From the ashes: Return of the General

Chapter 564 One Filial Piety

Chapter 564
Unconsciously twisting the veil in her hand subconsciously, the girl hesitated to say: "I, I am..."

She was interrupted before she finished speaking, and the maid who followed her whispered: "Miss, no, how can you tell others the girl's boudoir name at will, let alone they are foreign men, miss what Song Nanny said?"

Before going out, the second lady repeatedly told her that if she didn't remind her, she might cause trouble.After the new year, Jiji is the age at which people can see each other and get married. If something bad comes out, she, a maid, will be in bad luck.So, she had to remind her and interrupt her.

She was stunned and immediately felt that something was wrong, and she bowed in panic, she was soft and weak like a mosquito and said, "Thank you for your concern, two young masters, the handkerchief has been found, if there is nothing else, I will leave first!"

Without waiting for the two of them to speak, she turned and left, and then hurried away with her servant girl.

Seeing that she seemed to be very timid, Han Chen became more and more curious about her identity. Knowing that the princesses were here today, he couldn't help but said: "Cousin, did you hear that just now? Speaking of Nanny Song, I'm afraid she is a princess in the palace."

The son-in-law cannot be an official, and the princess raised in the palace is arrogant and domineering, otherwise he will definitely win the princess's eyes with his appearance.

Instinctively raised his hand and wanted to hit his head again, but thought that he dodged deftly, and hid three feet away like a ghost.Hate that iron cannot be made into steel, Kou Xian said angrily and helplessly: "What do you know, Nanny Song is Yuqian, and she went to Prince Liang's Mansion not long ago. If I guessed correctly, she should belong to the Mei family of Prince Liang's mansion." Miss. Seeing that she is about the same age as you, she should be Mei Jingchu, the fourth daughter of the Mei family's third bedroom."

Before the words finished, Han Chen was stunned, and blurted out: "How do you know so clearly, you even know how long she is at home. Have you met her before? Asked about her?"

It shouldn't be, the two of them have been inseparable for more than half a year, eating and living together, and he must have met the girl he knows, why doesn't he have the slightest impression of Mei Jingchu?

Seeing him talking nonsense again, Kou Xian said sharply: "What are you talking about, I am a gentleman, I have nothing to ask what other girls do. I heard what my little uncle said. Mei's daughters are famous all over the world. The little uncle and the eldest princess are married. If you are familiar with it, you will naturally know more. Come on, stop talking, if you talk about it, the throwing pot will be finished. Didn’t you fall for the lottery of throwing the pot, and go away quickly.”

Grabbing his arm and walking forward, the two of them disappeared by the lake after a while.

At the beginning of You Shi, the sky gradually darkened, and the princess's mansion began to light the lamps.Since it was the Night Plum Hunting Banquet, more lights were lit today than usual. Palace lanterns of various colors were hung at the door, in the yard, under the corridor and by the lake, and the colorful colors were very beautiful.

On a snowy night, the fragrance floats and the plum blossoms stand gracefully and bloom. Yun Luolai invites Mei Xin and others to the table.Knowing that all the meals had been prepared and put on the table, she got up first to help Mrs. Lu Guogong, and then invited all the wives and ladies present to eat.

The old Mrs. Lu Guogong has an imperial order, and all the female relatives let her go first.Mei Xin originally wanted to help her into the table and eat with her, but then she thought that Yun Luo had been giving her winks all the time.

Randomly finding an excuse to let everyone go first, Mei Xin stood on the porch and Ren Yunluo helped her put on the cloak, and said while putting on the cape, "If something happens, you won't be afraid of being laughed at if you wink?"

Seeing that all the wives and ladies have left and walked away, Yun Luo replied in a low voice with a frosty face and said: "Princess Lin Yuetong came before a cup of tea, and said that she is also the eldest princess's wife, the eldest princess! How can we miss her in the banquet in the mansion. She has not had time to congratulate the eldest princess, and she specially brought gifts to congratulate her today. The people at the door can't stop it, and my uncle and wife said that she is right, if you don't let her I’m afraid that if I come in, it will be offended, and if it is heard by the emperor, it will cause trouble. Therefore, I have already attended a banquet with several princesses.”

Yu Bi raised his head and glanced at Mei Xin, seeing that her brows were deeply locked and her eyes seemed to be filled with disgust, then she said: "Prince Ping has not been buried yet, she and the maidservants who came with her are all dressed in filial piety. Major General, the servants saw that they were not kind, so the uncle asked the servants to tell you to be patient in everything."

Even though she has seen various scenes with Mei Xin, she still encounters such things once in a while.She was really taken aback when Wang Geng came to report the time, but if Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Du hadn't stopped her, she would have beaten them out.

It's obvious that today is a wedding banquet, so what's the matter with them coming in dressed in mourning.What they knew was that they were ignorant and came to find fault on purpose, but those who didn't know thought that Princess Zhen Guo was dead.

With a face as gloomy as rain, Mei Xin sneered and said: "I haven't settled with her yet, she came to the door first, since she has come to curse me dead, so why not be polite. I heard that Miss Qiu loves dogs and has raised them." Take a golden retriever wherever it goes, I heard the dog barking half an hour ago, you can go and meet it later."

Ren Shan was bullied, and Ma Shan was ridden by others. She was bullied on her head. She was not as good-tempered as she was in her previous life.

Yun Luo understood, smiled knowingly and said: "The crown prince and King Ping have always had a bad relationship, if Miss Qiu's dog bites her and frightens her, I'm afraid she can't be kind."

When a dog bites a dog, it's time for them to confront each other head-on.

Without saying a word, she looked up at the moon and saw that the moon was cold and flickering tonight, Mei Xin felt a little sad and tangled and said, "I heard from Mrs. Liu that Brother Kou left home to fight Japanese pirates."

Yun Luo had already received the news, paused with his hands slightly, and said nonchalantly: "A good man has ambitions all over the world. Although he got an official position in the capital, he can't show his skills after all. It's good to go to the east to fight Japanese pirates and make contributions. indefinite……"

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Mei Xin's sigh, and she said quietly: "You don't need to say these words to comfort me, I understand. It's just that the old general loved him so much, it's really not good for him to leave like this. Yes. Send a letter to Ji Yun to ask him to send someone to keep an eye on his movements. I heard that he went on the road alone without a entourage. Pick someone to protect him. The pirates and water bandits are different from the Tartars. , I’m afraid he might be in danger when he arrives for the first time, so please take care of him.”

No matter what, he has the affection of Pao Zezhi's righteous brother, and if it wasn't for her, he would not leave home and leave the capital.And if there is an accident, she will definitely feel guilty for the rest of her life, so she doesn't want him to make any mistakes.

As a personal maid and someone who grew up with Mei Xin, the careful Yun Luo understands her best.Knowing that her heart is soft and kind, she nodded and let go of her hand and said, "Don't worry, Major General, the third son will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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