Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 195 The Versatility of Rhyme

Chapter 195 Qian Yun's Multifunctionality (2)
According to this injury, it is impossible to fully recover. Even if the leg can walk after rehabilitation, it will still be limping.

Judging by his appearance, he should be a practitioner, but it is impossible for him to go back to the past, and it is impossible to use his kung fu as usual.

Then brother Yunran said that he was in a bad mood because of this, also, a person with good martial arts is paralyzed, and he can no longer use martial arts in the future, it is indeed a very shocking thing.

After Feng Qianyun understood, she took the apple out of the middle-aged man's mouth.

The man looked at Feng Qianyun resentfully, if he hadn't had this car accident, he wouldn't have lost to this girl.

"Don't look at me so fiercely, okay? Look at me, such a pure and lovely little girl, do you have the heart to look at me like this?" Feng Qianyun blinked her eyes, "I said you are complaining What do you look like? Do you think that if you are cynical, you can heal your wounds and get angry? Then you can return to the way you were before?"

"Get out, I don't want to see you, if you don't let go of me, I can sue you!" Feng Xueyi was extremely fierce, his eyes seemed to want to kill.

"I won't let go, you bite me?" Unfortunately, I can't bite.

Seeing that Feng Qianyun had carefully checked the list just now, Han Mojue asked Feng Qianyun, "Little daughter-in-law, do you have a way to heal his injury and make him fully recover?"

"Yes." It's just a bone, nerve and muscle injury, which happens to be the type that Feng Qianyun is best at, and it's not difficult at all to help him recover.

"Really?" Hearing this, Xue Yunran was pleasantly surprised, "Then can you help him?"

Xue Yunran didn't know why, and he had never seen Feng Qianyun see a doctor before, but he just believed what Feng Qianyun said, if she said it could be cured, it must be possible.

The doctor's parents' heart, these words are suitable for Xue Yunran.

Feng Xueyi heard a little light in his eyes.

"It can be cured, but I don't want to be treated." Feng Qianyun replied rather embarrassingly, she can be cured, but she doesn't want to be treated!

What a capricious statement!

But Feng Qianyun has such qualifications!

Hearing Feng Qianyun's words, Xue Yunran helped Feng Xueyi say something nice, "Yunyun, let's forget what happened just now, he is just in a bad mood, so don't bother with him if you are so generous!"

"I don't want it, I'm going to argue with him." Feng Qianyun didn't let go.

Xue Yunran cast his eyes on Han Mojue for help, and Han Mojue spread his arms out, expressing his helplessness.

"Yunyun, take it as brother Yunran begging for your help, okay?" Xue Yunran knelt down, spoke nice words to Feng Qianyun, and coaxed her.

"Why are you begging me? It's not that you're sick. Don't worry. If you're sick, I'll definitely help you with diagnosis and treatment!" Brother Yunran said, of course, there is nothing to say.

"Yunyun, it would be very pitiful for him to be unable to walk for the rest of his life." Xue Yunran looked at Feng Xueyi who was on the hospital bed. He is only 38 years old today, and the days to come are still long. He has been hospitalized for so long I have never seen anyone come to visit him, and if he is disabled, he will be really sad for the rest of his life.

"Brother Yunran, why are you so kind in your heart!" Feng Qianyun really couldn't help scolding Xue Yunran, but this is her brother Yunran, who has always been so kind that she almost couldn't refuse.

Xue Yunran scratched her head in embarrassment, "Yunyun, actually, that's not the point. What's important is that as doctors, we all hope that patients can get well soon and don't suffer from the pain anymore."

Feng Qianyun sighed helplessly towards Xue Yunran, brother Yunran is like this, she has no choice but to be a bad person anymore.

So Feng Qianyun said to Feng Xueyi who was tied up by her: "I want you to apologize to brother Yunran. As your doctor in charge, he has done his best for your illness. Not only are you not grateful, but you also speak rudely. I can't save people."

He agreed to Xue Yunran, and then he agreed to Xue Yunran, no matter what, Feng Qianyun must let Feng Xueyi say this apology.

"Depending on you, there is really a way to cure me?" Feng Xueyi listened to their conversation from beginning to end, and he also saw Xue Yunran begging Feng Qianyun for him.

"Will I get paid for lying?" If so, she would consider lying again.

Feng Xueyi didn't speak for a while, as if he was thinking about something.Feng Xueyi is not completely unreasonable, Xue Yunran is indeed a good doctor, and Feng Xueyi knows how patient and careful he is.

However, to Feng Xueyi who was facing the problem of paralysis, those things were worthless.

Feng Qianyun waited for his answer.

"Okay, I apologize." Feng Xueyi thought for a long time before compromising, "I'm sorry."

Saying "I'm sorry" with a deadpan face just doesn't go very well.

"No sincerity." Feng Qianyun did not accept such an apology, such an apology without sincerity was too substandard.

"I'm sorry." Feng Xueyi said sorry again, this time it was much better.

"It doesn't feel right yet." Feng Qianyun was very picky, this kind of thing didn't meet the standard.

"I'm sorry." Feng Xueyi improved again.

"Who did you say sorry to?" Feng Qianyun raised her eyebrows, and she just said sorry, who knows who she said it to.

"Doctor Xue, I'm sorry." Feng Xueyi said again according to Feng Qianyun's request.

In fact, it is really not easy for such a man to bow his head. It can be seen that for Feng Xueyi, the desire to recover is so strong that he can let go of his self-esteem for it.

Even if it is a small hope, he will stop at nothing to grab it.

"Okay, I reluctantly accept it." Feng Qianyun reluctantly accepted, "I have one more request, you must agree to me."

"What else do you want?" Feng Xueyi looked at Feng Qianyun warily.

Feng Qianyun knew that he might be worried that he might make some excessive demands, "Your doctor in charge is brother Yunran, any changes in your condition today are only related to brother Yunran, and have nothing to do with me, you understand Yet?"

Another reason why Feng Qianyun agreed to treat Feng Xueyi was that Feng Xueyi was Xue Yunran's patient. He recovered, no matter how much it would help Xue Yunran's future, at least it would make him the youngest surgeon in the hospital. Be highly recognized.

Xue Yunran was surprised by Feng Qianyun's request, "Yunyun, why do you say that?"

"Brother Yunran, look at me as a child, it's really not suitable for people to know this kind of thing. Anyway, he is your patient, so you can help me, who is cute!" Feng Qianyun said coquettishly to Xue Yunran.

(End of this chapter)

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