Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 164 Surprise!Han Mojue's first shot

Chapter 164 Surprise!Han Mojue's first shot (1)
"Mo Jue, don't you like Yunyun?" Yu Chixiu felt that Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun were very close, and it seemed that the two of them had a good relationship and a tacit understanding, and they were always tired of being together. I don't know how many times I ate vinegar.

"I like it! But it's not the kind of love between a man and a woman. I think my little wife and I will be good friends for life. Besides, I don't think I have the qualifications to be a lover." Han Mojue said with a wry smile, self-deprecating very heavy.

"What's the matter?" Yu Chixiu didn't understand Han Mojue's self-deprecating words, what did he mean that he wouldn't have the qualifications to be a lover.

"It's nothing. Didn't you come here today for your business? Why are you talking about my business?" Han Mojue changed the subject and got confused.

"Oh, by the way, half of the shares in the bar." Yu Chixiu took out the file bag and handed it to Han Mojue, "This is for you."

Yu Chixiu did not forget another important matter when he came to find Han Mojue. The bar was opened by Yu Chixiu and Han Mojue. After thinking about it, Yuchixiu asked the lawyer to complete the share transfer agreement before coming. , and gave Han Mojue his half of the shares.

"Why? Little Xiuxiu, I just made a phone call for you, so there's no need to give me such a big gift, right?" Han Mojue didn't reach out to take the transfer letter in Yuchixiu's hand.

"Stop talking nonsense, take it for you, don't be polite to me, I'm leaving, and you will take care of the bar alone. When I come back, I will help grandpa take care of the company, and I don't have the time, so The bar belongs to you alone." Yu Chixiu made up his mind to give half of his shares to Han Mojue.

Back then, he partnered with Han Mojue to open the bar because his life was too dull. He was like a canary bird in a cage, and his every move was watched. The bar was a place for him to breathe.

"Okay." Han Mojue accepted Yu Chixiu's transfer letter, "But now that you're gone, how long do you plan to come back?"

"I don't know. Grandpa has already arranged everything for me. I don't think I will be able to come back in a short time." Yu Chixiu was not very confident in himself.

Feng Qianyun was invited to skip work and went to Yuchi's house. She didn't let Tang Ze follow her, and took a taxi by herself. In the final analysis, Feng Qianyun didn't have her own car until now, and she always took someone else's car.

During the morning rush hour, the traffic jam along the way was fatal, and when we arrived at Yuchi's house, it cost Feng Qianyun more than 100 yuan for the taxi alone.

Yu Chixiong and Yu Chixiu didn't invite anyone else, except for themselves, Feng Qianyun, Han Mojue, and An Weiwen who Feng Qianyun had also met.

Seeing An Weiwen, Feng Qianyun just wanted to ask why he helped her last time. They only met once, so they probably don't have such friendship yet.

Everyone sat at a table, Han Mojue was the one who talked the most and laughed the most, "Grandpa Yuchi, come, come, let me toast you!"

"Xiao Jue, you kid, do you want to get my old bones drunk? You have been toasting me since just now." Yu Chixiong said something complaining, but he was quite happy in his heart of.

Yu Chixiong is not old and stubborn, he is satisfied that his grandson is alive and healthy, as for what Yu Chixiu is going to do, whether he stays by his side is not that important to him.

"Xiao Yun, the person who should be respected the most today is you, no matter what, you are a great hero!" As an elder, Yu Chixiong toasted Feng Qianyun, a junior, Feng Qianyun had a lot of face.

"Grandpa Yuchi, you are being polite. If you need any help from me in the future, just let me know." Feng Qianyun has never been stingy with people who are close to her.

"Grandpa can remember Xiaoyun's words. In the future, when grandpa comes to you, you have to admit it!" Yu Chixiong said this because he was not really afraid that Feng Qianyun would not admit it. It could be seen that she Not such a person.

"Yun Yun." Finally, it was Yu Chixiu's turn to speak.


Feng Qianyun felt very awkward when the word "Yun Yun" came out of Yu Chixiu's mouth. Did the young master have a sudden personality change after experiencing a life-and-death change?

Such a soft cry is really not suitable for him and her.

"Yunyun, thank you for taking care of me these days, I hope you don't forget me right away!" Yu Chixiu rarely showed such a gentle smile to Feng Qianyun.

No wonder he is called the campus prince. It turns out that this man with a stinky face all day long is also very warm, sunny, and princely when he smiles.

"You're welcome, you have to take good care of yourself in the future, and don't let your grandfather and other people who care about you worry about you." What Feng Qianyun meant by this is actually very simple, the kind of caring words between ordinary friends.

But it was different for Yu Chixiu, what Feng Qianyun said was a kind of support for him in Yu Chixiu's view.

Yu Chixiu's smile became more obvious, and he nodded solemnly.

After dinner, Yuchi's house served some refreshments, and everyone sat down, sipped tea, and chatted.

Feng Qianyun saw An Weiwen walking to the balcony with a teacup alone, so she followed.

"Uncle An, I have something to ask you. Why did you help me about what happened in Qiaoxi Village last time?" Now that there were only her and An Weiwen, Feng Qianyun expressed the confusion in her heart.

She doesn't like being indebted to others for no reason.

"Hehe..." An Weiwen smiled, "I knew you would ask me about this." After all, someone helped me out of nowhere, and anyone would be curious. "Actually, I was also entrusted by others. To be more precise, someone wanted me to do this."

"Is anyone there?" Feng Qianyun thought of Lie Que. Among the people she knew, those who knew An Weiwen and helped her but she didn't know, it seemed that Lie Que could only be the one.

"You have seen it, Lie Que." An Weiwen did not hide it from Feng Qianyun. In fact, An Weiwen was a little surprised that Lie Que would help Feng Qianyun in this way. He did not understand what kind of friendship Lie Que and Feng Qianyun had. .

Is it really him?

Feng Qianyun actually doesn't know much about Lie Que, he is very mysterious, and what he does is also confusing.

"Does Amber know why he wants to help me?"

"Oh? Don't you know? Then I don't know even more." An Weiwen thought to himself, he always has his own way of doing things, and others often can't figure out the way. "He will come to M City again in the next two days, so you can ask him yourself when the time comes."

"He's coming over in a few days?" Feng Qianyun thought, is he running around the world?What kind of work keeps him running around?

"Yes, I thought he would come to say hello to you at some point. At that time, you should ask him yourself. To be honest, I really don't know much about him." An Weiwen can't be regarded as Lie Que's subordinate People, the relationship is a bit delicate. At first, it was because he owed Lie Que a big favor. Later, even he himself couldn't explain it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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