Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 111 The deal with Long Yutian

Chapter 111 The deal with Long Yutian (2)
"Uh... not so good, I'm still at work... and some dishes haven't been served yet..." Shang Xiaoye refused hesitantly.

Lin Wanhui in front of the counter saw this, "Xiaoye, you've been busy all morning, so sit down and eat with them!"

Shang Xiaoye heard Lin Wanhui say that, so she sat at a table with Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue.

"By the way, Xiaoye, is your mother at home now?" Feng Qianyun asked.

"Well, she's not in good health, so I didn't let her out, and she's resting at home now." Shang Xiaoye replied with a smile.

"In two days, I'll go to give your mother a health care to see if I can make her healthier."

Feng Qianyun got Shang Xinlian's bead, and her internal strength increased a bit.Thinking about it, I will help her to wash the marrow and cut the bones when I have time, so as to improve her sickly physique, so that Shang Xiaoye will not have to work so hard.

"Uh... I'm sorry to trouble you again, you've helped us so much." Shang Xiaoye was very happy when Feng Qianyun said that she would help her mother with some health care, but felt a little embarrassed at the same time. I feel that I have to trouble Feng Qianyun all the time, and I have nowhere to help Feng Qianyun.

"It's okay, you don't need to feel embarrassed." To Feng Qianyun, this was not too much trouble.

Here, Feng Qianyun and the others were chatting happily, a few young gangsters came in from outside the door, and they looked fierce when they entered the door.

"Hey, boss, who is the boss, come out!" One of the gangsters shouted into the store.

Lin Wanhui hurriedly stepped forward, "I am the boss here, what can I do for you?"

"Is there any you, my brothers just came to this street today, and felt that the security of your street is very problematic, so my brothers discussed it and decided to take on the duty of security in this small street. But , the brothers also have to eat, so shouldn't the boss express his opinion?"

The gangster has said such a long list, but he actually wants money, commonly known as protection fees.

When Lin Wanhui heard this, she immediately understood, she was naturally unwilling to give it, but none of these young and strong guys in front of her was stronger than her, even if their men came out, it would be useless to face this group of hooligans of.

After thinking over and over again, Lin Wanhui decided to compromise with these hooligans, "Well, how much is the protection fee?"

"Not much, not much, 1000 yuan per month." The hooligan saw that the owner of the store was a woman and was very timid, so he raised the price.

Lin Wanhui was in a dilemma. For a small shop like theirs, 1000 yuan was not a small sum, and it was 1000 yuan a month. Apart from the rent, utilities and wages, they could not earn thousands of dollars a month.

Feng Qianyun put down her chopsticks and walked over.

He raised his foot and kicked the leading young man directly, kicking him to the ground.

"Get out of here, I don't like to see your faces, it will affect my appetite." Feng Qianyun is too lazy to talk nonsense with them, it is much easier to solve it directly with violence.

"You hit me?" The other party looked at Feng Qianyun in surprise.

Without further ado, Feng Qianyun kicked again, "Is there any doubt about such an obvious fact?"

"You, you dare to hit me?" The young man who was kicked was angry, "Do you know who our eldest brother is?"

"I only know that I'm very unhappy with your current face, why don't you leave, and want to continue to be beaten?" Feng Qianyun raised her eyebrows, and her right foot was raised threateningly.

"Okay, you have the guts, you wait for me, I'll call our elder brother now, and see if you dare to be arrogant again!" The young man was afraid of being beaten by Feng Qianyun again, so he immediately asked the other people around him to tell him He got up and limped out of the shop.

Judging from the young man's tone, their boss seems to be a powerful character.

"Miss Feng, what should we do now? Their boss seems to be very powerful. If he comes, will you be in danger, or you should leave for a while." Lin Wanhui was afraid that Feng Qianyun would be bullied, so she I want Feng Qianyun to avoid it.

"It's too bad for my stomach to leave without eating such a delicious dish." Feng Qianyun said lazily, as the party involved, she looked more relaxed than Lin Wanhui.

"Aunt Lin, don't worry, Yunyun is very powerful and won't be bullied anymore." Shang Xiaoye said hurriedly, but she was not worried about Feng Qianyun at all, because she believed in Feng Qianyun very much.

After a while, those hooligans came back, and at the same time brought back the big brother they were talking about.

Feng Qianyun narrowed her eyes, it turned out that he was their eldest brother!
Ouyang Zhimin, I didn't expect you to have many younger brothers.

This group of hooligans who came to pay the protection fee invited Ouyang Zhimin with confidence.

"Brother, that man is arrogant."

"That's right, brother, we've already told him your name, but she's so bold that she doesn't take you seriously."

"Brother, with your ability, you can definitely beat her to pieces."


A group of younger brothers surrounded Ouyang Zhimin, chattering all kinds of things.

When Ouyang Zhimin came, he saw Feng Qianyun's domineering smile, but he still didn't understand what was going on, "Boss Yunyun, what a coincidence, why are you here?"

"Hehe, what a coincidence!" Feng Qianyun smiled like a flower.

"Uh, Boss Yunyun, don't look at me like this, I'm so creepy!" How could Ouyang Zhimin fail to see Feng Qianyun's evil spirit hidden under the innocent appearance!
Ouyang Zhimin didn't notice that when he called Feng Qianyun "Boss Yunyun", the group of hooligans who invited him over had fallen silent.

what's going on?What did the elder brother call the little girl?Boss Yunyun?

Shang Xiaoye and Han Mojue were the only ones at the scene who understood the situation, Han Mojue lamented in his heart, Ouyang Zhimin, this is a disaster for you!

"Ahem, Ouyang Zhimin, you have quite a few younger brothers!" Feng Qianyun's eyes aimed at the people who followed Ouyang Zhimin into the store.

"That is, who is Lao Tzu!" Ouyang Zhimin was proud of it, "You guys, come on, this is Lao Tzu's Boss Yun Yun, please say hello to Boss Yun Yun!"

Those young gangsters froze on the spot.

"Well, big brother, you mean, this little girl is your boss?" The young man who Feng Qianyun hit just now spoke with difficulty.

"What a little girl! Pedantic! Stupid! You can't judge people by their appearance, sea water can't... can't... can't do anything, oh, anyway, she is the boss of Yunyun, you will be respectful when you see Boss Yunyun in the future, Did you hear that?" After Ouyang Zhimin finished talking to those people, he suddenly remembered the purpose of his trip, "By the way, where is that person who doesn't know what to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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