Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 138 Lie Que: If Someone Disobeys, I'll Catch Her

Chapter 138 Lie Que: Someone Disobedient, I'll Catch Her (5)
Suddenly, a blue python with black markings came out of the dense forest.

The giant python opened its bloody mouth, aimed at Feng Qianyun, and rushed towards Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun dodges quickly, the giant python bumped into the rocks by the lake, and the rocks were crushed by this huge monster.

Feng Qianyun stepped aside and looked at the ferocious giant python. This is probably the reason why this mountain was called the cursed magic mountain by the villagers, right?
There is such a giant python living in the crater, and it is true that ordinary people have no chance of surviving, and those villagers who have never returned are probably swallowed by this guy.

Seeing that Feng Qianyun had escaped, the giant python swung its huge snake body and launched a powerful attack on Feng Qianyun again.

It is obviously such a huge body, but it moves so quickly.

Feng Qianyun just avoided the giant python's bloody mouth, and the giant python's tail swung over again.

Feng Qianyun managed to hide in time, but her calf was scratched.

Feng Qianyun took off the saber tied to her feet, and before the giant python's tail retracted, she stabbed at the giant python's tail.


The saber was broken, and there was no scar on the python's tail.

The scales of this giant python are so hard that the saber can't hurt it at all.

Feng Qianyun changed her fist again, and punched the giant python with all her strength, which had some effect, but with such force, even if she punched dozens of times, it would not pose a life-threatening threat to the giant python.

The opponent is a giant python, and Guigui is useless at this time.

Feng Qianyun backed away more than ten meters, and took out the Taiyi Huiqi inner pill that she had refined with the medicine tripod before she came here from her mountaineering bag.

Taiyi Huiqi Nei Dan can help users improve their strength in a short period of time, but using this elixir will cause certain damage to the body, after the effect of the elixir, Feng Qianyun will be affected by the side effects of the elixir.

Feng Qianyun swallowed the pill in her hand.

Her strength was improved in an instant. Originally, Feng Qianyun was at the middle level of the Xuan rank, but at this moment, Feng Qianyun had reached the peak of the Xuan rank!
Feng Qianyun seized this opportunity, another wave of attack from the giant python arrived, Feng Qianyun dodged sideways, at the same time, with a turn, Feng Qianyun jumped onto the giant python's head.

With the improvement of martial arts cultivation, Feng Qianyun's speed has also been raised to a higher level.

Feng Qianyun concentrated her internal energy on her right hand, raised her fist, and slammed it into the python's right eye.


The giant python suffered from pain, and the snake body violently swayed, trying to shake Feng Qianyun who was sitting on its head.

"Slaughter you, I will eat your meat, drink your soup, and use your gallbladder as medicine!"

Feng Qianyun slammed another punch on the giant python's head. With the strength of the peak of the mysterious rank, this punch hit even the giant python with hard scales to protect it. The huge snake body swayed violently. It became more intense, and it was the severe pain that made it even more irritable.

Feng Qianyun knew very well that she had to get rid of the snake right away, otherwise it would be no fun when the effects of Taiyi Huiqi Neidan wore off.

Feng Qianyun started to use both hands, reaching out to pull the scales off the python's head.

"Tear—" Feng Qianyun tore off a scale that was bigger than her palm.

The giant python suffered from pain, and the snake rolled on the ground, it wanted to crush Feng Qianyun to death.

Feng Qianyun reacted swiftly, she pulled out the second saber, directly inserted it into the place where she tore off the scales just now, and jumped away before the giant python's huge body pressed against her.

When Feng Qianyun rode on the head of the giant python, she used her own ability to understand the body structure of the giant python clearly. It is fatal.

A large amount of blood gushed out from the place where the saber was inserted into the giant python, staining the large area of ​​grass red. The giant python tossed a few times at last, and then crashed to the ground.

Feng Qianyun leaned against the stones by the lake to breathe, the effect of Taiyi Huiqi Neidan had passed, and the negative impact on her body also made her struggle.


rely on it!There is actually one more!
There are actually two giant pythons!Feng Qianyun killed one, but there was a second one!

However, Feng Qianyun at this time had no strength to deal with the second one because of the side effects of the pill.

The whole body of the second giant python is blue, without black markings.It came to Feng Qianyun and opened its mouth wide, wanting to swallow Feng Qianyun in one gulp.

At this moment, a figure flashed past, hugging Feng Qianyun in front of the giant python's mouth, the speed was quite fast, the whole process was only in the blink of an eye.

Seeing its prey fleeing, the second giant snake rushed up.

Lie Que held Feng Qianyun with one hand, and took Feng Qianyun's saber from the head of the giant python that he tore off just now with the other hand.

The saber flew out of his hand and flew towards the giant python that was rushing towards them.

The saber pierced into the python's heart, directly penetrated the snake's body, and pierced into the tree trunk behind the giant python.

That is definitely not the power of the saber itself, because Feng Qianyun has tried it before, and it is impossible to pierce the snake's scales with a simple knife.

After getting rid of the giant python that got in the way, Lie Que carried Feng Qianyun to the lake, and fetched water to wash her dirty little face.

"Why are you here?" Feng Qianyun felt a little embarrassed being hugged by Lie Que, but she didn't even have the strength to move now, so she could only let him hold her in his arms.

Looking at Lie Que's face so closely, Feng Qianyun once again sighed in his heart, it's so tempting!
Lie Que didn't answer, after washing Feng Qianyun's dirty face, he washed her little hands.

"Hey, Lie Que, why did you appear here?" Why didn't you answer her!
"Someone ran around disobediently, so I had to come and catch her back."

Feng Qianyun stared wide-eyed, what does it mean that someone is not good, he came to arrest him.

"Next time, don't use this kind of unnutritious medicine." Lie Que said to Feng Qianyun in an orderly tone, and then tore Feng Qianyun's pants, revealing her injured calf. The skin was one centimeter deep, and a large cut was made on the calf, a lot of blood flowed out, and the pants were stained red.

Lie Que skillfully cleaned Feng Qianyun's wound with gentle movements.

"Well, I have hemostatic medicine in my mountaineering bag." Feng Qianyun pointed to her mountaineering bag guiltily.

Lie Que opened Feng Qianyun's mountaineering bag, and found out Feng Qianyun's own hemostatic medicine from inside.

Before applying medicine to Feng Qianyun, Lie Que stretched out his left hand in front of Feng Qianyun, "If it hurts, I will lend it to you and return it to me later."

"Oh—" Feng Qianyun responded, but she didn't intend to bite Lie Que's hand, she could still bear the pain.

Lie Que gave Feng Qianyun medicine, and then wrapped her up with the bandage Feng Qianyun brought.

(End of this chapter)

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