From the ashes: Return of the General

Chapter 558 Dao is 1 foot high and magic is 1 foot high

Chapter 558 Dao is one foot high and the devil is one foot high

Resisting the urge to beat him, together with Zi Chen, they helped him onto the bed, Mei Xin looked at him with frosty eyes, gritted her teeth and said word by word: "If you don't want to live, you can just say that there is no need to waste medicine." , Bowls of medicine every day are actually very hard for my maid. This Qingzhixie is my boudoir, a courtyard specially built for me by my father. It is unlucky to die here. I will send someone to send you back. .”

It has been seven or eight days, although the wound has not healed, but in the end there is no danger of life, and as long as he is careful and the distance between two families, he can go back to his home to recuperate.Therefore, he played his temper with the Marquis, and she stopped serving him.

Raising his voice, he was about to call someone, but Zongzheng Mingzhen blurted out: "My mother went out of Beijing to inspect the shop, and there is no one at home. Where are you going to send me? No matter what I say, I am your savior, you can't treat me like this I."

Turning sideways and giving her a big back, he said in a fit of anger: "I won't go anywhere until the injury is cured, and you don't want to drive me away."

The cruel woman has no patience at all. It's only been a few days, and the wound in her heart is still hurting. She wants to drive herself out.Why is she so cruel? Is she a woman?

Who said that the Mei family is upright and kind to help the weak, who said that the Mei family is all kind and righteous, he is a very wounded person, how could she do this, it is too much!

Mei Xin was stunned and laughed instead, suddenly realized "Oh" and said: "I said why I haven't seen the old lady for a day, I dare to leave you here. Okay, you are my savior, I should be responsible In the end, you don't have to go. Come here, pull Zi Chen out and beat him ten times with the stick, and then help him out regardless of the safety of Lord Marquis and throw him out of the mansion, and he will not be allowed to enter the mansion again in the future."

As a personal bodyguard and a close follower of his master, he was mischievous and did not know how to persuade him, but instead helped the evildoer, he should be severely punished.

Zi Chen was stunned, and instantly understood what it means for a god to fight a little ghost.He is provoking someone, and he will be beaten for no reason, and he will die unjustly.

"Princess, please calm down, Master Hou, save me!" I heard that Prince Liang's mansion used military sticks as a stick, and he still has injuries, but it's unbearable.

No, he didn't get hurt and he didn't want to be beaten, besides, what does it have to do with him.It wasn't he who was willing to help him out just now, he was the one who forced him to go.

It's hard to complain about suffering, Zichen is about to cry, but Zongzheng Mingzhen actually said: "Didn't you always say that you are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, you can beat yourself up, go now."

"Master Hou?" Zichen was stunned, thinking that there must be something wrong with his ears, otherwise why would he have a feeling of hearing wrong.

Raising his arms and waving his hands to signal him to leave quickly, Zongzheng Mingzhen covered his heart and cried out in pain.

Zi Chen despaired, turned to look at Mei Xin and said, "Princess, calm down..."

Before finishing speaking, Cardamom walked in from outside, grabbed his shoulder and pulled him out.

The staff in the army is notoriously painful. He didn't want to be beaten, and he struggled to death: "Master, we don't take this kind of fun. Ten strokes of the rod, ten strokes, isn't it my life? Are you serious?" Are you sure?"

Although I have made mistakes after following him for many years, they are all small mistakes and have not been punished, especially the rod punishment has never been done.So, he really didn't want to suffer.

Zongzheng Mingzhen was annoyed by his unpromising appearance, carefully turned over and looked at Mei Xin, and said directly: "Hurry up and take him back after the beating, so as not to embarrass me here. Xin'er , I haven't showered for several days, and my body seems to be smelly, so if he's not here at night, come back early and help me scrub."

The injury was severe, and it had been seven or eight days and he could barely turn over by himself, and it was difficult to stand up.So, not only scrubbing his body, but even his clothes, he couldn't change or put them on.

Once again defeated by his brazenness, Mei Xin called Dou Kou and said, "Stop beating, find a warm sedan chair and send him to the palace right now. The old lady Zongzhenghou is not here, so the Empress Dowager is always here, so give it to her directly." Send it over and let Dr. Han accompany you."

"Catpus, go and call Nanny Song, let her take care of and serve Zongzheng Houye all the way. I will leave it to her, and if there is any mistake, let her not come back, and go to the emperor and empress to apologize. "

After Mei Xin finished speaking, she walked away, Zongzheng Mingzhen was stunned.Seeing that her posture was going to be serious, she blurted out: "I drink the medicine, I will take the medicine now. Cattails, cattails, the medicines, bring the medicines quickly."

Dao Gao was one foot tall and Mo Gao was one foot tall. Mei Xin knew that she had won, and continued to walk out, completely ignoring him, with the corners of her mouth raised to hide her smile.

Hearing the sound, Cattail hurriedly went to get the medicine, feeling that the medicine was completely cold, she said: "The medicine is cold, servant take it to warm it up, please ask Lord Hou later."

After finishing speaking, he saluted and ran away.

Zongzheng Mingzhen, who was anxiously affected by the pain of his wound, gasped, seeing Zichen standing there like a fool, he said very depressedly: "Laugh if you want to laugh, don't hold back, and get me medicine after laughing." , it hurts me to death."

The blood didn't flow, but it really hurt, especially when the wound was pulled to death just now.

Zi Chen couldn't hold it any longer with a thud, took the medicine gloatingly and said, "I didn't expect that, Lord Hou, you also have today."

Who said that he would not be afraid of his wife like his father, who said that when he married a daughter-in-law in the future, he would strengthen his husband.Hahaha, I am so laughable, the eldest princess is mighty!
"Are you happy?" With no expression on his face, Zi Chen nodded like a chicken pecking at rice without even thinking about it.

The corner of his mouth raised and he took the medicine in Zichen's hand with a slight smile. Zongzheng Mingzhen opened the stopper on the porcelain bottle nonchalantly and said, "Uncle Ji's daughter, Xiaofang, is eighteen years old and unmarried. I heard from my mother a few days ago You are a good match, and I think you are a good match..."

Before he finished speaking, the laughter stopped abruptly, Zi Chen seemed to be strangled by life, and said with a flushed face, "This subordinate knows his mistake, please calm down, Lord Hou!"

Steward Ji's daughter, Ji Xiaofang, is notoriously ugly. She is tall and thick, not to mention her voice is very rough. Whenever she speaks, she sounds like thunder. Let him go.

Zongzheng Mingzhen was very satisfied with his attitude of admitting his mistake, and threw the medicine bottle to him with a soft "hmm".It was the one who asked him to give him medicine, but thinking that Dr. Han came in at this time, with a medicine box in his hand, his expression was very ugly, as if someone owed him gold and did not pay back.

"What's the matter, didn't you tell you to be careful, why did you still break the wound? And you, how did you take care of him? Do you know that his injury is very serious? How many blood-enriching medicinal materials can he eat to make up the blood he bleeds?" The doctor's parents are concerned, but it is really annoying for Dr. Han to disobedient patients.

(End of this chapter)

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