Chapter 563

This means that the little uncle is not here, if he is there, he must be beaten.Let's not talk about Mei Xin's status, let's say that she is of the same generation as the little uncle, and the little uncle likes her, so they should respect her.Besides, staring at a girl unscrupulously with undisguised eyes is not a gentleman's behavior. All the books he has read over the years have been read into the stomach of a dog.

That is to say, Mei Xin is tolerant and magnanimous and doesn't care about him. If she meets a woman who is small-minded and raised in a deep boudoir, she will definitely not be able to please her.Not only can't get back home, but also has to be punished, and a stick is definitely not going to run away.

Since the two cousins ​​lived and ate and studied together in the past six months, Han Chen was not afraid of him and knew him very well.He dismissed his question and didn't take it seriously. He stared into the distance and stared at the frozen lake, pouted and said in disbelief, "How can I be offended when I tell the truth, not to mention that she is really beautiful compared to the rumors." Ruo Tianxian. Cousin, it’s strange that my uncle likes her so he must marry her, even if I saw her, my heart beats so hard, did you see it just now..."

"Shut up!" Kou Xian was really angry when he interrupted him with an angry shout. Seeing that he was talking more and more without a clue, he immediately reprimanded in a low voice: "Although General Mei is a real hero in the battlefield Afraid of rumors, but she is a woman after all, don't talk nonsense to ruin her reputation. The Kou and Mei families are family friends, and the little uncle has a kinship with her, and he also saved his life back then, how dare you talk nonsense Go home now, and you are not allowed to visit other people's houses in the future."

The second aunt was married to a well-known family in the south of the Yangtze River, and the rules were not as strict as her own. In addition, her cousin was a bit out of touch and unstable.However, he is still better than those dandies in the capital, and he is not like this on weekdays.

Seeing his stern words and the bulging veins on his forehead, Han Chen knew that he was impatient.He hurriedly bowed to apologize and said with a smile: "Cousin calm down, I just want to talk to you in private and dare to let others listen. Don't be angry, I won't say it, it's okay if I don't say it."

After speaking, he tugged on Kou Xian's sleeve as if to please him, and begged him to calm down and stop being as knowledgeable as himself.

Snorting coldly and throwing his hand away, Kou Xian looked around and found that no one was approaching and said, "Misfortunes come from the mouth and sickness comes from the mouth. Grandfather has always taught us to be cautious in our words and deeds. I don't care about you when you are young. But there is one thing you must remember clearly. A soldier cannot be humiliated, and a heroine like General Mei Shao, who is so unyielding, should be respected. Right now, the family is in trouble because of the little uncle. Grandma You are also sick, if you are not afraid of being beaten and talking nonsense. If you anger grandfather, you will have to be whipped, and then we will see if you still dare to talk nonsense."

I don't know what happened a few days ago, and how my little uncle Kou Zhenhai was stimulated. He left a letter a few nights ago and left.He said he was going to the east to kill Japanese pirates, and he would never come back if he didn't finish killing them.

The Japanese pirates were fierce and water bandits were rampant, and the grandmother fainted on the spot when she heard about it.The eldest sister-in-law is like a mother, and the little uncle is always loved by others, and he is not a few years older than himself, so the mother and father are also very worried.No one in Kou's family has ever been to the navy, and they have no contacts in the east, so going there is like a stone falling into the sea and cutting off any news.Parents are busy asking people to find someone, and grandfather is also very angry. The atmosphere at home has been so low in recent days.

Mentioning Old General Kou's whip, Han Chen finally knew he was afraid, shrank his head and stuck out his tongue, and said, "If you don't even talk about it, you still scare me with your grandfather. He is a strong old man. Let him whip the whip. I'm afraid of my life." Not anymore. Cousin, where do you think little uncle is now? Is he sad and wandering the world for love?"

Thinking of seeing Mei Xin's bulging belly in the room just now, she seemed to be pregnant, and she was pregnant, Han Chen continued: "If only I had been born a few years earlier, then I would be able to join the Mei family's army, maybe I can Fight with her. Such a beautiful girl... Oh, what a pity after all!"

She is good looking and smart, and the most important thing is that she is invincible in martial arts. It would be great if she could be married to him as a wife.He was born in a family of merchants, and his ancestors had always wanted to change his family, although marrying the daughter of General Kou's mansion would be better than marrying a princess.Therefore, if Mei Xin is not married, if she is not pregnant, he must try his best to marry her.

Seeing him sighing and sighing was very regrettable, Kou Xian raised his hand and gave him another slap and said: "She is the bright moon in the sky, how can you imagine it, and besides, don't daydream with your small body. You still want to be a son-in-law, but it's more realistic for you to be a good candidate."

With fame, he can become an official, and once he becomes an official, he can change his family, and this is the main reason why his aunt sent him to study in Beijing all the way.

When he was young, he was in high spirits. Han Chen touched his painful head and disapproved, and said: "Don't underestimate people, you are only half a head taller than me, and I am not short Besides, why can’t Sai Panan be the princess because of my good looks? Maybe the princess still likes me when she sees me, so I don’t want to marry.”

He is not worried at all about how young he is, and some boys grow up later.But he just didn't practice martial arts, his body is not as strong as him, he is not as strong as him, and he doesn't look as powerful as him.

Kou Xian didn't want to say anything anymore when he was boastful and started to smear him again. He turned his head and wanted to leave, but someone laughed at the thought of a puff.

Hearing the sound, he turned around and saw two people standing behind the tree. He gave Han Chen a hard look.

Han Chen didn't expect that there was someone hiding behind the tree, so he roared angrily, "Who is eavesdropping, come out!"

Before the voice fell, a charming woman with a weeping willow temple combing her heart came out from behind the tree wearing a maid.

She was wearing a pink dress and a white cloak, with silk flowers from the palace on her hair to flick the willow wind.Fushen saluted with a reddish complexion, a little embarrassed and a little timid and said: "I'm really sorry but I didn't eavesdrop on purpose. I took off the veil to appreciate the snow here before, and turned around and accidentally saw the two of you. Originally, I was about to retreat. I thought I was seen by you, don't worry, I didn't hear anything except Maung Sai Panan."

This remark is tantamount to self-reporting, so after she finished speaking, her face turned even redder.

Kou Xian and Han Chen looked at each other, and found that they didn't know her at all and had never seen her before, so they said, "It's okay, I didn't say anything anyway, just listen after you listen. Have you found the handkerchief? Did you find it?" Whose girl, why have I never seen you?"

Seeing that she was very shy and a little scared and wanted to lower her head to the ground, Han Chen became more and more curious.Wearing Shu brocade, silk flowers from the palace, and a mutton fat jade bracelet on her Hao wrist, she must not be a girl from an ordinary family.

(End of this chapter)

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