Chapter 567

She couldn't get angry, and she had to resist the urge to slash her with a knife. Mei Xin said with a smile on her face: "I really have a heart as wide as the sea, but I can't stand you humiliating me like this. This is coming to the door in sackcloth and filial piety, so I have to give it to me anyway." Let me explain. Besides, my father named me the eldest princess of Zhenguo and gave me a mansion, and this is the first time I hold a banquet in the mansion today, and what the emperor's wife did... really made me very angry."

The expression suddenly changed and the subject changed, and Mei Xin said sternly again: "Seeing that the emperor's sister-in-law is still two decades old, even though she married the emperor's brother and has been doing nothing, it is not small. In addition, Mr. Lin once worked in the Ministry of Rites and read it well. Etiquette, forgetting to change clothes for a while is really laughing out loud, and it also made everyone present foolish. The emperor's wife is a woman, the noble Princess Ping, and she should know that it is not suitable for a woman to see a foreign man before she gets married. At this moment, all officials All the female relatives are here, what is the emperor's wife wanting to do if she insists on taking off the assassin's clothes? And if you say that you have nothing to do with them, I think not only I don't believe it, but everyone will not believe it."

After finishing speaking, he looked around, and the people who had recovered from the fright nodded their heads and discussed in low voices.

Shocked in his face, Lin Yuetong took a step back involuntarily.As if frightened, the old mother instinctively supported her and scolded very angrily: "It's just that I forgot to change my clothes in a hurry before leaving the door. Why should the eldest princess be so aggressive. After all, she is also Princess Ping. , your sister-in-law, you..."

With a snap, the long whip in Mei Xin's hand was like a poisonous snake coming out of its hole, and hit her hard on the face.The skin was torn apart and the blood flowed profusely, the old mammy almost fainted from the pain.

After all, it was just a woman, Lin Yuetong exclaimed in shock, yelling for help.

With a sneer, she slowly retracted the long whip, and Mei Xin said unhurriedly: "It was just a wave of your hand, how did you scream so loudly, I'm really sorry, I couldn't get it right for a while and forgot."

The old mother was afraid, especially when she remembered Mei Xin's cruelty to the eldest son of the Yu family, she knelt down without hesitation and said: "Princess, calm down, princess, please spare me."

Originally, he thought that he would have the support of the princess, but then he thought that she was even more afraid than himself.She can't be counted on, for the sake of her own life, she should quickly beg for mercy and admit her mistake.

The sixth princess, born to Concubine Hui, couldn't look down on Yun, and was instantly angry.Hot blood rushed forward and shouted angrily: "Presumptuous, you are just a courtier's daughter. Why do you contradict my emperor's wife? You really think you are invincible when you are named the princess of the country, but you are in the army because of your beauty. Hanging out with people, hooking up..."

The slap, slap sounded again and Mei Xin knocked her out with two ear scrapers. She smiled slightly and stared at the maid who came with her and said, "Princess Six is ​​drunk, send her back to the palace."

There is a grievance and a debtor. Although she was arrogant and domineering in her previous life, she never bullied her.Originally, he didn't intend to deal with her, but then he thought that she would stand up for Lin Yuetong.

It's all right to show off, but she dared to insult her and the Mei family's army. She wrote down this account and will definitely pay it back in the future.

Today, the banquet guards and other guards were outside, and none of them were allowed in.Therefore, some people who feel that Mei Xin is too much just dare not speak out.As for the sons of the families upstairs and the flower protectors of the Sixth Princess, they each have their own ideas, and it is even more difficult for them to intervene with Mei Xin Zhanli.

In fact, the most important thing is that Mei Xin saved face for the sixth princess, otherwise why would she just knock her out and say she was drunk.

The maid looked at Mei Xin in fear, then picked up the sixth princess and left without thinking.The imperial guards escorted the princess all the way back to the palace. Mei Xin was not worried. Seeing that Lin Yuetong pretended to be dizzy at some point, she said with disdain: "It seems that the emperor's sister-in-law is also drunk, that's all, let's go with the sixth princess." Well, it happened to be sent off by the Imperial Guard."

In order to avoid any accidents, and also to prevent her from making a move later, she said the word Imperial Guards very emphatically.At the same time, she was telling everyone that if Lin Yuetong was injured or died on the way back, it had nothing to do with her, it was the responsibility of the imperial guards.

Taking advantage of the diversion of everyone's attention, Yunying took the three corpses away. She didn't take off her clothes to check, but she didn't know that the one who appeared to be a martial artist among the three turned out to be an eunuch and an eunuch.

Eunuchs were born of the royal family, except for the personal eunuchs who followed the princes, almost all of them were in the palace.There are eunuchs among the assassins, could the assassination tonight be done by the emperor or have something to do with him?
Since the matter was too serious to delay, Yunying immediately moved the body to the cellar, ordered people to guard it strictly, and then went to report to Mei Xin.

Because of the assassination, everyone had no intention of feasting again. After removing all the food and replacing it with refreshments, the gongs and drums rang again.In order to ease the atmosphere, Mei Xin ordered the opera troupe to continue singing, instead of being loyal to the liver and courage, it changed to a lively opera.

When Yunying saw Mei Xin, people from the Jingzhao Yamen had already arrived and were about to find him to carry the body back to the Yamen.

Mei Xin saw that he was hesitant to speak and seemed to have something inside, and said lightly: "It's cold at night, please go for a walk, it's getting late now, even if there is something important to come to the yamen, I have to do it tomorrow. Why don't you Rest your feet, sit down and have some tea to warm up before going back."

The scent of tea is overflowing. The cakes that have just been served are steaming, and all the gluttons come out, and the stomach is growling.They had to give Mei Xin some face, and the cakes were really delicate and delicious, so they sat down at the table to have tea and watch a play after being polite.

As soon as the front foot left, the back foot Yunying hurriedly said, thinking that this matter was not simple, maybe it was a trick, and he couldn't help but reminded: "At first, the subordinates thought it was the emperor's doing, but after careful consideration, it is impossible. Shao The general thought that all the eunuchs came from the palace, if the emperor sent someone to assassinate, it would be impossible for the eunuchs to come. Therefore, Princess Ping's insistence on checking in front of everyone must have something to do with this."

Mei Xin thought of it the first time she heard it, but she didn't think so.Smiling meaningfully and putting down the teacup in her hand, she said, "Have you ever heard of the darkness under the lamp?"

Although it is jargon, Yunying knows it, and nodded to show that she knows.However, he didn't understand what this matter had to do with the darkness under the lamp.

Mei Xin guessed that he couldn't think of it, and said directly: "Hearing is believing, seeing is believing but the capital is surrounded by fog, what you see with your own eyes may not be true. Besides, the emperor can't think of things that you can think of. Can't think of it, maybe he is using this to blind everyone's eyes."

Eunuchs come from the palace, but who can guarantee that no one in this world comes from the palace or is abolished like Prince Ping.Therefore, don't jump to conclusions easily, let alone believe easily.

"Lin Yuetong sent people to Jingzhao Yamen because they were afraid that I would not hand over the body after I knew about it. They deliberately undressed and searched in front of everyone to make everyone think that it was the emperor's work. They took the opportunity to sow dissension. Either I or my father will take action. It is a matter of the survival of the family. Neither me nor my father will sit still. Once we take action, the emperor's butcher's knife will fall. It seems that her purpose is to catalyze the relationship between the Meicheng family. Enmity, I want to use the emperor's hand to kill me and my family."

(End of this chapter)

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