Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 108: Became a Little Rich Woman

Chapter 108: Became a Little Rich Woman (5)
After all, Feng Qianyun and Yuchi's family are now in an employment relationship, so it's somewhat strange that she suddenly became a shareholder of Yuchi Group.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Meng Shihao and Meng Qianrou returned home.

The two went upstairs, knowing that John was waiting for him in the study, so Meng Shihao went to the study first.

As soon as he entered the study, he saw that John was fast asleep on the sofa in the study.

This John, it's getting more and more outrageous, he fell asleep in his study like this.

"John, John..." Meng Shihao called John a few times, but found that John didn't wake up at all.

What a pig, I can't wake up when I scream like that.

Meng Shihao walked up to John and raised his voice, "John, get up!"

As a result, John was still fast asleep.

Meng Shihao immediately picked up a glass of water from the coffee table next to him and poured it on John's face.

"Uh... don't kill me, don't kill me..." John suddenly jumped up from the sofa, his consciousness still stuck at the moment when he faced Feng Qianyun.

Then John saw Meng Shihao standing in front of him, and suddenly felt a little dazed, "Boss, why are you here?"

"It seems that I haven't woken up yet, have I overdone my nightmare? This is my study, where would I be if I'm not here?" Meng Shihao said angrily.

"Um..." By the way, he remembered, he was waiting for the boss in the study, and then the weird girl came.

So what's the situation now, is that freak gone?John looked around, especially the position of the Jade Buddha, and found that everything was intact and there was nothing wrong.

what happened?

Could it be that everything that happened just now was just a dream?
John was a little confused about the situation.

"Why are you so stupid? I didn't come here to see you being stupid." Meng Shihao came to John for something.

"Uh... Well, boss, did you lose anything?" John asked tentatively, it couldn't be a dream, that scene was too real.

"What are you throwing? What can I throw? Are you still asleep? If you don't wake up, go to the bathroom and wash your face." With this appearance, how can you be his subordinate!

"Uh... No need, no need." John's heart turned a thousand times, and he decided not to say any more, because he was fully awake now.

He was sure that it wasn't a dream just now, that weird girl really broke in and let him open the secret compartment.

But for now it was in his best interest to pretend he didn't know anything.

Because if he said it, it would be his own dereliction of duty. Don't say it, even if Meng Shihao finds out that he has lost something later, it will not be blamed on him.

What's more, he knew that the hidden compartment was a secret, but the boss didn't know, so he wouldn't be so stupid as to expose himself.

At this moment, Meng Shihao didn't realize at all that the important documents he put in the secret compartment had already been taken away by Feng Qianyun, and they had already been turned into ashes.

What's more, he didn't know that Hong Meifang's shares, which he thought would be acquired as scheduled, had already flown away.

On the second day, Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue set off together to the town where the village they had been to before was located. Han Mojue had already contacted the mayor and made an appointment. Meet the mayor.

The meeting place was not in the office of the town government, but in a box of a restaurant in the small town.

When Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun arrived, the mayor hadn't arrived yet. After waiting for about 10 minutes, the mayor didn't show up.

Zhang Zhishui, the mayor of Wushan Town, is 53 years old this year. He is quite thin and bald, so he deliberately wears a black hat.

"Hello, hello, are you the young and promising entrepreneur that Lao Li mentioned?" Zhang Zhishui entered the door, stepped forward to shake hands with Han Mojue, "I'm sorry, I have something to do at the moment, I'm late, let me You've been waiting a long time."

Feng Qianyun who was sitting on the side was airified again.

"Where is it? It is my honor to have you here. You are a busy person. There are so many important things waiting for you to worry about. We should wait for you." Han Mojue is also a person with long sleeves and good at dancing. I have always disliked flattery, but when this kind of situation really happened, I was completely able to handle it.

After being told by Han Mojue, Zhang Zhishui's mood also improved. He understood that the other party was a sensible person, so things would be much easier to talk about. He likes dealing with smart people.

"Mr. Han is indeed a young talent. I have dealt with many young people, and this is the first time I have met a young man like Mr. Han who knows the general situation at a young age, has courage, and has unique insight!" Zhang Zhishui praised Han Mojue said.

"I'm making you laugh. I can't be called a young talent. There are still many things I don't understand. I have to learn a lot from seniors like you."

"Old Li has already told me about your affairs. I think development is a good thing! We most welcome people with vision and insights like you to invest in our town!" Zhang Zhishui said cheerfully, and then The topic changed, "But, after all, this is a matter of developing a large area of ​​land. You may not know that these days, in rural areas, development and other things are tightly controlled. Of course, this matter can be done, but It's a bit troublesome to do it..."

Zhang Zhishui said with a face of embarrassment.

Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun understood it at a glance. They really made their point. They met a vampire. The mayor's words were clearly intended to be sweet.

"Mayor Zhang, I think we prefer to follow the normal procedure for this matter. We don't need any extra." Throwing money in the water for fun will not be spoiled by such government officials.

What's more, for Feng Qianyun, the land in Qiaoxi Village is not necessary. There are many other suitable places in M ​​City.

Zhang Zhishui looked puzzled at Feng Qianyun who spoke at this time, "Who are you?" He actually saw Feng Qianyun when he came in just now, and only thought she was Han Mojue's daughter or younger sister, Without thinking too much, Zhang Zhishui immediately became upset when she suddenly spoke in such a disappointing way.

"I forgot to introduce you to the mayor, she is my boss." Seeing Feng Qianyun's statement, Han Mojue didn't intend to pretend to be a grandson anymore.

Zhang Zhishui looked at the two of them for a while, "You two are playing with me, aren't you?"

Of course Zhang Zhishui didn't think that Feng Qianyun was really Han Mojue's boss, so he couldn't help being annoyed. Unfortunately, he thought that he really wanted to invest, and thought he could make a fortune, but it turned out that he was two brains. questionable.

(End of this chapter)

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