Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 112 The deal with Long Yutian

Chapter 112 The deal with Long Yutian (3)
Those little gangsters shrank their heads one after another, not daring to answer.

"Ouyang Zhimin, don't look for it, the person they are talking about is me." Feng Qianyun said leisurely.

"Ah? It's you?" Ouyang Zhimin froze for a moment.

Then he realized in a daze, these bastards, they were taught a lesson by Boss Yunyun!

"Ouyang Zhimin, tell me, who told you to collect the protection fee?" Feng Qianyun looked at Ouyang Zhimin's expression, and seemed to understand what was going on, so she came to calculate with him.

"Accept, collect protection fees?" How did Ouyang Zhimin know about collecting protection fees? Those gangsters did it without telling him, and when something happened, they came to Ouyang Zhimin to vent their anger on them.

Ouyang Zhimin looked back at the gangsters who wanted to dig a hole to get in, "You guys really dare to give me face! Say, that bastard was thinking of searching for ideas, okay, dare to go out in my name Search for protection fees!"

Ouyang Zhimin was angry, damn it, he fights, but he never dared to do such a wicked thing!
"Well, brother, we... We've been a little tight recently, so on a whim, we just..."

"Shut up for me!" Ouyang Zhimin was a violent maniac, and he punched each of them until they screamed.

After Ouyang Zhimin taught these people a lesson, he came over to Feng Qianyun to make amends, "Boss Yunyun, this matter is purely a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding."

"Xiaoye, Han Mojue, do you want to exercise after eating?" Feng Qianyun didn't look at Ouyang Zhimin, but said to Shang Xiaoye and Han Mojue who were eating.

"Well, I really should exercise my muscles after eating too much!" Han Mojue said enthusiastically.

"Okay, let's do some exercise!" Shang Xiaoye also happily replied.

Then, Ouyang Zhimin was dumbfounded.

Han Mojue and Shang Xiaoye showed no mercy to Ouyang Zhimin, such a good free sandbag, if you miss it, you will lose it.

"Ah, Boss Yunyun, tell them not to fight anymore! This is my fault, my mistake!" Ouyang Zhimin was beaten up by Han Mojue and Shang Xiaoye, but he couldn't fight back.

"Hehe, they are your little brothers. You called me boss again. Before I knew it, I became the boss behind the scenes." Feng Qianyun smiled sweetly, her two lovely eyes narrowed. a seam.

"Boss Yunyun..." Ouyang Zhimin has nowhere to complain!

In the afternoon, Feng Qianyun researched the antidote in the room upstairs of Han Mojue's bar. Compared with researching in her room at Yuchi's house, it would be much more convenient here.

Han Mojue drove around outside all afternoon to find all the medicines Feng Qianyun needed.

There are also some equipment, because Feng Qianyun's development involves some biological reactions in addition to the traditional Chinese medicine, so Han Mojue went to help Feng Qianyun sell a whole set of experimental equipment.

A good bedroom above the bar was turned into a laboratory by Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun didn't come out of the room until nine o'clock in the evening.

Han Mojue waited anxiously outside the door, and there was one person who was even more anxious than Han Mojue.

Yu Chixiu rushed to the WaitingBar in his Cayenne, and rushed upstairs as soon as he entered the door.

"Han Mojue, where did you get her!" Yu Chixiu came aggressively, and picked up Han Mojue, as if he was her husband who came to catch her.

"Oh, little Xiuxiu, let me go, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, impulsiveness is the devil!" Han Mojue hurriedly said, but the smile on his face was obviously for a good show, Yuchixiu's Good show.

Oops, I have known Xiao Xiuxiu for so long, this is the first time I saw him so mad, this appearance is really ecstasy.

"What time is it now, how can she not come home as a little girl, what does she look like!" Yu Chixiu didn't seem to let go at all, and he was still plausible.

"Oh, I said Xiao Xiuxiu, even if you are in danger, she will not be in danger. Generally speaking, if someone wants to abduct her to sell or takes a fancy to her appearance, it will not end well."

Han Mojue sighed in his heart, Xiao Xiuxiu has really become stupid, he doesn't know how tough the little daughter-in-law is, can he be treated like an ordinary little girl?

When Han Mojue said this, embarrassment flashed across Yu Chixiu's handsome face, and his star-like eyes flickered, "No matter how good her martial arts are and how agile her skills are, she is still a young girl in terms of her age." Little girl, tell me quickly, where have you abducted her all day?"

Han Mojue pointed to the door next to her, "She's inside, but I advise you not to disturb her now, she's in a closed state right now, it's not wise to disturb her until she has a result."

Only then did Yu Chixiu loosen his grip on Han Mojue.

Han Mojue looked at the clothes on his chest that were wrinkled by Yu Chixiu and the buttons that were loosened during the struggle, lol, it was so rough, his beautiful chest with Sai Xue's skin was exposed!

Yu Chixiu looked at the closed door, resisted the urge to knock on the door, and joined the waiting team.

About half an hour later, finally there was movement inside. Feng Qianyun opened the door and walked out with a smile on her face. Obviously, she had a result, and the result was not bad.

"Little daughter-in-law, what's the matter, has the result come out?" Han Mojue hurriedly stepped forward to ask Feng Qianyun about the result, which is related to a lot of money!
Feng Qianyun nodded, "Although it took a little time, the effect is not bad. I have verified that it is indeed effective."

"That's great!" Han Mojue hugged Feng Qianyun excitedly.

Han Mojue was so excited that he forgot that there was a big vat of vinegar next to him.

Yu Chixiu looked at Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun who were hugging each other, his face darkened instantly.

Yu Chixiu stretched out his hand to grab Han Mojue, preventing the two of them from embracing each other.

"Men and women don't know each other, don't cuddle casually!" Yu Chixiu said coldly to Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun with a livid face.

"Han Mojue, I've finished the things, you can drive me there." Because Long Yutian gave a time limit, and because human life was at stake, Feng Qianyun thought it was better to send the antidote to Long Yutian as soon as possible It's better to go on the sidelines, not to mention, if you finish it early, you can get the banknotes earlier.

"And you, Eldest Young Master, don't stay in the bar at this late hour, go back early so that your grandfather won't worry." Feng Qianyun saw Yu Chixiu was there, and told him.

The so-called self-indulgence is just like this, Yu Chixiu has always used the identity of the employer to suppress Feng Qianyun, now he wants to change this situation, but finds that Feng Qianyun has completely positioned him as the employer.

(End of this chapter)

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