Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 186 Another Apprentice?Trick Libing

Chapter 186 Another Apprentice?Baili ice trick (2)
Seeing that she was exposed, Wu Xiaohan glared at Long Yutian unhappily, "Do you love her so much?"

"You should be very aware of the power in your right hand, don't use it casually to harm others." Long Yutian's tone carried a hint of warning.

"Why didn't I see you being so caring when I was hurting others? I wanted to hurt her, so you were in a hurry. I'm just a brat. Is it worthy of your concern? I'm your fiancee, and I haven't seen you treat me like that." So good!" Wu Xiaohan said angrily, feeling that she was wronged and bitter, that her fiancé treated others better than herself.

Feng Qianyun was speechless watching from the side, did Long Yutian's fiancée have the nerve to say that she is a wet boy?She deeply felt that she herself hadn't matured yet!
Feng Qianyun saw that the two of them were arguing happily, so she rubbed oil on the soles of her feet. She had better not interfere with other people's housework.

Her beautiful life is suitable for making money and enjoying it. When she grows up, she can also appreciate beautiful men, and then find someone who is pleasing to her eyes, and the other party also pleasing to her eyes. Live in a group, and grow up a bit , When the handsome husband turns into an uncle, give birth to a big fat boy, watch him turn into a handsome boy, and then watch him grow from a handsome boy into a handsome boy.

Ho Ho, this is life!
Of course, votes are very important, and women can't do without a small coffers.

Early the next morning, Feng Qianyun woke up. It was different from the tranquility in the past. Today, the Long family mansion was a bit lively, and Wu Xiaohan was undoubtedly the one who caused the bustle. Prepare breakfast, the whole person is cheerful like a bird.

To be honest, ordinary people really dare not eat the food made by Wu Xiaohan. Her right hand is poisonous, but her left hand is fine. If she accidentally uses her right hand while handling food, the food will become poisonous. It is faster than eating arsenic directly, and can catch up with the direct train to heaven.

"Brother Yutian, how is it? Have my skills improved?" Wu Xiaohan kept running around, keeping his eyes on Long Yutian, hoping to hear praise for him from his mouth.

Wu Xiaohan stared at Long Yutian, but Long Yutian's eyes stopped on Feng Qianyun who had just come down the stairs.

He stared at Feng Qianyun, as if he wanted to say something to Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun sat opposite Long Yutian, and then heard Wu Xiaohan yelling dissatisfiedly, "Hey, why are you talking to yourself, did I ask you to sit down? Why are you sitting with brother Yutian?" Let's eat together?"

Wu Xiaohan didn't like that her and Long Yutian's breakfast was disturbed by others.

"Ask my man, do I have the right to sit down?" Feng Qianyun sat down and couldn't get up.

"You bastard!" Wu Xiaohan got angry, rolled her eyes, and planned to give Feng Qianyun something poisonous.

"Xiaohan, stop messing around, she is my sister now." Long Yutian explained to Wu Xiaohan about Feng Qianyun with a blank face, "I need her help with something, so I call her my sister .”

Long Yutian's mother lived in Wu's house, so it was impossible to lie to Wu Xiaohan that she was really his sister, so he had to tell the truth. Fortunately, Long Yutian knew that although Wu Xiaohan was a bit willful, he was still sensible in major matters and knew what was going on. What should be said and what should not be said.

Hearing what Long Yutian said, Wu Xiaohan pouted, "You can also ask me for help, why do you ask her, I am your fiancée, and I am justified."

Wu Xiaohan was not convinced, so he asked Feng Qianyun to compete, "Hey, I want to compete with you. If you win, I will admit you and let you stay in Long's house. If you lose, help Brother Yutian." The matter is up to me, you have to leave the Long family obediently!"

Wu Xiaohan seemed to regard himself as the mistress of the Long family.

Feng Qianyun was speechless to Wu Xiaohan, she wanted to be Long Yutian's wife, and she didn't hinder her!
"Hey, did you hear, I want to compete with you, you must accept my challenge now!" Wu Xiaohan refused to let go.

"Xiaohan, if you mess around again, I'll ask your father to take you back." Long Yutian grimaced.

"Then I'll tell Dad, you keep a strange woman at home, and see if Dad and Aunt Long are on my side or yours." Wu Xiaohan is full of confidence in this, because she knows the relationship between the two families. The parents hoped that she would marry Brother Yutian the most.

Although Long Yutian was vigorous and resolute in dealing with the outside world, he was helpless in the face of his mother and elders.

Feng Qianyun looked at Wu Xiaohan, then at Long Yutian, "So, I have to compete with her?"

This fiancée, it seems that Long Yutian has nothing to do with her.

"Okay, tell me, how do you want to compete?" Feng Qianyun felt that sometimes her life was very difficult, and if she checked Long Yutian's affairs, she could also provoke his fiancée.

"You should know that the people from my murderous Wu family are good at using poison." Wu Xiaohan mentioned their murderous Wu family with pride.

Feng Qianyun nodded, they are all called Poison Hand Wu's family, this must be inextricably related to poison.

"If you beat me with poison, you've won." Wu Xiaohan is most proud of poisoning. She has learned how to make poison and how to use poison since she was a child. Her right hand is full of poison. Usually, they wear special gloves, and they only take them off when confronting opponents.

Do you use poison?Feng Qianyun smiled, that's a good idea, she also happens to be an expert.

Feng Qianyun happened to be worried that no one would discuss with her, how boring it would be to always play with drugs by herself.

Back then, the blame old man arrested her as an apprentice because he was too bored playing alone, and trained her to compete with himself. From the very beginning, Feng Qianyun was tortured to death by the old man every day. After the game is over, in the end, the old man can't win her, so he will play tricks.

In the end, the old man ran away by himself and disappeared, and Feng Qianyun went back to Xue Yisen's hospital to become a doctor.

"Okay." Feng Qianyun agreed without even thinking about it, with a look of high interest.

Long Yutian originally wanted to stop it, but saw that both of them were eager to try, and he had nothing to do with it.

"How do you want to compare?" Wu Xiaohan thought for a while, "You are young, so let you decide how to compare, so as not to say that I am an older child who bullies you as a child."

"One person prepares a kind of poison, if it is not fatal within 10 minutes, let the other party take it, and both parties will detoxify by themselves, and the result will be seen in 10 minutes." This is the way Feng Qianyun used to compete with the strange old man.

As soon as she uttered her words, both Long Yutian and Wu Xiaohan were frightened by her. This is a desperate comparison!
"Are you serious?" Wu Xiaohan felt a little nervous. You must know that many outsiders don't know the formula of the poison they poisoned the Wu family. If you want to develop an antidote, how much is 10 minutes?
(End of this chapter)

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