Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 117 Mysterious Shareholders, Underground Auction, Surprised Cute Things

Chapter 117 Mysterious Shareholders, Underground Auction, Surprised Cute Things (3)
"It's not wrong to have an underground parking lot, but that's not all. In fact, there is a large underground club next door to the underground parking lot, but most people don't know about it." Han Mojue explained.

Feng Qianyun thinks about it too, this kind of place should be built to be hidden, no matter what, illegal activities are being carried out.

She thought that this kind of place would be in a remote suburb far away from the city center, but she didn't expect to choose a place in the city center generously. This is the so-called "big hermit in the city".

In the evening, Han Mojue was waiting for Feng Qianyun outside the gate of Shengrong Private High School, and took her directly from the school to the auction site.

Feng Qianyun and Yu Chixiu walked out of the school together and walked to the school gate, Feng Qianyun said goodbye to Yu Chixiu, "Eldest young master, I won't go home with you today, Han Mojue and I have something to do. "

As soon as Yu Chixiu heard Feng Qianyun say this, his expression turned dark.

"I know how to fool around outside all day long." Yu Chixiu muttered softly.

Han Mojue saw Feng Qianyun and Yu Chixiu from a long distance away, he was snickering in the car, needless to say, the little daughter-in-law was saying goodbye to Xiu, but Xiu was sulking again.

Hey, this boy Xiu, this is the first time he has experienced this kind of thing after living for so many years, and the other party is still a difficult little wife, so he is destined to suffer.

After a while, Feng Qianyun got into Han Mojue's car, Han Mojue started the car, and from the rearview mirror, he could still see Yu Chixiu's resentful expression.

Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun drove directly to their destination.

"Excuse me, please show your invitation letter." A security guard at the door stopped Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue.

Han Mojue showed his invitation letter to that person.

"You can go in, but this lady can't." The security guard said apologetically to Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun.

"Why? Didn't you say you can bring people here?" Han Mojue has been here before, and he has some experience. Before, he could bring friends along.

"Sorry, this is the latest rule, even friends brought by regular customers are not allowed." The security guards just follow the rules strictly.

Han Mojue looked embarrassed, he didn't expect the rules to change.

At this moment, another security guard came over, whispered a few words to the person who stopped Feng Qianyun, and saw that person's attitude changed 180 degrees.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were a friend of our leader. Please bear with me. Please take a private seat inside. This is your room number." The security guard said and handed a room card to Han Mojue.

"Is this Long Yutian's territory?" The only person Feng Qianyun knew who could be called a "leader" was Long Yutian.

"Yes." The security guard replied, most people don't know, because Feng Qianyun has a special status, so he told the truth.

Such places are usually managed by some underworld organizations.

Could it be that the man's property is too extensive? He has shares in the Yuchi Group, the previous KTV was his, and the underground auction house this time is also his.

Led by the staff, Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue entered the room. There was a huge screen in the room. Facing the screen were not low-grade tables and chairs. Each room was equipped with two waiters.

In order to protect the confidentiality of the identity of everyone participating in the underground auction, for participants with "special needs", the venue will provide rooms like this.

Exhibits will appear on the big screen in the room after the auction starts, and the effect seen will not be worse than that on the spot.

There is a professional digital pricing device in the room. When encountering the desired item, the guest can enter his bidding price through the digital pricing device. The bidding price of the VIP room will be displayed on the large screen in the central venue, and it will be synchronized with the on-site bidding.

Of course, the on-site asking price and the asking price of guests in other rooms will also be displayed on the right side of the screen in each room for your reference.

Generally, people on the white road, such as people in the government, would enter a room like this through the VIP channel because it was inconvenient to show up directly.

But people in the underworld and people in the industry don't have such considerations, they will come directly to the scene.

After Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue sat down in the room, about 15 minutes later, the auction began.

Looking at the auction items one after another at the exhibition, Feng Qianyun felt that they were indeed more precious than those auctioned in formal and legal auctions.

Feng Qianyun has no desire to buy those jewelry, antique calligraphy and paintings, and cultural relics.

And if viewing the auction items through the screen, Feng Qianyun has no way to know whether there are hidden magic weapons in those auction items.

During this period of time, Feng Qianyun has been practicing Yushen Jue continuously, and she has achieved a little success in the second level. She has been able to use her own Tiangang vitality to form her own "field", and detect all those who enter this "field" with energy. object.

Han Mojue fell in love with a calligraphy and painting. Looking at his positive appearance, it seemed that he was aiming at this painting from the very beginning, and that appearance should be inevitable.

The bidding lasted for a while, and there were only two room numbers that kept beating on the screen, one was the room number of Feng Qianyun and the others.

Han Mojue refused to let go, but on the other hand, he seemed to like the calligraphy and painting very much, so the price was getting higher and higher, but no one showed any signs of letting go.

The asking price of the two had already far exceeded the price of the calligraphy and painting itself. Han Mojue was still very persistent, and he couldn't see that he cared about the money. If he had to change to someone else, even if he didn't give up, it would be too painful.

Feng Qianyun has never asked about Han Mojue's identity, nor has Han Mojue mentioned his parents.Now it seems that Han Mojue's identity is not simple, such a spendthrift appearance is not something that a child of just any family can have.

What a headache for his parents, Han Mojue looks like a complete prodigal son!
At this time, the door of Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue's room was forcibly opened.

"Gentlemen, you can't come in!" Feng Qianyun and the two waiters in Han Mojue's room hurriedly shouted to several bodyguards in black suits who rushed in.

Generally speaking, people who come here must abide by the rules here, otherwise they will be enemies of the Black Dragon Gang behind this incident.Most people come here to buy things, and there is no need for this, who wants to offend the Black Dragon Gang?
But those people didn't care, they pushed the two waitresses, and went straight to Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue.

"You guys are the ones who robbed us, Ye Shao?"

"How can this be called robbery?" Han Mojue refused to accept it. "This is fair competition. At the auction, whoever bids the highest price will get the item. This is the rule."

(End of this chapter)

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