Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 137 Lie Que: If Someone Disobeys, I'll Catch Her

Chapter 137 Lie Que: Someone Disobedient, I'll Catch Her (4)
Feng Qianyun thought, let Yuchixiong handle this matter by himself, he has enough connections and strength, and Meng Shihao is an insider of the Yuchi Group, so it would be perfect for him, the chairman, to handle it.

"Is there such a thing?" Hearing Feng Qianyun's words, Yu Chixiong was startled. Thinking of the death of Meng Shihao's father-in-law, it seemed a little strange. He remembered that the relationship between the two seemed to be very troubled in the period before that. Zhuang, in this way, there is a possibility, not to mention that he now understands Meng Shihao's personality.

"Okay, I will investigate this matter. As long as this matter can be confirmed, then Meng Shihao will never even think about leaving the prison."

Both Han Mojue and Yu Chixiu heard the conversation between Feng Qianyun and Yu Chixiong.

Yu Chixiu was also delighted that there was hope for his illness. Recently, he hated his weak body more and more, and his desire to get rid of the illness became stronger and stronger.

Han Mojue was a little worried about Feng Qianyun's long journey to find medicinal materials.

"Little daughter-in-law, I want to go with you."

When Yu Chixiu heard what Han Mojue said, he also said, "I want to go too!"

"Eldest young master, you are a patient. Who will make medicine for you after a long journey? What's more, even if you can do exercises now, it doesn't mean you can travel far." Feng Qianyun directly said Yuchixiu's Thoughts were strangled in the cradle, "As for you, don't you still have something to do?"

Feng Qianyun was referring to their construction of a medicinal herb planting base in Qiaoxi Village.

Han Mojue had no choice but to say, "Okay, then you have to take care of yourself and don't let anything happen to you, or I'll take our achievements all to myself."

After two days of preparation, Feng Qianyun was on the road.

The plane can only go to big cities. After that, Feng Qianyun changed buses a few times, from the airport to the bus station, from one city to another city, and then to a small town, and finally called a van in the town , to the entrance of the small mountain village.

It is indeed a very remote mountainous area. If you go further inside, the means of transportation will not work well, so you can only walk.

Carrying a mountaineering bag, Feng Qianyun entered the mountain village alone. The destination was an extinct volcano. He said it was an extinct volcano because it hadn’t erupted for a long time. From a distance, it looked no different from an ordinary mountain. It was already a lush green mountain. The hill is full of vitality, but the top of the mountain is obviously different from other peaks.

Feng Qianyun didn't need to ask the local villagers to find out where she was going.

"Hey, little girl, are you here to climb the mountain? You can't go any further, you can't go to the mountain ahead." A passing villager who went up the mountain to cut trees saw Feng Qianyun, and stopped deliberately to remind Feng Qianyun .

Although the small mountain village is remote, occasionally climbers from the city will come to camp and take risks. The villagers think that Feng Qianyun is the same as them, so they specially remind Feng Qianyun not to go any further because Ahead lies the cursed Mountain.

However, the age of this climber seems to be a bit young. At such a young age, it is really courageous to go out to explore the mountain alone at a young age!
"Thank you, but I'm planning to go there." Feng Qianyun thanked the kind villager, but her intention to go to the destination did not change at all.

"Little girl, I'm not joking. The mountain over there is a cursed magic mountain. There is no return!" Seeing that Feng Qianyun's mind would not change, the villagers told her that the mountain was cursed.

"It's okay, I have something to go up the mountain." Feng Qianyun knew that the uncle had good intentions, but she had a reason to go.

"No, little girl, listen to me..." Before the villagers finished speaking, Feng Qianyun had already moved forward.

The villager looked at Feng Qianyun's back and wanted to stop her, so he put down the tree trunk on his shoulders, but when he put it down and looked over again, there was no Feng Qianyun's figure!

What to do, that little girl went up the mountain, it was such a pity that such a cute little girl died like this.

The villagers sighed for a while, and transported the tree they had just cut back to their door, then set up the tree and began to peel the tree.

As he was peeling, he saw a young man passing by the door of his house. This man, at a glance, knew that he was not from their village.

This man is really good-looking, and this temperament, this courage, one can tell at a glance that he is not an ordinary person, not only is he not an ordinary person, he is simply astonishing!
The uncle was a little dumbfounded, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"Brother, where are you going?" The villagers called out to the man after they came back to their senses. After what happened just now, the villagers were afraid that this man was also going up the mountain.

The man's footsteps paused, "Go to that mountain."

What the man was referring to was the Magic Mountain, which the villagers believed to be cursed.

"Hey, brother, don't go up. That mountain is cursed. It's true. If you don't believe me, you can ask other people in the village. Some people in our village don't believe in evil. They went up the mountain and never came back!"

The man smiled slightly, ignored the uncle's words, and continued to go up the mountain.

"Hey, brother, did you hear what I said... Hey..."

What's going on today?
Uncle couldn't figure it out, why are people from the city so disobedient?Today, I met two people who ignored his dissuasion and insisted on going to the cursed magic mountain.

Hey, are there two more people who never return?
Because few people come to this mountain, there is no mountain road. Feng Qianyun shuttles through the dense forest, some places are thorn bushes, and some places are cliffs.

After a lot of effort, Feng Qianyun came to the crater, because it is an extinct volcano, the crater has become a small lake, surrounded by trees, and because there is no human being involved, many trees have grown It has become a towering ancient tree.

The reason why you can find Yuheng Peiying here is because a helicopter once passed over this extinct volcano. A photographer on the plane took a photo of the crater. Feng Qianyun is from that photo. I saw Yuheng Peiying on the Internet.

According to memory, the location of Yuheng Peiying should be in the southeast corner of this volcanic lake.

Feng Qianyun went down to the inside of the crater, walked through the dense forest, came to the edge of the volcanic lake, and walked along the volcanic lake. The lake is surrounded by dense forests, and it is easy to get lost.

In contrast, walking along the volcanic lake is not easy to get lost. Even if you lose your way, you can still find Yuheng Peiying after walking around the lake.

"Hiss, hiss..."

There was an unusual sound coming from the dense forest.

Feng Qianyun stopped in her tracks, and a huge object was approaching her.

There was a sound of rustling leaves in the jungle, and the sound was getting closer.

(End of this chapter)

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