Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 132 Picking the Jin Family’s Secret Base

Chapter 132 Picking the Jin Family’s Secret Base (4)
Han Mojue's heart is bleeding!

"What kind of woman are you!" Hmph, little wife, you bastard!
"You won't be able to wait a few years until you discover the indisputable fact that I am a woman." Feng Qianyun carried her shamelessness to the end.

Poor Han Mojue...

In the early morning, before dawn, the phone in Jin Zhongye's room rang. Jin Zhongye stretched out his hand from under the quilt very unhappily, and answered the phone that woke him up.

It's better to have something important, otherwise the caller will let him know the consequences of waking him up.

"Master Ye!" The voice on the other end of the phone was very urgent and nervous.

"Speak up if you have something to say, don't talk nonsense!" Jin Zhongye was very angry.

"Our secret base has become...into ruins..." The voice on the phone was anxious, frightened and empty...

"What did you say, say it again..." Jin Zhongye no longer felt sleepy.

"There was an explosion in our secret base, and it was completely blown up. Now the garage has been surrounded by the police and is investigating. We don't know the details yet!"

Jin Zhongye's face changed, what are you kidding?Their arsenal exploded?

"Boom—" Jin Zhongye threw the phone out of his hand.

Beside Jin Zhongye, a naked woman was woken up, she opened her eyes dimly, "Young Master Ye, what's the matter, you got so angry so early in the morning..."

The woman was Jin Zhongye's bed partner last night, she had a charming voice, and she didn't realize Jin Zhongye's extreme anger.

"Get out of here!"

Jin Zhongye glared at the woman, so frightened that the woman got up in a panic, rolled off the bed, and fled out of the room without putting on her clothes.

The arsenal was bombed. For the Jin family, this loss... and the chain reaction brought about by this incident...

How could this happen?
Dark clouds shrouded Jin Zhongye's side, and Meng Shihao's side was not much better. Meng Qianrou was sprinkled with ricin that she brought, and was lying in the hospital for treatment. Because ricin was involved, the police also intervened in the investigation. .

This ricin was found by Meng Qianrou herself. If the source is investigated, the people from the Meng family will be the ones who will be unlucky.

Taking a step back, Feng Qianyun was involved in the matter, and the whole incident will be revealed by then, and Feng Qianyun is at best self-defense.

What's more, behind Feng Qianyun is the powerful Yuchi Group, and their chances of winning a lawsuit are very slim.

So Meng Shihao kept his mouth shut, and ordered Meng Qianrou to say that he didn't know, that he didn't see the other person's face clearly.

"Father, you must avenge me!" Meng Qianrou lay on the hospital bed, crying to Meng Shihao unwillingly.

"Rourou, don't worry, Dad will definitely avenge you! Dad won't let you be bullied for nothing! Now that Dad and Young Master Ye have teamed up, the Yuchi Group will soon be brought down. It's time to clean up that little bitch Feng Qianyun." Meng Shihao is currently in the hospital, and he hasn't had time to read the news this morning, and he doesn't know that something big has happened to the Jin family.

"Father, hurry up and contact Young Master Ye. Didn't you send someone there last night? Maybe there is good news now!" Meng Qianrou urged Meng Shihao.

"Okay, Dad will call Young Master Ye now." After Meng Shihao finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Jin Zhongye's number.

He is calling Jin Zhongye now, what is the difference between courting death?
How can Jin Zhongye have time to pay attention to him now?Something happened to the arsenal, why do you want the pier?
Meng Shihao called Jin Zhongye's phone for a long time, but no one answered, so he had no choice but to call one of Jin Zhongye's subordinates.

"I'm Meng Shihao. I called Young Master Ye just now, but why didn't anyone answer?" Meng Shihao revealed his identity as soon as the call was connected.

The other party didn't bother to talk to Meng Shihao, in the eyes of the Jin family, Meng Shihao was just a pawn.

"Master Ye is busy right now, so I don't have time to talk to you." The other party's attitude towards Meng Shihao was obviously not respectful at all.

Meng Shihao was in a bad mood when he heard that, since the other party was from the Jin family, he held back his temper, "When will Young Master Ye be free?"

"How will I know when Young Master Ye is free? If you have nothing to do, please call to trouble Young Master Ye. It's enough to take care of your business." The other party immediately hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Damn it!" Meng Shihao yelled at the phone, thinking, who are you, you are just a dog under Young Master Ye's hands, how dare you mess with him?

"Dad, what's the matter? What did Young Master Ye say?" Seeing her father's angry look, Meng Qianrou hurriedly asked, worried that the assassination failed last night.

"Ghost knows, Young Master Ye has never been contacted at all. The bastards under him don't know any manners at all. Let him mention it to Young Master Ye some other day, so he can't bear to go around!" Meng Shihao said angrily.

Meng Shihao still didn't know that the person who spoke to him just now was a dog under Young Master Ye's men, but he himself was probably not even a dog.

Early the next morning, Han Mojue sent Feng Qianyun to school.

Han Mojue feels that he has now become a driver, a nanny, and a coolie. What a miserable life!

When I arrived at the school gate, I found that there was an abnormal situation at the school gate today. A group of girls surrounded the gate, and I didn't know what happened.

Feng Qianyun got off Han Mojue's car and saw clearly that it was Long Yutian standing at the school gate, causing many girls to strike up a conversation.

This man rarely appeared in school, and many girls didn't want to miss such an opportunity.

Long Yutian was waiting for Feng Qianyun at the school gate, and when he saw Feng Qianyun appearing, Long Yutian walked over.

"Little Poison Flower, long time no see, I miss you so much!" Long Yutian said blatantly in front of everyone.

Feng Qianyun seemed to hear the sound of countless girls' hearts breaking.

"Why do I think it's a lingering ghost?" Feng Qianyun countered habitually.

"Hehe, I heard early this morning that a large-scale explosion occurred in a car repair shop near the pier. After investigation, the police found that there was an arsenal before the explosion. I don't know if it has something to do with my little poison flower?" Long Yutian smiled monstrously, and his handsome face deliberately approached Feng Qianyun.

"Oh? It turns out that such a big thing happened in M ​​City today? It's really surprising, but I think since it's a secret arsenal, it shouldn't exist in itself. It can only be said that it was condemned by God if it exploded. !" Feng Qianyun replied without blushing.

"Really? It seems that God doesn't have any sense of existence!" Long Yutian's smile widened.

(End of this chapter)

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