From the ashes: Return of the General

Chapter 515 Convene 9 Departments, Resist

Chapter 515 Convene the Nine Departments, Resist
"Where is Mr. Fang? Do you know when the son will return to Beijing?" Mr. Fang Fang sent a letter before leaving, but after all, he failed to meet Mei Linlang.He is thoughtful and extremely smart, Jianchun thought it would be great if he was in the capital now, and she wouldn't have to alarm Mei Xin.

Thinking of Mei Xin, she couldn't bear it, after all she was pregnant and shouldn't think too much, but she really had no other choice.The Mei family is born with one muscle, as long as it is a decision, it will never be changed, and the heart of killing the king has already started, and she will never let it go without killing the emperor.In other words, the emperor must die.

Heiying is the secret guard of the Mei family. He didn't know Fang Pingsheng's situation in Liangzhou, so he thought for a while and said, "We have already arrived in Liangzhou, and I don't know when the son will return to Beijing. But since the emperor has already It is decreed that the left will only leave at the end of this month."

The secret guard has the rules of the secret guard, he can say what he can say, and he can't reveal half a word of what he can't say.

Jianchun was well aware of this point and did not continue to ask, and asked him to hand over the letter to Mei Xin tomorrow, after which Sombra left.Come and go without a trace, as silent as a ghost.

The night was deep and silent, and at midnight, the main courtyard of Prince Liang's mansion was lit with lights.Tossing and turning sleeplessly all night, Mei Zhannan called Wei Dayong in and said, "Isn't he here yet?"

Before the words were finished, a black shadow flashed into the room, and a woman about 40 years old appeared when the candle light moved slightly.

She stepped forward to salute and knelt down on one knee, and she called out in a low voice, "General!"

Seeing clearly that the person who came was wearing a dark red cloak and a hood, still the same as 20 years ago, Mei Zhannan signaled Wei Dayong to go out.After the door was closed again, he pointed to the stool next to the foot of the bed and said, "Midnight Luzhong prepared ginger jujube tea for you, sit down and drink it to dispel the cold."

Pulling the soft pillow behind him to change into a comfortable sitting position, Mei Zhannan looked at her quietly and sized her up.

I remember that it was such a cold winter night 20 years ago when he saw her in his father's study.She was also dressed like this that day, with her entire face hidden under a big hood, making it impossible to tell her age.

My father said that the Mei family has a secret guard all over the world. It has been operating since the founding of the country and the dynasty, and the number of generations has been large.After he took over from his grandfather, he divided the dark guards into nine, and one of them set foot in the martial arts world and became the famous Ninghai Villa in the Jianghu. The woman in front of him is the current owner of Ninghai Villa, Lu Yanhong and Lu Jiuniang.

Hearing the sound, Lu Jiuniang got up and took off the hood on her head, revealing a fair and petite face, then sat down as she said and looked at the ginger jujube tea in the cup.The tea soup is like blood and the ginger is as fine as powder. She smiled slightly and said in surprise: "It's been 20 years, I never thought the general would still remember it."

She loves sweetness like her life, and her favorite drink is ginger jujube tea, and the red dates used to make tea must be from Liangzhou.Therefore, whenever the Mei family summoned her, they would treat her with jujube tea.

He raised his hand to signal her to drink tea plum first and Zhan Nan was silent, and after she took a sip and put down the cup of tea, she said, "Although we haven't seen each other for 20 years, we have kept in touch. Today is also a reunion of old friends. Jiu Niang, Do you remember your responsibilities?"

Back then, the ninth dark guard with her as the main force set off a bloodbath when she first entered the arena. In less than a year, she gained a firm foothold in the arena. In three to five years, she continued to grow herself, and until today, she has Ninghai Villa, which is famous. Far Yang.

Although she is the only woman among the heads of the nine shadow guards, she should never be underestimated.On the contrary, Mei Zhannan had seen her cruelty with his own eyes, and knew that she was no less than the leader of the other eight hidden guards.

With a serious face in her heart, Lu Yanhong put away all the smiles on her face and stood up and said: "Life is the Mei family, death is the ghost of the Mei family, I swear to live and die with the Mei family."

After finishing speaking, she knelt on one knee and bowed her hands to salute, she said decisively and loudly: "General, please give an order, no matter what happens, as long as the general speaks out, the subordinates and the Ninth Ministry and other hidden guards will go through fire and water without hesitation."

Before she entered the dark guard camp, she was the son of the Mei family, and her parents were also the guards of the Mei family.Similarly, the same is true for the heads of the other eight shadow guards, and this is why the Mei family's dark guards have never had two minds.Therefore, this is their mission, and they are bound to do so.

What Mei Zhannan wanted was her words. He bent down and stretched out his hands to help her, motioned for her to sit down and said: "The cunning rabbit is dead, the lackey is cooked, the birds are exhausted, and the good bow is hidden. I thought that the Mei and Cheng families could coexist peacefully." Complementing each other, life and death are shared, who would have thought that the emperor would have murderous intentions. I am old and have already put life and death aside, but he not only shielded the prince, but also threatened Xin'er and caused a rebellion in the army, and the prince almost died because of this. This battle is ours. Fate is big, heart is clever, otherwise the entire Liangzhou city will be broken by the Tartars at this very moment."

"The Mei family has guarded Liangzhou for generations, and they must not disregard the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Therefore, the government can no longer just sit and wait for the people to rebel against the Mei family, and I can't just sit and watch the children being bullied and insulted. Yan Hong, legend I order that all the nine dark guards will turn from dark to bright, and all family members will be sent to the nineteenth city of Liangzhou to raise food and grass and prepare for the war."

Ninghai Villa is not only the pocketbook of the martial arts family but also the Mei family's army, and it is also thanks to Yanhong that Yiyingtang can continue to operate these years.If it wasn't for her careful management, the food and grass of the Mei family's army would be a problem.

She was taken aback as if struck by five thunders, but soon Lu Jiuniang became excited.Her blood was boiling with excitement, as if she had waited too long for this day, her whole body brightened up.Unbelievable, she blurted out: "General, have you really decided?"

Although she is in the martial arts world, she always pays attention to the imperial court. In addition, Mei Zhannan was seriously injured and Princess Liang stole people. She has always been very worried. At the same time, she also hated the emperor and the prince to death.Feeling that they were deceiving too much, she even cursed at home.Now that Mei Zhannan can figure it out, she can no longer bear the aggrievedness, and she can make such a determination, she is so happy and happy.

Ever since he woke up and learned that his daughter was being bullied and persecuted, he has been thinking about this matter, but rebellion is too much, and he has been loyal to the emperor and patriotic since elementary school, so he has been entangled for a long time.But that day he was stunned by his daughter's tears, and every sentence of questioning made him suddenly realize that the loyalty he had always insisted on might be wrong.Therefore, he is not a person who makes decisions lightly. Once he has made a decision, he will not change it, let alone go back and regret it.

Taking out the blood-red plum blossom token and dividing it into nine parts, Mei Zhannan took out the smallest piece and handed it to her, saying: "This is not the token of Prince Liang's Mansion, it is the unique token of the Mei family. Now I order you Take this token and go to this place on the map, there is a gold mine that has been guarded all the time, you go and tell him that it is time to dig.”

(End of this chapter)

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