Chapter 566
Since the assassins had been assassinating her continuously since entering the capital, Mei Xin was used to not changing her expression and not panicking.First, he grabbed Lu Chenglan's arm and threw her out to Luo Qiu who rushed over, and then he slapped the table with his palm.

With deep inner strength, he shook all the dishes on the table with one palm, flipped his wrist, and all the dishes and chopsticks on the table and the dishes on them all hit Wu Sheng who was coming with a knife as if they had come to life.

Perhaps because he knew that she had been protecting her pregnancy and could not use force with others, the martial student's pupils constricted and his face turned pale with shock.However, that was only for a moment, and after a moment, he changed his moves, and the blade turned and knocked all the dishes to the ground with a bang.

The dishes fell on the bluestone slab and shattered all over the floor, and whoever's face was splashed by the scum even scratched it.With screams, the guards guarding outside rushed in, but the martial artist did not run away.Instead, instead of retreating, he swung his knife and slashed at Mei Xin again.

Because before the banquet, Mei Xin had considered that there would be assassins sneaking in, and she had made sufficient preparations, so she was not panicked.It's just that she never thought that the assassin would sneak into the troupe. You must know that she wrote this play herself, and although she didn't disclose her name, not everyone can sing it.

The martial artist who sang very well before, it is absolutely impossible to learn and sell now.Therefore, the assassin obviously came prepared again.

Facing it calmly, Yunying quickly stood in front of her, Yunluo and Luoqiu also arrived in a short time, but she did not make a move, they guarded Meixin from left to right to protect her.

Seeing that two people rushed out from the troupe, their faces were covered with black scarves, Mei Xin ordered: "They are all dead men, don't leave them alive, ask the archers to prepare and shoot them all."

Feichen was injured when she was in Huangzhuang, and so was Cardamom, so there was no need to waste her internal energy with them, and if something happened to Yunying again, there would be even fewer people around her to use.

Luo Qiu listened to the order, reached into his armband and took out a small flag, waved the Mingfeng arrow up and down, and then roared towards him.With a puff, it pierced into the bone of the heart, and an assassin fell to the ground on the spot, dead.

Since the people sitting on this floor are all female relatives, many of them have never seen a murder in their life, let alone a corpse or blood.Therefore, he panicked and screamed and ran around, and the scream that resounded through the sky did not know whether he was frightened by the assassin or by Mei Xin's ruthlessness.

Today, all the officials' children above the fourth rank in the capital and the children of the aristocratic families came, and they were entertained and accompanied by Mei Changwu, Mei Zhongkai and cousins ​​from the Lu family.Standing upstairs, Yunying and the others quickly controlled the situation, and the young masters who had contacts with Prince Liang's mansion did not make a move.

Mei Changwu was a little worried about his wife and daughter, so he hurried downstairs after calling everyone to sit down for dinner again.The young master of the Lu family followed, and the two soon came to Mei Xin one by one.

Wusheng was killed, and the two assassins were all dead. According to their past habits, they would inspect the corpses on the spot to see if they could find any clues from them.But today there are many sons and daughters, even though they all turned pale from fright and hid, it is not easy to search directly.

Orderly ordering people to carry the corpse down, Xu summoned her maid to clean the battlefield and wash away the blood.At this moment, Lin Yuetong, Princess Ping, who was dressed in filial piety, opened her mouth, and suddenly jumped out to stop Yunying and the others, saying, "Assassinating the eldest princess of the town is a serious crime. Why don't you report it to the officials and deal with it privately? The skins of the three people have been peeled off to see if there are any marks on them. Zhang Shui, go to the Jingzhao Yamen to report to the officials that someone has assassinated the eldest princess, so tell them to come quickly."

Zhang Shui was the eunuch who followed King Ping. He had served him since he was a child, so he was very obedient and loyal.Pulling her legs away, the two women who came with her stepped forward to take off the clothes of the three assassins.

Yunying didn't know what she meant, so she waved her hand to make people back away.

Mei Xin was taking out her anti-fetal medicine for Lu Chenglan, but she didn't notice Lin Yuetong.Suddenly hearing her righteous words, she put down the medicine bottle in her hand and walked over.

Seeing that she was dressed in white filial piety clothes, with hemp rope tied around her body, and her face was hideous, Mei Xin said expressionlessly: "I'm not dead yet. Why is the sister-in-law wearing sackcloth and filial piety? Could it be that the sister-in-law is related to these assassins, knowing that tonight Are they going to kill me?"

The words startled everyone, and everyone's eyes moved to her in unison.

Startled in his heart, Lin Yuetong blurted out without thinking: "Stop talking nonsense, when will I know them, you don't want to spout blood."

Lacking confidence and feeling guilty, she just looked at Mei Xin and immediately looked away.

An old nanny who was following her frowned slightly, then thought for a while and took a step forward to salute Mei Xin and said, "Princess, please be careful, the prince died not long ago and has not been buried in the grave yet, the princess is dressed in hemp..."

She was interrupted by Mei Xin before she finished speaking, and she raised her voice: "Although I grew up in Liangzhou and am not familiar with the customs and customs of the capital, I know that Princess Ping's Lin family comes from the Zanying family. Her father, Lord Lin, once lived in Worked in the Ministry of Rituals, Rexiao is in the body and does not go out, and the three-year-old child in the common people's family knows about it, so the emperor's wife has forgotten?"

"Even if the emperor's sister-in-law forgot or didn't know, you slaves should know. Since you know, why don't you remind me, and let the emperor's wife come to my house in sackcloth and mourning. I remember that I didn't post a message to Prince Ping's mansion. What is the meaning of the emperor's wife not being invited to come again in this attire?"

Although she hasn't figured out her purpose yet, it's definitely not a good thing.She insisted on blocking the way to examine the corpses, explaining that her purpose was on these three corpses.

It goes without saying, Mei Xin's words already explained everything, and everyone followed her words to speculate.

Mistakenly believing the rumors, not knowing that Mei Xinya had sharp teeth, and didn't expect that she was familiar with etiquette, Lin Yuetong looked around uncomfortably and replied: "I... the prince said that he was taken care of by you in Liangzhou after he came back, so let me come to visit you. I happened to hear that there is a banquet in your residence, so I came here specially to have a look."

The ambiguity of what he said also caused people to misunderstand, Mei Xin pretended to be surprised and said "oh" and then said: "I dare to misunderstand, the emperor's wife is thinking about me, and she came here wearing a filial piety dress, this is a curse for me to die .”

It's ridiculous to speak out loudly, but from what she said, Mei Xin was sure that the three assassins today must have something to do with her.

What was in her heart was revealed in a single word Lin Yuetong felt a little uneasy and uneasy, she turned her head and looked at the old woman standing next to her, she was about to speak but stopped, and said stubbornly: "I learned about it late, I left in a hurry, and I'll be there soon." I forgot to change it. My father said that my sister is as broad-minded as a man, so I don't think I would mind."

Having seen someone as shameless as Zongzheng Mingzhen but never someone as shameless as her, Mei Xin was laughed out of anger in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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