Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 163 Woman, you have to hold on

Chapter 163 Woman, you have to hold on (5)
Xiao Gao was also sweating, he didn't dare to gesture to Cao Ruhai now, no matter how many times, the result was always wrong.

It was big, but it became small, and it was small, but it became big. One time, Cao Ruhai bought all the big and small, and turned into a leopard.

After gambling for another ten rounds in a row, Cao Ruhai is really in debt, and now he really wants someone to mess with him!Even if someone comes to beat him up, it's okay to beat him unconscious!

Tathagata Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Jesus Christ, Allah... Cao Ruhai recited all the names of gods and Buddhas he could think of in his heart, hoping that a miracle would happen.

It's a pity that God failed to take care of him. It wasn't until an hour later that Feng Qianyun felt that she had almost won, so she stretched lazily, "Hey, I'm a little tired, Director Cao, why don't we stop here?" , what do you think?"

God knows that Cao Ruhai almost cried when he waited for Feng Qianyun's words.

Now his eyelids are stretched, he is weak, and his eyes are thick with dark circles, which shows how bad his condition is.

"Okay, okay..." Cao Ruhai didn't have much strength to speak, and when he stood up from his seat, he was staggering, but luckily the person next to him supported him.

Nothing, nothing, he lost all his property.

"Director Cao, I have something I want to talk to you about. I don't know if Director Cao has time to talk to me now? Are you going to be busy with busy work again?"

It's strange that Cao Ruhai is still "busy" now.

"Not busy, not busy." Cao Ruhai began to regret, regretting that Feng Qianyun had waited for her for more than half an hour at the beginning, otherwise there would be no such ending.

Even though he still doesn't know where the problem is today, Cao Ruhai also knows that it has something to do with Feng Qianyun.

I lost miserably, but I don't even know how I lost, isn't it very sad?

Feng Qianyun called Cao Ruhai to the backstage office.

"Director Cao, you will still be in charge of the matters related to this matter in the future. As for the money you owe me, it will be offset according to your work performance in the future. Do you have any objections to this?" Feng Qianyun sat at the desk Before, he said to Cao Ruhai at the other end of the table.

Cao Ruhai could understand the meaning of Feng Qianyun's words, "Yes, yes..." He owed her such a large sum of money!If she came to ask for debts, even the house he lived in would be confiscated!

Cao Ruhai was very bitter in his heart, now he could only agree to what Feng Qianyun said.

For the Nth time in his heart, he regretted his provocation against Feng Qianyun today. What happened to her insidious and despicable person? What happened to her hurting Miss Baili? Why did he join in the fun?

Didn't they all say that she has a lot of means?Why don't you keep an eye on yourself?

But what's the use of thinking more, he can only do things obediently now, and won't bother Feng Qianyun anymore!
Tang Ze watched the whole incident all the time, and his admiration for Feng Qianyun increased a little in his heart. She is a person who knows how to spend the least amount of effort to get a tricky thing done.

Originally, when they came to this meeting, they were destined to be looked down upon, and there would be a lot of stumbling blocks waiting for them, but in this way, Cao Ruhai, the supervisor, did not dare to make a fuss, and naturally the people under him did not dare either.

"Little daughter-in-law... Oh no, Yunyun, are you free tomorrow?" Han Mojue made this call for someone else, and it happened that the person didn't like to hear him called Feng Qianyun's little daughter-in-law.

In fact, Han Mojue's calling Feng Qianyun "little daughter-in-law" was simply a syllable.

"What are you going to do? Tomorrow I seem to be going to Long Yutian's site as a decoration, but it should be okay if I don't think about it, it depends on the situation." Feng Qianyun thought to herself, she would not, for Long Yutian's affairs, Put your own life into it.

Feng Qianyun thought that Yu Chixiu should have registered for a certain university in advance, and with his wealth and grades, there should be no problem with this.

"Xiu is leaving, let's get together and have a meal or something. Anyway, you have lived in Xiu's house for such a long time. The relationship between the two of you can't be said to be too deep, but it can't be said to be shallow either. Right." Han Mojue said as he glanced at Yu Chixiu beside him, Yuchixiu was right beside him, and he just asked him to make this call, hey, what should I say about him...

"There's nothing wrong with that. After all, I've been taken care of by Grandpa Yuchi." Yuchixiong directly gave her [-]% of the shares of Yuchi Group, just for this point, she still wants to sell this face.

"Eh...I mean your relationship with Xiu..." Han Mojue stole a glance at Yu Chixiu while speaking.

Yu Chixiu was right next to him, and he heard the conversation between Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun very clearly.

"Eldest Young Master and I? What kind of relationship? A relationship between a doctor and a patient?" Feng Qianyun didn't know what to do and felt that there would be some extraordinary relationship between her and Yu Chixiu.

"No... After all, you have lived together for so many days. The two of you go to and from school together, and you are still at the same table. This relationship should not be shallow." Han Mojue felt that he was very miserable, but the one who was even more miserable was Yu Chixiu .

I saw the obvious decline on Yu Chixiu's face.

In fact, he also knew that he had a bad impression of Feng Qianyun.

"Han Mojue, when did your imagination become so rich?" It is not wrong to say that she eats and lives with Yu Chixiu, and also has a deskmate, but hasn't Yu Chixiu always hated her? It seems that Yu Chixiu is quite nice to others, but to her, most of them lose their temper for no reason.

"Eh...then think I spent too much, anyway, you just come to Yuchi's house tomorrow, let's get together and have a meal." Han Mojue didn't dare to say any more, fearing that the more he said, the more wrong he would be. This one will be more sad.

"Well, okay." Seeing that Han Mojue had nothing else to do, Feng Qianyun hung up the phone.

After Han Mojue hung up the phone, he comforted the injured Yu Chixiu, "Little Xiuxiu, it's actually okay, my daughter-in-law...ah no, Yunyun just hasn't noticed your goodness yet, haha."

"You don't need to comfort me. It's normal for her to hate me. Every time she needs to protect me, I can't stand a little bit of pain..." Yu Chixiu, who has always been confident, seems a little inferior recently, and the reason why he feels inferior is It is a thousand rhymes.

Han Mojue patted Yu Chixiu on the shoulder, "You need the protection of others because your innate condition is worse than others. As for what happened last time, don't worry about it. People always have to grow from being weak to being strong." Yes, the important thing is the future."

Yu Chixiu thought, yes, it was for the future, that's why he made such a decision.

To be honest, he wasn't very sure, but Grandpa supported him, and Han Mojue also supported him, Yu Chixiu smiled wryly in his heart, what he wanted more was Feng Qianyun's support, but unfortunately, she didn't seem to regard herself as one thing.

(End of this chapter)

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