Chapter 557
Seeing that people in the mansion came to Mei Xin one after another in the middle of the time but no one was there, Xu couldn't help feeling a little anxious.Unable to sit still, she ordered the maids to serve good refreshments. She quietly walked out on the grounds of going to the toilet. Seeing that Yun Luo was instructing people to move things, she walked over and asked in a low voice: "The wives and ladies of Shangshufu have all arrived. It's been almost half an hour, why hasn't Xin'er come? Could it be that he was suddenly delayed by something and stumbled, should we send someone back to have a look?"

It is not too far from Santiao Street. Although the snow is deep and the road is difficult to walk, there are people plowing the snow on the road. It is impossible to arrive so late.

Hearing the sound, Yun Luo turned her head and saluted her respectfully, and then replied unhurriedly: "I have already sent someone back, please be safe, uncle and madam."

The first rank of official rank crushed people, not to mention Princess Zhen Guo. Besides, both Lin Shi and Zeng Shi came out today, and the ladies in the mansion were also accompanying the guests. There is no need to let the major general come out to accompany the guests now.And if you come out to accompany him now, wouldn't you have to talk to others until night.

Not to mention that Mei Xin is not a person who likes to talk, especially with a bunch of women who are as thoughtful as an ox hair, and she can't come out so early just by saying that she is pregnant and should not sit for a long time, besides, she has only been in a few mansions. People, there are still a lot of people behind.

Anyway, sooner or later, I have to come out to socialize, so I just come out when people are almost here.Talk for half an hour before going to the table, and after dinner, go to the house to see the daughters of various families. If you feel good, it's not too late to talk to others.

Knowing the purpose of Mei Xin's banquet, Xu Shi was still a little anxious, she turned her head and saw someone was led in by the servant girl, she said: "There are so many people, it will take time to see them one by one, you send someone to tell her to come quickly, Don't miss watching it for a while."

Fortunately, all the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were brought here, otherwise she would be exhausted by herself.

Yun Luo understood, nodded to indicate that she understood, and Xu left with her maid.

Because everyone is invited today, there are Mei Changwu, Mei Zhongkai and others at the door to welcome the guests.Of course, there were also several cousins ​​from the Lu family, so that the female relatives didn't walk around the door, they all entered the second door and were led in by the maid.

Seeing that more and more gifts were brought in, and the list was handed to her one by one, Yunluo called Luoqiu and said, "Go to the second gate to see if Wang Dahei is there, if he is asking him to go back Let’s go. Tell the major general that the arrival is almost over, and she can go.”

Leaving the matter at hand to others, Luo Qiu smiled meaningfully and said, "That is to say, he won't be angry if you call him Wang Dahei, but I would have to yell at him instead. To be honest, you see The master didn’t, didn’t look at it and said it, so as to save him from acting like a fool when he sees me.”

I don't know how many times I have approached her in private, and every time I bribe her with something to help him speak well in front of Yun Luo.She ate and drank, and it didn't seem too good not to help and say something nice.

Mei Xin was not married and Yun Luo didn't think about this matter, and there were so many people at the moment, she looked up at her and said: "What are you talking about, go quickly, don't you see I'm busy."

I knew she would say that, Luo Qiu curled her lips in dissatisfaction and said: "Yes, yes, yes, I will go to the second door and tell him. Let him wait honestly, and I will complete my merits and virtues when you let go that day. gone."

Wang Geng is also a clever ghost, knowing that he doesn't like to owe people favors, he still insists on giving things, and the gifts are still things she likes, so he really refuses and is reluctant to take them and feels guilty, worrying her to death up.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't make a statement, so Yun Luo simply didn't answer her and ignored her.Luo Qiu saw that he couldn't get out of the test, so he didn't bother anymore, after all, there were too many people here, so it wasn't suitable.Then, she turned around and left, going straight to the second door.

At the same time, Mei Xin was dressed properly in Prince Liang's mansion and was about to leave. When she saw cattails coming in with a bowl of black medicine, she said, "Why did you drink the medicine again? Didn't you just drink it half an hour ago?"

It is very convenient to have three pills a day for anti-birth medicine. The medicine is prescribed by Dr. Han, and it is also three times a day, but she drank a bowl shortly after eating at noon. She should not drink it now. what.

Cattail shook his head lightly with a disconsolate face, and then explained: "No, this is not the medicine that the eldest princess drank, but the medicine of Zongzheng Houye."

Hesitant to speak but stopped is very difficult, opened his mouth to speak but dare not say it.

Mei Xin knew that Zongzheng Mingzhen, who lived in her bedroom, had started to play tricks on her son again, so she frowned slightly and asked depressedly: "He really regards this place as his home, why is he refusing to take medicine this time?" ?”

It's also opened his eyes and gained insight. The uncle Zongzheng Mingzhen has been relying on her since he woke up, and he has changed his way of making noise, and changed his way of not taking medicine, just like a child who has not yet been weaned.

Weiyu's face turned hot, and Cattail replied with some embarrassment: "Master Hou heard that the eldest princess is going out and will not return until late at night. He said it was evening... the night was too long, he...he was panicking, he... He has to ask the eldest princess to feed him the medicine. The servant has no choice but to ask the eldest princess for instructions."

She lowered her eyebrows and lowered her eyes, not daring to look at Mei Xin, Cattail felt her face turn red.Although she has seen Zongzheng Houye's thick skin and shamelessness in the past few days, it is quite embarrassing for Xiangsi to say these words.

Mei Xin's brain hurts as soon as she heard this bastard's words, and it has been going on for several days, getting stronger and more shameless every day, and she speaks big words without shame and righteousness, it really pissed her off.

Annoyed and not wanting to be threatened by him all the time, Mei Xin sneered and said, "If you don't drink, you can scare anyone. Anyway, it's not me who hurts. If you don't drink, let him down. Cardamom, let's go."

One misstep became eternal hatred, who told him to block the sword for himself.A big man is like a brown candy or a dog skin plaster.

Stepping out, Cardamom and Cattail hurriedly followed, before they got down the steps, they heard a dangerous cry, and at some point, Zichen came out with the help of Zongzheng Mingzhen.

In the cold weather, he was only wearing tea-white underwear, and his complexion was as white as jade without a trace of blood.Mei Xin saw that the clothes on his chest were wet and blood was overflowing, and immediately rushed over instinctively.As soon as he got angry, he wanted to strangle him to death, and while supporting him, he ordered: "The wound has burst open, please go to Doctor Han."

Cattail was very frightened, handed the medicine bowl in her hand to Cardamom and ran away quickly.

Zongzheng Mingzhen smiled with the corner of his mouth up, but because he was leaning on Mei Xin with his head down, she didn't see it.

Zichen felt a little headache, thinking that his master Hou was either crazy or had a tendency to abuse himself, otherwise how could he insist on coming out when he couldn't even stand firmly.

I was so angry that I wanted to get angry, I couldn't help but want to curse and beat him up, but he was injured, and at this moment he was hanging on her body like an octopus.

(End of this chapter)

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