Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 131 Picking the Jin Family’s Secret Base

Chapter 131 Picking the Jin Family’s Secret Base (2)
"Then trouble you to change it for me. I don't know if it can be repaired immediately tonight. I will still drive this car at work tomorrow."

"Uh... It's a bit embarrassing. After all, it's getting late now, and there are no ready-made ones. After replacing them with new ones, they need to be painted. It will take a day for them to be painted." Xiao Si said with some embarrassment.

"If it can be repaired tonight, I'm willing to pay twice the price, brother, please help me." Han Mojue deliberately raised the price.

Sure enough, the man named Xiao Si was tempted, earning twice the money for nothing, who would not want to do such a good job, these days, there are not many customers who are so generous, "I will find two helpers, as soon as possible Help you fix it, but it will take at least a few hours, you need to wait here for a while, what do you think?"

"Okay, I'll sit over there for a while." Han Mojue pulled Feng Qianyun and sat down in the corner of the garage.

Over there, the three of them went into battle together, trying to replace the bumper of Han Mojue's car in the fastest possible time.

"Brother, my stomach hurts and I want to go to the toilet." After waiting for about ten minutes, Feng Qianyun suddenly said that she was in pain alone and wanted to borrow the toilet of the garage.

Feng Qianyun ran over to Xiao Si who was repairing the car, "Brother, where is the bathroom?"

"Oh, the bathroom, go over there, just turn right." Xiao Si showed Feng Qianyun the way, and Xiao Si didn't think too much about Feng Qianyun, a little girl.

"Thank you, brother." Feng Qianyun smiled, then walked in the direction Xiaosi said.

Of course, Feng Qianyun didn't really go to the bathroom, she turned a corner and walked all the way in where no one outside could see.

"Hey, where did you come from? You can't just go in here, go back quickly." A man in a black uniform saw Feng Qianyun and blocked her way. The place further down is their secret base, isn't it? Anyone can come in and out.

"Brother, I have a stomachache. I came to find the toilet." Feng Qianyun's childish voice sounded extremely cute.

"The toilet isn't here..." But it wasn't here. Before the man could finish the last few words, Feng Qianyun flashed behind the man and directly knocked him down.

Feng Qianyun continued to move forward, and there was a staircase leading to the underground. Because the distance was very short, Feng Qianyun could easily use her ability to detect the situation below. There were [-] people downstairs, and the one guarding the stairs Two of them are middle-level Xuan-level masters, while the remaining fifteen people are distributed in many places downstairs, and only two of them are at the elementary level of Xuan-level. Compared with them, they are nothing to be afraid of.

Feng Qianyun never did anything uncertain, she already knew the strength of the enemy she was about to face, and things were much easier to handle.

For her, the only problems were the two middle-level mysterious masters guarding the stairs, as long as they were dealt with, the rest would be easy.

Coincidentally, today I can try the power of ghosts.

Feng Qianyun went downstairs along the stairs.

There were two men in black uniforms like the man just now guarding the stairs.

When the two men heard footsteps, Qi Qi turned around and saw an unfamiliar face.

"Who?" The two men looked at Feng Qianyun vigilantly. Even if it was a little girl, they couldn't relax anymore. The things inside were not visible.

"The one who came to take your life."

Feng Qianyun's tone was very arrogant, as soon as she came up, she told two middle-level mysterious masters that she would take their lives.

Is this person's brain squeezed by the door panel?Does she know what she's talking about?Take their lives?Heh, don't weigh how much you weigh.

In the eyes of the two men in black, the reckless Feng Qianyun was already a dead person.

The two looked at each other, and attacked Feng Qianyun at the same time in a very tacit understanding. Both of them are of intermediate strength in the Xuan class, and they have fought together all year round, so they have a tacit understanding in their actions.

It's not a joke that the strength of the Xuan-level middle class broke out.

If Feng Qianyun was hit by that wolf-like attack, let alone his life, there would not even be a whole body.

The two approached Feng Qianyun at a speed like a gust of wind. Seeing the two getting closer, Feng Qianyun stood still and did not move.

Seeing that the two of them were already in front of her eyes, Feng Qianyun finally made a move, "Ghost."

At the same time that Feng Qianyun was calling to the ghosts, the water dragon chant that had been attached to Feng Qianyun's ear suddenly grew bigger, blocking Feng Qianyun's face.

A huge vortex seemed to appear in front of the mirror.

This sudden change caught the two middle-level mysterious masters by surprise. Seeing the abnormal situation in front of them, they were startled, and they already realized that something was wrong, but the offensive had reached this point, and it was too late for the two of them to stop.

The attacks of the two hit Shui Longyin.


Who would have thought that after the attack from the two of them hit Shuilongyin, it would be reflected back like light hitting a mirror!
Shuilongyin was right in front of them, and the rebounding attack came so fast that the two of them had no time or opportunity to hide.

The two fell to the ground at the same time, spitting blood.

What the hell is this?Why would their attacks be bounced back intact?

The two middle-level masters of the Xuan rank looked at Feng Qianyun and Shuilongyin who stood in front of her in shock.

After Shui Longyin completed the backlash, she became smaller and returned to Feng Qianyun's ears.

"Woman, I'm tired, don't disturb me..." Guigui's voice was a little weak, and he fell into a deep sleep after speaking.

Such anti-eating ghosts can only be used once in a period of time, and they will fall into a dormant state after use. It takes a certain amount of time to recover before they can be used again.

"Thank you for your hard work, go to sleep."

Feng Qianyun walked to the side of the two seriously injured men who fell to the ground.

"You, who are you?" The eyes of the man in black were filled with shock. Who, who is it, ran to the Jin family's territory, and possessed such a strength that they had never expected.

Who can tell them who this little girl is?Why do they not know about the existence of such an existence in M ​​City?too terrifying!

"I'll have to ask your boss about that." After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she gave each of them a silver needle and made them faint.

The fight between Feng Qianyun and the two men in black took place at the stairs, because there was not much noise, and the other fifteen people inside hadn't noticed the change.

However, even if they realize it now, it is too late.

The rest, for Feng Qianyun, is to chop the cabbage. Ordinary thugs and low-level thugs at the Xuan level cannot pose a threat to Feng Qianyun.

(End of this chapter)

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