the demon snow city, while he and Qin Luoyi went back to the backyard.

The originally powerful barrier automatically dissipated when the two of them appeared, and there was a mess inside, but Chu Yifeng's face could not hide his excitement, and the other people were also smiling, obviously in a good mood, Xuanyuan Qing's cold and dignified figure stood to one side.

But he didn't see the figure of Mo Xiao.

"What about people?"

Feng Feili didn't see Mo Xiao, so she couldn't help raising her eyebrows and asked curiously.Qin Luoyi also wanted to know where Mo Xiao had gone. The barrier hadn't been broken just now. Could it be that so many people couldn't do anything to him?
Xuanyuan Qing is also here.

Qin Tian smiled.

He raised his finger and pointed to the north direction.

"I was thrown by Xuanyuan to Posuo Mountain in the Immortal Realm. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out in a short time."

Qin Luoyi has never been to the Immortal Realm, but he has heard of Posuo Mountain in the Immortal Realm. Posuo Mountain is a forbidden area set up by Xuanyuan Qing, and there are many strange and unpredictable formations inside. In the past, even the devil emperor Jin Ruihuang didn't dare to set foot in it, and unless Xuanyuanqing let go of it, he would never get out.

Xuanyuanqing stayed in Qin Luoyi's room at night.

"You don't have to worry. The formations on Posuo Mountain are strong when they are strong, and weak when they are weak. I have closed some of the most powerful killing formations in advance." Seeing that Qin Luoyi was not in a high mood, Xuanyuanqing stood beside her Behind him, he held her shoulder and said.

Qin Luoyi naturally believed him.

If she hadn't believed in him, she wouldn't have left Mo Xiao alone and walked away at night: "You long can Po Whirling Mountain trap him?"

Qin Luoyi was very curious about this.

Moreover, she also wanted to know how big the gap in cultivation between herself and Mo Xiao was. Tonight, she was controlled to death by him!

"His spirit-attracting technique has already been completed, and his strength is extremely powerful, how long he can be trapped... It's really hard to say." Xuanyuan Qing said thoughtfully.When Mo Xiao will be able to go out, in fact, he is also very curious.

When he woke up early the next morning, Qin Luoyi was alone on the bed. Xuanyuanqing's slender figure was standing in front of the window, and the golden sun was shining on him from the window. He was looking in the direction of Posuo Mountain. Qin Luoyi Can't help being surprised, when they were together, Xuanyuan Qing got up before her, this was the first time.

In the past, even if he woke up, he would always stay with her in bed, waiting for her to get up together when she woke up.


She hugged the quilt and sat up from the bed, leaning against the bedpost behind her. She just woke up in the morning, her voice was a little hoarse, and she looked extraordinarily lazy, like a kitten. Xuanyuan Qing turned to look at her, There was a strange gleam in the dark eyes.

"The demon owl successfully left Posuo Mountain this morning." Xuanyuan Qing said, with a touch of obvious joy in his voice. Although he closed the most powerful killing array on Posuo Mountain in advance, the entire Posuo Mountain Not to mention anything else, even the barrier is very powerful. Originally, according to his guess, it would take Mo Xiao a few days to come out, but he didn't expect that he would successfully escape in just one night.

It was beyond his expectations.

Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes also widened suddenly, and his eyes were full of disbelief.


It's just one night!

After Qin Luoyi got dressed and washed, Xuanyuanqing tore through the void, and took her to Posuo Mountain in the Immortal Realm with great interest.

Po Whirling Mountain occupies an extremely wide area, and the mountain is also extremely high, towering straight into the sky. There is no barrier on the entire mountain. It was obviously destroyed by the demon owl, and the formation inside was also destroyed a lot. After finishing the barrier and formation, Qin Luoyi went in curiously to try it out.

After experiencing the power of Posuo Mountain, she knew that with her cultivation as the Great Demon King, she would definitely not be able to get out in one night, and she would not be able to go out even if it took ten or a hundred times more time. His promotion time is still too short, and his strength cannot be compared with Mo Xiao at all.

And Xuanyuan Qing.

Seeing that she was a little discouraged, Xuanyuan Qing smiled and hugged her tightly into his arms: "How long have you been promoted to the rank of Great Demon King? It has been tens of thousands of years since the demon owl became famous, and the spell of attracting spirits is an ancient magic technique. It's extremely powerful, and it's extremely difficult to master..." Mo Xiao's ability to go out so quickly has a lot to do with his mastery of attracting spirits.

After hearing this, Qin Luoyi finally calmed down a lot. In fact, she also knew that she was in good shape. At her current age, she could have the cultivation base of a great demon king. It was already against the sky. She shouldn't be greedy anymore.

If it wasn't for being stimulated by Mo Xiao during this time, how could she care so much about her cultivation.

Now that she has come to the fairyland, Xuanyuan Qing simply took her back to the fairyland Tiangong.He drove away with colorful auspicious clouds, and even took her around the Heavenly Palace several times, pointing to many places in the Heavenly Palace in the air and explaining to her in detail.

It's hard not to attract people's attention with such colorful auspicious clouds. Of course, what is even more surprising is the pair of smiling and intimate men and women on the auspicious clouds.

The heavenly palace is surrounded by fairy mist, and the aura is extremely strong. The Magic Rain City in the demon world and the Nether City in the demon world are all excellent places for cultivation.

The closest to the Tiangong is Yunling City, the largest city in the fairy world. There are tens of millions of monks in Yunling City. Seeing the people in the colorful rays of light on the Tiangong, many people were so shocked that their eyeballs almost fell out.

"Look, it's King Xuanyuan! Who is the girl next to him? She was able to get so close to King Xuanyuan without being photographed flying away! It's unbelievable!"

"Hey, I won't have hallucinations! Hurry up and pinch me... Ah, it hurts me to death!"

"It's really King Xuanyuan!"

The fairy world is very far away from the demon world and the demon world, especially in Yunling City, Qin Luoyi's promotion to the Great Demon King in the demon world, and even the incident in the demon world, has not had time to spread here.So countless curious eyes fell on her, guessing her identity from the bottom of my heart.

After turning around a few times, Xuanyuan Qing pulled Qin Luoyi and landed in the main hall of the Tiangong. Ouyang Ling and the other four immortal kings from the fairy world quickly came to the fairy palace to meet Xuanyuan Qing.

Seeing Qin Luoyi standing next to Xuanyuanqing, Ouyang Ling's mood was the most complicated. When he first met Qin Luoyi, Qin Luoyi was just a monk who had just cultivated out of Xuanfu. In less than ten years, she has become stronger than him now!

(End of this chapter)

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