Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 194 The Versatility of Rhyme

Chapter 194 Qian Yun's Multifunctionality (1)
But now Ouyang Zhimin was bandaged into a mummy, his face was bruised and purple, it was difficult to see his original face.

Xue Yunran was a little surprised when he heard the words. It was said that Ouyang Zhimin was a kid from a rich family. He was rich but didn't learn well. He found people to fight all day long. Now it seems that things are as simple as everyone said.

Xue Yunran walked over to look, and flipped through the sheets on Ouyang Zhimin's hospital bed, "It seems that I will be in bed for at least a month."

Xue Yunran thought to himself, with two broken ribs, a broken right hand, and countless other injuries, if it was his father who hit him, the attack must have been too ruthless.

"Tell me if you need anything, Yunyun's friend is my friend." Xue Yunran said to Ouyang Zhimin.

Then Xue Yunran came to the bed next to Ouyang Zhimin, and said to the handsome middle-aged man on the bed, "How do you feel today? Does your stomach still feel uncomfortable after taking the medicine?"

The middle-aged man raised his head, glared at Xue Yunran, and said nothing.

"If there is no problem, you can take another course of the medicine prescribed before, and your second operation will be scheduled for the next week." Xue Yunran was not angry because the man ignored him, and still explained to him in a good-tempered manner.

"You're annoying, get the hell out of here if you have nothing to do." The middle-aged man finally spoke, and he looked at Xue Yunran with disgust.

"Although it's a bit long-winded, as a patient, you need to understand these things. I hope you can cooperate with our doctor's work." Xue Yunran still smiled and explained to the man very carefully.

Hearing that Xue Yunran was still chattering, the middle-aged man reached out and grabbed the hot water bottle on the bedside table, and threw it towards Xue Yunran.

Seeing this, Feng Qianyun came to Xue Yunran first, followed by the hot water bottle thrown by the middle-aged man.

That kettle was full, if it hit Xue Yunran, the kettle would crack, and the hot water inside would splash Xue Yunran all over.

Xue Yunran was startled, before he could react, Feng Qianyun was already standing in front of him, looking at the intact kettle in Feng Qianyun's hand, he felt lingering fear in his heart.

"Yunyun, are you okay? Did you get splashed by hot water?" Xue Yunran hurriedly squatted down to check on Feng Qianyun, fearing that she would be splashed by the hot water in the kettle.

Xue Yunran was a little moved, she would stand in front of him without hesitation at such a dangerous time.

Feng Qianyun shook her head, "I'm fine, the hot water didn't spill out."

Feng Qianyun put down the hot water bottle and walked up to the middle-aged man. If she was not present today, Xue Yunran would be scalded by the hot water.

"Aren't you short-tempered?" Feng Qianyun stood in front of the man's hospital bed, she was not a big person, but she was quite imposing.

The middle-aged man stared at Feng Qianyun viciously, "If you want to survive, get lost."

"I don't want to leave today!"

Feng Qianyun's anger hasn't subsided yet, he wants her to go away?no way!
Han Mojue heard Feng Qianyun calling herself "Old Lady", and thought to herself, you little girl has not finished being an old lady yet!Leapfrogging is a bit too much.

"You're looking for death!" The middle-aged man said, grabbed the fruit knife next to the bed, and stabbed at Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun clamped the fruit knife with only two fingers.

"Ding——" There was only a crisp sound of metal breaking, and the fruit knife was gorgeously cut into two pieces.

The middle-aged man was startled, he didn't expect that Feng Qianyun would be a good practitioner, but the middle-aged man is not a vegetarian either.

His own left hand tore off the drip on his right hand, and the needle tip scratched the back of his hand, leaving a deep bloodstain.

He didn't believe that he would still lose to a little girl.

"Brother Yunran, is he your patient?" Feng Qianyun asked Xue Yunran this question before doing anything. If it was Xue Yunran's patient, then she shouldn't act too hard, otherwise she would cause trouble for Xue Yunran.

"Well, he's my patient." Xue Yunran looked at Feng Qianyun, and thought she was really cool, she was so small, and she had such an innocent, cute and innocent face, just like a fairy tale The little princess who came out had such a frightening aura and such a powerful courage.

These two very contrasting temperaments have been well integrated in her body, forming her unique charm.

Thousands of styles, all flavors.

"OK, I get it, I won't be too violent." Feng Qianyun purely wanted to teach this middle-aged man who didn't know what to do.

This is a public place, too violent to affect the bad.

The man realized that he had been scorned by a little girl, and his bad temper was like an active volcano.

It's a pity that his active volcano has no chance to erupt in front of Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun was indeed not too violent, but after 10 minutes, the handsome middle-aged man was almost the same as Ouyang Zhimin.

Finally, Feng Qianyun stuffed an apple into the middle-aged man's mouth, and the work was done.

Clapping my little hands, I am satisfied with the results of my "bandaging". After all, I was also a doctor before. Although I was not in charge of bandaging people, I have seen many of them.

Xue Yunran watched his patient being tied up into a rice dumpling by Feng Qianyun with a bed sheet, it was funny and speechless.

"Yunyun, this seems to be the way to treat mental patients." Some mental patients with serious illnesses would self-harm, so they would be tied up like this.

"I think he looks like a mental patient. We should consider whether to transfer him to a psychiatric department."

"Puff." Xue Yunran burst out laughing, Yunyun is really too cute. "Yunyun, don't be too angry. His bad temper is also because he is sick." Xue Yunran didn't sympathize with this handsome middle-aged man, but it was true.

If Han Mojue heard Xue Yunran's thoughts, he would definitely tell Xue Yunran, which eye do you use to see that Feng Qianyun is cute?Obviously very violent!
"Yunyun, it seems illegal for you to tie him up like this?" Shang Xiaoye said worriedly.

Han Mojue's reaction was straightforward. He closed the door to prevent others from seeing what happened in their ward. Fortunately, the remaining one of the three beds was empty. The so-called family ugliness should not be publicized!
"It's nothing, I just want to teach him to respect the doctors who worked so hard to treat him." Feng Qianyun smiled wickedly.

Feng Qianyun squatted down and looked at the list on the hospital bed, Feng Xueyi, his name is quite elegant, why is he so hostile.

Ganqing was in a car accident, which resulted in the disability of the lower body and multiple injuries to the upper body. No wonder the combat effectiveness was so low just now. It turned out that the body was seriously injured.It also stated that he was allergic to many medicines, no wonder Brother Yunran asked him if he felt any discomfort after taking the medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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