Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 116 Mysterious Shareholders, Underground Auction, Surprised Cute Things

Chapter 116 Mysterious Shareholders, Underground Auction, Surprised Cute Things (2)
"A mysterious shareholder has appeared in the Yuchi Group."

"Mysterious shareholder?" Jin Zhongye showed displeasure on his face. He didn't like things going off track.

"It's not wrong. At least so far, the other party hasn't shown up. After several investigations, I haven't found anything."

Hong Meifang's sudden change aroused their suspicion, so they sent people to investigate and found that Hong Meifang had transferred half of the shares of Yuchi Group under his name to someone else's name.

"How many shares does the other party own in Yuchi Group?"

"Eight percent."

"How?" Such a large share, when and who did it?In this way, he quietly owned [-]% of the shares of Yuchi Group.

"It was Hong Meifang who forwarded it to the other party. I don't know the reason yet."

"Find out the other party's identity as soon as possible. If you only have these shares, it's fine. I'm afraid this person is not simple and will affect us." Jin Zhongye ordered.

"I know what to do."

He will dig that person out, judge whether that person is a threat to them, and if there is a threat, he will try his best to make this threat disappear.

Hey, it's only 20.00%, and Jin Zhongye has attracted so much attention. If they know that the "mysterious shareholder" they call already owns [-]% of Yuchi Group's shares, wouldn't they want to go to war? The army is dispatched?

In the morning, when Feng Qianyun was not around, Yu Chixiu secretly opened the door of Feng Qianyun's room.

In his hand was a small gift that he had chosen all afternoon yesterday to give to Feng Qianyun, and it also came with a love letter.

Speaking of this love letter, Yu Chixiu was really embarrassed, he had never written a love letter to someone, and others wrote him a lot.

In order to write this love letter well, Yu Chixiu specifically referred to the love letters written to him by others.

I feel sorry for the girl who plucked up the courage to send a love letter to Yu Chixiu yesterday. Seeing that Yu Chixiu, who never accepted other people's love letters before, accepted her love letter without hesitation, even opened it in person and read it carefully. Put it away properly, and a spring heart will be rippling.

How could he have guessed that Young Master Yuchi was holding her love letter for reference!

After Yu Chixiu came to Feng Qianyun's room, he first walked to the bed, put the gift and love letter beside Feng Qianyun's pillow, then looked left and right, and felt something was wrong, so he put the things on the bed again. On the bedside table.

She still didn't think it was appropriate, so she took her things to Feng Qianyun's desk, and put the gift and love letter next to the fish tank.

It's better to put it on the desk, so that the stinky girl can see it when she reads at night.

Just about to leave, Yu Chixiu's attention was attracted by a small test tube on the table, which contained some black liquid, Yu Chixiu picked up the test tube curiously and looked back and forth.

Yu Chixiu, who didn't see any tricks, opened the lid of the test tube and tried to smell it. It was taught in chemistry class that when identifying reagents, you can use the method of fan smelling.

"Cough cough..."

The smell was very pungent, and Yu Chixiu coughed violently. At the same time, the test tube in his hand dropped, and fell into the fish tank with a "plop". Soon, the water in the whole fish tank turned black.

Knowing that he had done something bad, Yu Chixiu had a guilty conscience, so he left Feng Qianyun's room in a hurry, thinking in his heart when he left, fortunately there were no fish in the fish tank.

It is true that there are no fish, but there are water dragons singing...

"Gudong, Gudong..." In the empty room, there were small bubbles in the fish tank filled with black water.

"Little wife, are you interested in the auction?" Han Mojue asked Feng Qianyun with a smile, his face, which was prettier than a woman's, was full of anticipation.

"What kind of auction, charity sale?" As for the charity sale, she had already participated in it once last time, and she really didn't like the others except for taking pictures of Shuilongyin.

"No, no, what kind of charity auction is it? It's a stage for the rich to show off their wealth!" Han Mojue scoffed at the so-called charity auction. What he disdains the most is the kind of pretender. "It's an underground auction."

"Underground auction?"

"That's right. The things sold in the shady auctions are all stolen by tomb robbers or smuggled things. Anyway, they are all dirty things. There are many good things, which are comparable to those serious auctions. It will be much more interesting!" Han Mojue seemed very interested in the underground auction, "How about it, are you interested in going to see it?"

The underground auction is just a common name for this kind of auction. In fact, this kind of large-scale illegal auction has a long history. The sale and purchase of illegal goods.

Evolved to the present, these trading activities have been quite large.Moreover, the value of the trading items that appear in such trading activities is often higher than that seen in formal legal places.

For example, the cultural relics stolen by tomb robbers from some ancient tombs, the value of these cultural relics can be imagined, but these things are invisible, and it is impossible to take them out and put them in formal auctions auctioned.Otherwise, wait to go to jail.

But these things will appear in underground auctions, so rich people who really want to find good treasures will want to go to underground auctions more than regular auctions.

Of course, not just anyone can enter and exit the underground auction. There are a series of complicated certification processes in it. Only those who are allowed are eligible to be invited. Before each auction, the organizer of the auction will hold a The location and time are sent to those who have been certified by them in the form of specific invitations.

There are black and white people who are invited, and there are even some government officials. In order not to be recognized, the auction sometimes implements some isolation measures so that the participants cannot see each other.

"From what you've said, I'm a little interested. Do you have a way to get in?" Seeing Han Mojue's appearance, Feng Qianyun guessed that this was definitely not the first time he had participated.

Han Mojue nodded apprehensively, "I have an invitation letter, I can take you with me."

"Hey, little boy, I didn't expect you to be quite good." Feng Qianyun sometimes feels that Han Mojue is actually much stronger than he looks on the outside, "When?"

Feng Qianyun is also quite interested in underground auctions.

"Just tonight, the location is under Zhongxin Plaza."

"Under Zhongxin Plaza? Isn't there only an underground parking lot there?" Feng Qianyun knew Zhongxin Plaza and passed by it once a day on the way to school.

(End of this chapter)

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