Chapter 598
Perhaps it was because they were of the same age and Xiaodouzi and Luoqiu were always by their side. As soon as Mei Xin arrived at the dining room, she saw Mei Jingxing playing with Master Wei's grandson Wei Jiankun.The two look alike because they are cousins, their big eyes sparkle as if they can talk.

Because Wei Jiankun, who is two years older than Mei Jingxing, has an impression of him, knowing that he is his cousin and knowing that his parents are dead, he wholeheartedly caters to him and teases him.I hope to become friends with him through this meeting, and it is best to come and go frequently in the future.

Hearing from his grandmother and mother that he was sick and unwilling to speak, he hoped that he could help him, give him care and love, like a real big brother.

"Jing Xing, do you have any characters? My name is Ziqiu, you can call me brother Ziqiu from now on." Wei Jiankun, who spoke like a little adult, gave him candied lotus seeds.

Mei Jingxing was enlightened early, was good at reading, and was once known as a child prodigy.Therefore, knowing what the word means, he took Tang Lianzi and picked up a pen to write his own word, then nodded, indicating that he knew and agreed.

Xiaodouzi didn't like reading and didn't have a sign, but he took the candied lotus seeds from Wei Jiankun and said, "My surname is Mei and my name is Douzi, who is older than you. You can call me Brother Douzi just like Jing Xing. I think you are very nice." , you can come to the palace to play with us in the future."

In the past, Yiyingtang was their home, but now Liangwang Mansion is their home.Although there are no parents for them in the family, there are major generals who love them, and brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts who love them.They are very happy and joyful, and they regard Prince Liang's Mansion as their home from the bottom of their hearts.

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Mei Jingxing, and Xiaodouzi immediately said, "Jing Xing, what do you think, can we play together in the future?"

Maybe it's because of his natural blood relationship, Mei Jingxing doesn't reject Wei Ziqiu.On the contrary, he also likes that he wants to be good friends with him, so he nodded heavily and picked up a pen to write on the paper: "There is also Qing Ke, let's play together!"

Not knowing who Qing Ke was, Wei Jiankun asked, and after Xiaodouzi finished introducing him, he packed a purse with candied lotus seeds, saying that he wanted them to take them home and give them to Mei Qingke.

The children's friendship is very pure, but because of this behavior Mei Jingxing likes him even more.He took the purse like a baby and put it in his arms. He planned to send it to Mei Qingke as soon as he returned home.

The three of them had so much fun playing on the porch that they didn't even see Mei Xin coming over.Mrs. Wei watched happily from the side, and only after the servant girl reminded her did she find out that Mei Xin had arrived.

Standing up to greet the children without disturbing the children, she stepped forward to salute and said in a low voice: "Not to mention that the three of us had a good time, and we all ate food separately."

She couldn't help being happy, the previous sadness and pain were swept away, and she smiled brightly.

After looking at it, Mei Xin smiled slightly, followed her to sit down at the dining table, and said, "Although Jing Xing doesn't talk much, he has a good heart and is a very kind child. Since they are having fun together, let him Young Master Wei is going to play in the palace, or if Jing Xing is willing, I can send someone to send them over."

It is estimated that there is little hope, and the reason why he can play with Young Master Wei now is because Xiaodouzi and her are there.Duan Duan would not have dared to come without someone to accompany him, and he would not be able to play as well as he is now.

Madam Wei was so full of joy that she had no time to think about it, she nodded without hesitation and said, "That's good, but will it be too disturbing?"

The gate of Prince Liang's Mansion is not easy to enter, especially Mei Xin has been assassinated frequently recently, to be honest she is quite scared.And if it wasn't for seeing her grandson and worrying about him, she wouldn't be willing to go there often.

It doesn't matter if you don't need to receive or accompany Mei Xin all the time, and it's good for Mei Jingxing to have a few more playmates because of his special situation, she said: "How can we know each other for so long, madam knows my temper It's too polite to say that. To tell the truth, I hope from the bottom of my heart that you will come to the house more often. You know the situation of my second sister and the affairs of the Yu family. I hope you can Help me to comfort her. My second sister is very thoughtful. She was bullied and wronged when she was married to Yu's family, and she didn't say a word to her family. I feel sorry for her, but she is always afraid of tiring me. Let me go back to rest before sitting hot, to be honest, I am really anxious sometimes."

Because of her mild and gentle personality, Mei Wanzhi became very sensitive and fragile after giving birth and her biological father wanted to drive her out.Several times when she went to see her, she wanted to have a good chat with her, but she was reluctant to talk.Later, after being reminded by Nanny Sun, she realized that she might have gone too often, which put her under psychological pressure.

Knowing that it is a special time for her, I don't care. In the past, no matter how busy she was or she had to go out, she would go to see her, but now she goes once every three days.Not long after I sat down, I asked about the child's situation, and after two or three times, I found that she talked a little too much.Therefore, she really hoped that Mrs. Wei could go home more often to talk with her.

After all, they are all people who have given birth, even if they are sitting together and talking about their children, as long as she is happy and willing to talk, she will be happy.

The story of the Yu family's abuse of their daughter-in-law has long spread throughout the capital, so that Mrs. Wei knows it very well.As a woman, she pities Mei Wanzhi, and since she is not a few years younger than her own daughter, she also really loves her.He nodded and agreed, "Okay, then I will go to see her in two days. I just made two clothes for the child, and I will send them to her then."

This is how women's relationships are, and there is nothing unusual about it. Children's things, especially clothes, are the most attractive.Fortunately, she is good at sewing, otherwise she would have to ask her daughter-in-law to help.

Before Mei Xin felt that Mrs. Wei was not simple, she laughed when she heard that she made clothes for Mei Wanzhi's children.Nodding to say welcome, they called the three children to sit down and eat together shortly thereafter.

Since no one else was present, the meal was enjoyed by both the host and the guests. Mei Jingxing was very happy until he left Wei Mansion, and before getting on the carriage, he even sent an invitation to Wei Ziqiu, asking him to come and play with him in the palace.

Wei Ziqiu agreed very readily, saying that he would definitely visit him with his grandmother in two days and bring him delicious candy figurines and candied haws.

The three little friends reluctantly bid farewell, and not long after, they drew Madam Wei's tears again, as if parting from life and death.

Master Wei saw that the three of them were talking and it was getting dark. He pulled his eldest grandson into his arms and said, "Princess Eldest has something else to do. Let's talk about it next time we meet. Eldest Princess, the road is slippery in the snow." You slow down!"

He waved his hand to signal them to go back quickly. Luoqiu put down the curtain of the carriage, then drove the carriage straight to North Street with a whip.

(End of this chapter)

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