Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 133 Picking the Jin Family’s Secret Base

Chapter 133 Picking the Jin Family’s Secret Base (5)
"Dear brother Yutian, sister, I'm going to class now, bye bye!" Feng Qianyun walked around Long Yutian who was standing in front of her, and walked towards the teaching building.

After entering the classroom, Feng Qianyun found that Yu Chixiu, who was sitting next to her, was in a bad mood. A simple proof was that the textbook he shared with her that was placed in the middle of the desk had returned to his own. side.

Shang Xiaoye, who was sitting behind Feng Qianyun, patted Feng Qianyun's shoulder, and whispered in her ear, "Yunyun, did anything happen to you after I left yesterday?" ... very bad!
Shang Xiaoye was already sure that Yu Chixiu's bad mood had something to do with Feng Qianyun, poor Yu Chixiu, who liked Yunyun, was destined to suffer.

"I don't know, I didn't go home with him last night." Feng Qianyun said that she couldn't understand the young master's temper. She always said that women's hearts are needles in the bottom of the sea. According to her, some men's hearts are like sand in the bottom of the sea, small and many And difficult.

"You didn't go home with him yesterday?" Shang Xiaoye suddenly realized, "I think I know where his bad mood came from." Yunyun didn't go home, so it's no wonder the young master isn't angry!

Feng Qianyun thought of Tang Ze, and said to Yu Chixiu beside her, "Master, you left Wang Yubai's number yesterday, right? Can you give me her number?"

Yu Chixiu was in a bad mood, and at the same time, he deliberately let Feng Qianyun watch, just to let Feng Qianyun take the initiative to talk to him, but in the end Feng Qianyun did talk, but asked about other people's affairs.

Damn girl, don't you see that he is angry?Don't you know how to ask him why he is angry and then explain it to him?

Really pissed him off!

"Why do you want Sister Yubai's number?" Yu Chixiu said in a bad tone. Recently, Feng Qianyun has made his mood so bad that he often speaks in such an aggressive tone.

"I have something to tell her." Feng Qianyun thought, since Tang Ze had been arranged with Long Yutian, she should talk to Wang Yubai, and then arrange a time for them to meet.

Seeing that Tang Ze is a person she likes quite a bit, she will help them with this.

"Do you have something to tell her?" Yu Chixiu said in his heart, then why didn't you just tell me something?

But after thinking about it, the eldest young master couldn't bear to say this to Feng Qianyun.

Yu Chixiu took out his mobile phone, found out Wang Yubai's number, and angrily put his mobile phone in front of Feng Qianyun, "Look for yourself!"

Feng Qianyun called the number on Yu Chixiu's cell phone.

"Hello, who is your name?" Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, Wang Yubai asked politely.

"Hello, I'm the little girl who was with Yu Chixiu yesterday. I have news about Tang Ze. Do you have time to meet?" Feng Qianyun went straight to the point, long-windedness was not her style.

"Really?" Wang Yubai was very excited. She just got rid of Yu Chixiu to help find Tang Ze's whereabouts yesterday. She didn't expect to have news so soon. She just wondered why it was the little girl next to Yu Chixiu who called, not Yu Chixiu.

Yu Chixiu, who was angry, was also very surprised when he heard Feng Qianyun's words. The smelly girl said there was news about Tang Ze?He just got rid of his grandfather's help in finding Tang Ze this morning, how did he get news so quickly of the girl?
"Yes, when do you have time?" Feng Qianyun asked.

"I have time anytime!" Wang Yubai secretly returned to City M without telling her parents. When she first came to City M, she had no job or schoolwork. The only thing she had to do was to find Tang Ze, so she was free anytime.

"I'll send you an address in a text message later, so you go to that address at six o'clock this afternoon." Feng Qianyun said.The place Feng Qianyun gave Wang Yubai was the KTV where she traded with Long Yutian last time.

"Okay, okay!" Wang Yubai responded repeatedly.

After Feng Qianyun finished explaining, she sent another text message to Long Yutian, which probably meant to ask Tang Ze to meet Wang Yubai at six o'clock in the evening. Since she did not have Tang Ze's contact information, she notified Long Yutian.

I saw Long Yutian replied a text message: Little Poison Flower, I cooperate with you so much, do you want to give me some reward?

Feng Qianyun immediately replied to Long Yutian: the formula for the antidote.

Feng Qianyun knew that Long Yutian would need the antidote formula, because the enemy he faced might strike again.

After a while, Long Yutian came back again: "Little Poisonous Flower, you are really shrewd, you are really clear about my needs, I will wait for your things at the school gate after school today."

Feng Qianyun replied: OK.

After school, Feng Qianyun came to the school gate as agreed in the text message with Long Yutian.

Feng Qianyun had written the antidote formula on a piece of paper in advance, and she handed the paper to Long Yutian.

Long Yutian glanced at the paper full of words. Thanks to her being able to match it, it's no wonder his doctors were helpless. Even if he doesn't know medical skills, he knows how difficult it is to match such a complicated formula.

After Feng Qianyun gave Long Yutian the formula, she planned to leave.

"Little poisonous flower, wait." Long Yutian called Feng Qianyun who was about to leave.

"Anything else?" Feng Qianyun turned her head.

"Tonight's underground auction, there is an auction item that you may be interested in." Long Yutian said confidently, as if he was very confident that Feng Qianyun would be interested in it.

"Oh? What?" Seeing Long Yutian's confident appearance, Feng Qianyun thought that this thing should not be easy.

"A medicinal cauldron." Long Yutian replied, his eyes fixed on Feng Qianyun, observing her expression, "I heard that people who are proficient in ancient medical techniques can refine medicinal materials into elixir, so that the medicinal materials can be better Preserve the properties of the medicine to achieve the effect that cannot be achieved by direct brewing, and the medicine cauldron is an indispensable thing for refining the elixir. The medicine cauldron that will be auctioned tonight is a group of tomb robbers from an ancient tomb. Stolen."

The corners of Feng Qianyun's mouth slowly curled up, "I'm really interested."

"Then I'll reserve a VIP box for you, waiting for you to come to bid!" Long Yutian said with a smile, a natural evildoer, with a smile.

"No, I won't shoot."

"You don't shoot?"

"Yes, I don't shoot."

"Didn't you say that you are interested in this medicine cauldron?"

"I'm interested, and if it's really what you said, I plan to get it, but it's not me who will shoot it, but you." Feng Qianyun was evil again.

"Why should I help you take pictures?" Long Yutian looked at Feng Qianyun with a calculating look in his eyes, and this little poisonous flower might have come up with some bad idea again.

"I'll give you the antidote in exchange." Feng Qianyun replied.

"I already have your antidote, and even the antidote formula is in my hands, how can you exchange it with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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