Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 109: Became a Little Rich Woman

Chapter 109: Became a Little Rich Woman (6)
Zhang Zhishui planned to leave before his ass warmed up.

Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue didn't stop her either.

Here, Zhang Zhishui just got up when his cell phone rang.

Zhang Zhishui was in a bad mood. When he picked up the phone and saw it was an unfamiliar number, he got a little angry, "Hey, which one?"

"Is it Mayor Zhang?" It was a man's voice.

"Yeah, who are you, why are you looking for me?"

"I'm An Weiwen."

"An Weiwen? Why did you tell me your name? I don't know anyone named An Weiwen. Just tell me what you have to do. Don't talk so much nonsense."

After Zhang Zhishui yelled, he suddenly felt that the name An Weiwen seemed a little familiar... as if he had heard it somewhere...

Suddenly, Zhang Zhishui's mind flashed, isn't the deputy mayor of their city named An Weiwen?

" are Mayor An?" Zhang Zhishui felt guilty, his tone just now...

"Well, it's me." An Weiwen said "um", he didn't have a good impression of this mayor Zhang.

Zhang Zhishui wished he could slap himself to death, why did he forget the deputy mayor's name!
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I just finished training my subordinates, and I haven't calmed down yet. I'm really sorry." Zhang Zhishui hurriedly found a good reason for his rudeness just now. "I don't know what's up with you, Anshi?"

"That's right. I heard that recently someone wants to rent a large area of ​​farmland in Qiaoxi Village, your town, right?"

"Yes, yes." Zhang Zhishui glanced at the other two people in the room, and slandered, how could An Weiwen know about this.

"This matter shouldn't be difficult. That little girl is a friend of mine."

"Huh?" Zhang Zhishui was quite surprised. Is that little girl a friend of Mayor An?
Zhang Zhishui glanced at Feng Qianyun who was not far away from him. He was sure that the little girl An Weiwen was talking about was the little girl in front of him. He didn't think there would be a second such a wonderful girl these days.

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult." Zhang Zhishui is not a fool, how could he fail to understand the meaning of Anwei's words.

"Well, that's all right. Then this matter will trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble, how can this be called trouble, Mayor An, please don't be polite to me." Zhang Zhishui felt so bitter, he thought it was being played by someone, but the two of them still had a lot of background , There is a way directly on it, now not only can I not get any oil and water, but it also arouses a whole body of trouble.

Zhang Zhishui chatted with An Weiwen for a while, and then hung up the phone. When Zhang Zhishui looked at Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue again, he felt very uncomfortable.

Damn, you guys have something to do with your superiors, don't tell me earlier, there are already people above, why bother to find him through Lao Li?

"Hehe," Zhang Zhishui laughed dryly, "You two, what did you say just now? No problem, it will be done for you in a few days, and then we will find a time to sign a contract or something, of course, how long it will take depends on the speed of processing with the villagers."

Zhang Zhishui's attitude has undergone a 180-degree change.

When Zhang Zhishui and An Weiwen were on the phone just now, Feng Qianyun probably heard something. She knew who he was talking to and where Zhang Zhishui's transformation came from. What she didn't understand was why An Weiwen helped them?
On the other end, An Weiwen shook his head after hanging up the phone, hey, he actually did such a thing for that little girl, fallen, fallen!
Hey, what can I do? Before she left, she told her that if there is anything she can do to help her, she must try her best to help.

It really cost him his life!
It's a coincidence that he didn't know what Feng Qianyun was doing, but yesterday he just went to Qiaoxi Village for an inspection. The content of the inspection was mainly related to the development of the new countryside, so he happened to know about Feng Qianyun .

Then I did some research and learned that Feng Qianyun and another man wanted to rent a large amount of farmland in Qiaoxi Village for the construction of a medicinal planting base, so I made this call today.

On the way back, Han Mojue was driving the car, and Feng Qianyun was still sitting in the passenger seat.

"Little daughter-in-law, when did you know An Weiwen?" Han Mojue asked puzzledly, could this circle of friends be too wide?
"We met once, but we didn't have any friendship, and I don't understand why he would help us so suddenly this time."

Feng Qianyun remembered that when he met An Weiwen at that time, he and Lie Que were familiar, or he introduced Lie Que to them. Could it be that what happened this time had something to do with that man Lie Que?

That's not right, Lie Que has already left M city, this matter should have nothing to do with him.

"That's even more strange." Of course, Han Mojue would not naively think that Mayor An thought that their plan would be beneficial to Qiaoxi Village, so he specially issued an order to let them pass this matter.

"I'm afraid we guessed in vain, let's wait and see what happens."

"Oh, by the way, where shall we have lunch?"

It was very embarrassing with that Zhang Zhishui just now, and we broke up after talking for a while, neither of them had a meal, but luckily things were settled.

"Let's go to the small restaurant I went to last time. I miss it a little bit." Lin Wanhui's husband's craftsmanship is really not good, and after eating there just once, it makes people feel addicted.

"The hero sees the same thing, I happen to have the same idea." Han Mojue said in agreement, and then drove towards the small restaurant.

After getting off the car, the two found a seat in the restaurant and sat down.

Shang Xiaoye happened to be here to help today, and seeing the two of them, "Yunyun, do you know Mr. Han?"

Shang Xiaoye knew Han Mojue, because Han Mojue often came here to patronize before, and Shang Xiaoye also often came to Lin Wanhui's place to help.

"Huh, do you know each other?" Han Mojue didn't know that the two were classmates. He also had a good impression of Shang Xiaoye, and felt that it was not easy for a girl to work part-time to earn money after school.

"Well, we are in the same class, and we are also in the same class as your little Xiuxiu." Feng Qianyun explained.

"Oh, so you and your little wife are classmates." Han Mojue said with emotion.

Little daughter-in-law?

Shang Xiaoye was puzzled, "What? Little daughter-in-law? What is the relationship between you and Yunyun?"

"Uh... it's just a title, don't worry about it." Feng Qianyun explained, otherwise this girl would be thinking wildly again, "By the way, Xiaoye, do you work here to help?"

"Yeah!" Shang Xiaoye nodded heavily, "I've been helping here for a long time, because I'm still young and my working hours are not stable, so it's hard to find a part-time job. Fortunately, Auntie Lin doesn't dislike it. Let me work part-time here, the salary is calculated by the hour, now I have to work harder, so that I can return the surgery fee that Aunt Lin helped me advance."

(End of this chapter)

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