Chapter 599
North Street, a civilian area in the capital city, is very lively. In addition, it is a market today, and the snowflakes in the sky can't stop people from joining in the fun.Therefore, Mei Xin's carriage couldn't get in as soon as it reached the intersection.

The crowd was like water, yelling and hawking, Mei Xin saw that the carriage couldn't get in, so she ordered: "See if there are tea shops and restaurants nearby, let's go in on foot. Xiaodouzi wants to watch jugglers, see who will take him there, and we will meet in the restaurant and tea shop after a while .”

There was a mark on the carriage and she came out with her own soldiers, if a group of people went in like this, it would be a disappointment.Walking is the best way to look around without disturbing anyone.

Yunying took the order to divide the accompanying people into three, and then took Wang Geng, Luo Qiu and others to accompany Mei Xin to go inside.The market was bustling with people coming and going, Mei Jingxing was a little nervous at first, but he was relieved when he saw that there was nothing going on and no one approached him.

Children are very curious. Seeing that there are many stalls on both sides of the street filled with all kinds of things, he wants to come down and take a look.

The reason why Mei Xin took him out in a big circle was to help him overcome the fear in his heart, and when he saw that he was willing to come down, he immediately agreed.I took his hand and looked from stall to stall, and I was so happy to see a clay figurine, so I took Mei Xin's hand and went straight away.

Seeing that he likes it, he picked up a pair of pottery figurines, looked left and right, and couldn't bear to put them down, Mei Xin signaled Luo Qiu to bring out the money and said, "Is there any others you like, buy them together, and give one to Qing Ke when I go back."

Mei Jingxing raised the Tao Ren'er in his hand, meaning to give one to Qing Ke, and then picked up Erye Guan, who was carrying a big knife, and hugged him in his arms to give it to Xiaodouzi.

"I see that the young master likes swords, and there is Zhang Fei here, little old man, let's buy it back together." The old man who made the clay figurine took out a bearded Zhang Fei as if conjuring.

At first glance, it looked like Wang Geng, but Mei Jingxing took it without thinking, and bowed his head to express his gratitude.

Seeing his polite and progressive behavior, Mei Xin knew that today's trip was not in vain, and after paying the money, the group continued to move forward.

Maybe it was the first time I visited the market. Mei Jingxing was curious about everything and saw everything new, so that I bought a big bag of bits and pieces during the period.The most important thing was that he didn't know what he was thinking. He insisted on buying rouge for Mei Qingke. He passed by a small stall selling hairpins and bought a very rough magnolia flower hairpin.

Luo Qiu couldn't figure it out, but Mei Xin did as he liked, and paid the money very straightforwardly, as if she could buy them all as long as he wanted.

"Major General, the snow is getting heavier and heavier, let's take shelter in the teahouse." Seeing that Wang Geng was about to lose weight, Yunying suggested again: "The teahouse has already sent someone to look, there is a private room, Go up and have a cup of hot tea and rest before you go."

In other words, they are all martial arts practitioners with good physical strength, otherwise Mei Xin would have been tired after walking so far with her big belly.

Without expressing her opinion right away, Mei Xin looked down at Mei Jingxing and asked, "Is there anything else you want? If not, let's go to the teahouse to have a rest. It's warm inside, just as your Brother Douzi came back from watching the juggling."

Seeing from a distance that the teahouse was not bad, and there was no one at the door, Mei Xin wanted to go to have a rest.In the past two days, I don't know if it's because of the weather change or the old age. She has a backache after standing for a long time, and it's so swollen at night that she has to use hot compresses to relieve it.

Stretching out his fingers and counting silently in his heart, basically all the gifts were bought, Mei Jingxing took Mei Xin's hand and walked towards the teahouse without saying a word.

After a while, the group of them arrived at the door of the teahouse, and before they entered, they heard the voice of a storyteller.The impassioned talk is about the heroic deeds of the ancestors of the Mei family, and the drumbeat is densely telling the story of Mei Xin's great-grandfather, Mei Guochang, who captured the enemy thousands of miles away.

Mei Xin has great admiration for her great-grandfather, and her father often mentioned it since she was a child.Therefore, she can recite everything by heart, but she didn't expect that the storyteller would tell the story of the Mei family. You must know that the emperor is very taboo right now.

"I heard the voice is not very old, but the storytellers are all in their fifties or sixties. Why are there still children telling stories here?" Luo Qiu walked in first with curiosity, and saw that there were really fourteen or five-year-olds on the stage. She turned her head to Mei Xin in surprise and said, "Come and see, Major General, what a kid."

Lifting her foot to enter the door and looking around, Mei Xin said lightly: "Children from poor families have long been in charge of the home, so it's normal for them to come out to make a living. Haven't you seen those children who sing operas? They are all practicing children's skills. Besides, you are better than this The child is not too old."

It was really true, Luo Qiu stretched out his arms to hug Mei Jingxing and said, "Master has a lot of knowledge, but this child speaks very well, and the words are up and down with a mellow rhythm, and everyone who listens is excited."

The Mei family is a family of military generals, not to mention that each generation has produced capable men and great heroes.Therefore, she is also very clear about the heroic deeds of the ancestors of the Mei family, and she has heard them since she was a child.

With a slight smile, Mei Xin followed the waiter upstairs, and said in a low voice: "Three hundred and sixty-five-hundred-thousand-hundred-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-scholar-win-win-winners, not to mention people rely on this for a living, if you don't talk about it, your blood boils, can you come out with money every day to listen to it. That's fine, Hurry up and go upstairs, Lu Jingxing should be hungry after walking so far."

Before she finished speaking, Yunying took out a piece of silver and gave it to the child who came to collect the money with a tray.

Guessing that he was talking to the two brothers on the stage, Yunying gave him a thumbs up to show that what they said was good.

Maybe it was because no one had ever made such a generous move. The child with downcast eyes was stunned when he saw the ten taels of silver.However, that was only for a moment, and after a moment, she suddenly raised her head to look at Yunying.

The four eyes met with astonishment, and she laughed immediately when she realized that it was not the person she had guessed.Nodding and bowing to express her thanks, Yunying waved her hand and followed Mei Xin upstairs.

Twelve and one ingots of silver are a lot, and she hastily put them away in fear of being seen by others.But who knew that someone grabbed her wrist before she was put into the cloth bag hanging diagonally, and then a familiar and disgusting voice came into her ears: "Okay, in front of the master The No. 13 concubine who pretended to be noble and refused to be the master, turned around and took money from the wild man. Bring it, you bring it to me."

The fat hand pulled hard and snatched the silver from her hand.

He weighed it and saw that it was ten taels of silver. He raised his hand and threw it to his entourage. Then he grabbed her hand and shouted angrily: "This tomboy is my first favorite, who dares..."

Before he finished speaking, he hit him directly in the face with a book, and then the little brother who was standing on the stage and telling the book punched him.

He has a strong figure and skillful movements, and when he swings his fists, he is as agile as flowing clouds and flowing water. It can be seen that he has practiced martial arts since childhood.

"Look, Major General, it's the Mei Family Boxing." Luo Qiu was shocked, knowing that the Mei Family Boxing created by the Mei Family was never passed on to the outside world, only to the descendants of the Mei Family.

 Guess who this little guy is?
(End of this chapter)

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