Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 185 Another Apprentice?Trick Libing

Chapter 185 Another Apprentice?Baili ice trick (1)
Feng Qianyun remembers that when Xia Wufeng left Ouyang's family, he was already at the peak of the Xuan rank, so how far has he grown three years later?

Moreover, Xia Wufeng also has a very troublesome ability, which is unique to his family. If Long Yutian confronts him, his chances of winning may be very small, right?

"Oh, is it him? Is his ambition so big?" Long Yutian laughed mockingly, thinking that when he took over, he had never heard of the name Xia Wufeng, but now, he has become the biggest threat to the Black Dragon Gang.

The rise of the princeling party was only a matter of the past two years. No one thought that Xia Wufeng, who was born prominently, would suddenly rise up and form a gang one day, let alone that the gang that was originally thought to be just the prince's spare time, would develop into a colorful gang. , Rapidly growing, enough to compete with the century-old Black Dragon Gang.

While admiring Xia Wufeng's ability, he also felt his fearfulness.

"He's more ambitious than you think." He's a guy who wants to take something he wants.

"You seem to know him very well?" Long Yutian narrowed his captivating eyes.

"I don't think I understand him." Feng Qianyun shrugged, she really didn't understand Xia Wufeng.

"But why do I think you have a special understanding of him?" Long Yutian leaned in front of Feng Qianyun, as if wanting to see some clues.

"Have it?"

"Yes, you don't seem to be like that to me. I heard that Xia Wufeng is an out-and-out handsome guy. Tell me quickly, are you interested in him?" Long Yutian's eyes were full of inquiry, thinking in his heart, shouldn't Would it be so unfortunate that he got it right?
"Interesting in Xia Wufeng?" Where did this judgment come from? "Yes, yes, look, he is more handsome than you, but unfortunately he ranks just ahead of you. According to the criteria for female creatures to choose a mate, female creatures will choose males born in competition."

"You haven't met him in person, so how can you say that he is more handsome than me just by hearing the rumors? The credibility of the rumors is very low, maybe Xia Wufeng is actually very ugly."

"Are you not reconciled to being compared to others?" Feng Qianyun patted Long Yutian on the back as a sign of comfort, "Good boy, don't be reconciled, green vegetables and radishes have their own love, maybe It’s just that some people like you, a top-notch evildoer with a hidden knife in your smile, don’t you think so?”

The corner of Long Yutian's mouth twitched, and it turned out that she was here to comfort him.

Long Yutian patted Feng Qianyun's head in turn, "The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turn your head to the shore, don't be obsessed with uncertain existence, look in front of you, there is a handsome guy in prime of life, if you pursue me well Come on, maybe I will be moved?"

"Ah? What did you say? My selective otitis media has happened again, I didn't hear what you said just now!" Feng Qianyun's selective otitis media will always have an attack at the right time.

The two were chatting, when suddenly a woman ran in, went straight to Long Yutian, wrapped her hands around Long Yutian's neck, and snuggled up to his chest.

"Did you miss me?" Wu Xiaohan rubbed and touched Long Yutian in his arms, and directly ignored the other person in the room, Feng Qianyun.

Long Yutian stretched out his hand and pushed Wu Xiaohan away, "Xiaohan, you have grown up, you can no longer just cuddle with men like before."

Wu Xiaohan was upset, "Why not, you are not another man, you are my fiancé!"

"Xiaohan, that's just what the adults joked about when we were young, you can't take this matter seriously." Long Yutian has declared this matter to Wu Xiaohan for countless times, but Wu Xiaohan just doesn't listen, just believes Long Yu Tian is her fiancé.

"Why can't it be taken seriously, no matter, you are my fiancé, we are ordered by our parents!" Wu Xiaohan hugged Long Yutian again, as if he would not let go no matter what.

Long Yutian pushed Wu Xiaohan away again, and said to Feng Qianyun, who was watching the show, "How about you go upstairs first, and I'll talk to you later?"

With Wu Xiaohan here, Long Yutian couldn't talk to Feng Qianyun about anything.

Wu Xiaohan looked at Feng Qianyun with hostility, "Who are you, and why are you at my fiance's house?"

female!Then it should be ruled out!

Feng Qianyun was speechless, where did this little girl's hostility come from? "Well, you fiancee talk slowly, and I won't bother you."

"We are not a fiancée." Long Yutian subconsciously retorted when he heard Feng Qianyun calling him and Wu Xiaohan a fiancée. He spoke so fast that even he himself realized that there was something wrong with such an eager reaction.

"Why are we not a fiancee anymore!" Wu Xiaohan was angry, why was he in such a hurry to explain to that little girl? "Let me tell you, we are an unmarried couple. Not only that, we grew up together and even slept together!"

Long Yutian lived with his mother in the Wu family when he was a child, until Long Yutian was ten years old and was brought back to the Black Dragon Gang by his father to formally meet everyone and become the successor of the Black Dragon Gang.

Wu Xiaohan was only one year younger than Long Yutian. When they were young, the two children were often put together by adults, and Wu Xiaohan said that they slept together.

"Xiaohan, we were still young at that time." Long Yutian was also helpless, no matter how many times he and Wu Xiaohan explained, Wu Xiaohan always said that the two of them had already had such an intimate act, and they should be husband and wife in the future, and they should get married.

Feng Qianyun looked at the two people helplessly, "I said, regarding such a serious issue, can you two resolve it internally first?"

Feng Qianyun felt that this girl who appeared out of nowhere was very beautiful, but also very... barbaric.

She and Long Yutian are quite a good match, at least it can be seen that as soon as she appeared, Long Yutian's evil face collapsed, what a natural enemy!

Wu Xiaohan was unhappy, very unhappy, the more Long Yutian cared about Feng Qianyun, the more unhappy she became, so she let go of Long Yutian, walked up to Feng Qianyun, stretched out her hand, and said hello to her, "You Okay, my name is Wu Xiaohan, and I'm brother Yutian's fiancée, nice to meet you."

It seems that Wu Xiaohan is very innocent and harmless, and his attitude towards Feng Qianyun is quite friendly.

Long Yutian saw Wu Xiaohan extended his right hand towards Feng Qianyun, and hurriedly prevented Feng Qianyun from shaking hands with Wu Xiaohan: "Don't shake hands with her!"

Wu Xiaohan's right hand can't be touched casually, because her right hand is very poisonous, very poisonous, most people will die if they touch it.

The Wu family where Wu Xiaohan lives is called the "poisonous hand" Wu family by others, and it is famous for this extremely poisonous right hand.

Feng Qianyun hurriedly withdrew her hand when she heard the words.

(End of this chapter)

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