Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 200 Li Bing caught up with Jin Zhongye, Que gave Yun a bath

Chapter 200 Baili Bing caught up with Jin Zhongye and lacked a bath for Yun (2)
He has been with Xia Wufeng for so long, how could he not know about Baili Bing's thoughts, but this time Bai Li Bing really did something wrong, it's good if he can save his life, if there is another trouble, it's a shame At that time, I am afraid that the crown prince will personally send her to Huangquan Road.

"Brother Gui, don't do this, I want to see the prince, I must see the prince!" Baili Bingren was still lying on the bed, holding onto Brother Gui's clothes tightly with one hand, refusing to let him go.

"Bailibing, don't take yourself too seriously. To the prince, you can be replaced by others at any time. Except for the person he likes, everyone else is dispensable to him Existence, you should be aware of this, more entanglement will only lead you into a desperate situation!" Brother Gui tried to persuade Bailibing again and again, hoping that Bailibing would stop doing stupid things, no matter what, we are all colleagues.

"No, I must see him. If I don't see him again, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to talk about it!" Baili Bing refused to listen to Brother Gui's persuasion. Doing things by her side, there is no way to see him is more painful than death for her.

So even if she knew that doing this was looking for death, she must do it, and she must meet him.

"Brother Gui, just let her see the prince. Anyway, don't let her see him now. She will definitely clamor to see her when she recovers from her injury. I believe the prince must know it well." Another person looked He couldn't go on anymore, so he helped intercede with Brother Gui, and now Bai Libing wanted to see Xia Wufeng, he had to ask this man named "Brother Gui" to nod.

"Hey..." Brother Gui sighed, "Forget it, I'll look back to see if the crown prince is back. When I come back, I'll mention your matter to the crown prince and see what he thinks!"

"No need." Xia Wufeng was already standing at the door of the room without knowing when.

"Prince, why are you here?" Brother Gui and the other person in the room saw Xia Wufeng suddenly appearing, and broke into a cold sweat from fright.

Xia Wufeng approached Bailibing, looked at Bailibing on the bed, expressionless.

"Prince, have you come to see me?" Baili Bing's face showed a girlish joy.

Xia Wufeng curled his lips slightly, and didn't answer her question, but said to the old ghost standing by the bed: "Without my permission, she is not allowed to step into M City again."

Xia Wufeng issued an order to expel Bailibing.

For Baili Bing, it was like a bolt from the blue. Why, would it be like this?

"No, prince, I know I was careless this time, you just think it's my first offence, go around me, I don't want to leave M city, I don't want to!" Baili Bing stretched out his hand to grab Xia Wufeng's hand, wanting to plead with him.

"Do you think you'll be fine if you borrow a knife to kill people?" Xia Wufeng knows Baili Bing. Although he doesn't have any feelings for Bai Li Bing, he has at least a basic understanding of the people who work under him. Bai Li Bing Those little tricks, little tricks can't fool him.

Only Baili Bing thought she was smart enough to kill people with a knife, killing two birds with one stone, but she was already stupid enough.

When the truth was told suddenly, Baili Bing felt guilty, but when he thought about his future, he mustered up his courage, "So the prince is not because I failed in the mission, but because I tried to hurt that stinky girl, right?"

The love of these years was suppressed in Baili Bing's heart, and when she faced unprecedented fear, all these things spewed out.

Xia Wufeng glanced at Baili Bing who was a bit crazy, turned and left without talking to her.

It was because of this that Baili Bing became even more angry, "Aren't you even willing to say one more word to me? I don't understand, what's wrong with that stinky girl, she's just a young girl, isn't she just good at playing tricks?" Is there anything worthy of your admiration for her!"

Baili Bing yelled out what he wanted to say but didn't say in one breath.

Xia Wufeng stopped walking towards the door, "A girl ruined everything you worked so hard for so many years, so what are you?"

After Xia Wufeng finished speaking, he continued to walk and disappeared from Bailibing's sight.

Baili Bing was paralyzed on the bed. She couldn't just leave M City like this. Even if she didn't get the crown prince, she didn't want that stinky girl alive. Even if she died, she would be dragged to hell with her!

Baili Bing's gaze revealed a fierceness, and he even took out the golden lotus scroll again.

Seeing this, the old ghost wanted to stop him, but Baili Bing had already made a blood sacrifice first, and then even the man and the scroll disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Too bad, let her run away, how are we going to explain to the Crown Prince?" Just now, the Crown Prince ordered them to send Baili Bing out of M City, and she was not allowed to set foot in M ​​City again!

The old ghost also knew that this was troublesome, "But, where can she escape?" Baili Bing had already been exposed in the Black Dragon Gang, and was ordered by the Black Dragon Gang. Ordinary people would never dare to take her in. .

In a villa in the suburbs, a lively scene is being staged in the room.

Suddenly, a woman appeared in the room.

Baili Bing hadn't recovered from using the Golden Lotus Scroll the last time, but this time he barely used it for the second time and fell to the ground.

This meant that Jin Zhongye was in the midst of doing piston movements, and suddenly an extra woman came out out of nowhere, and those with a weaker heart might be frightened into problems.

What a fucking spoiler!

In this state, Jin Zhongye was not in the mood to continue. He got up from the woman, without any clothes on, and walked to the woman beside the bed naked.

Jin Zhongye recognized Baili Bing, and the Black Dragon Gang had just issued a Black Dragon Order to Bai Li Bing recently, and he was still very impressed.

This woman had nowhere to escape, and she ran to him?
But, how did this woman get here?

Jin Zhongye was sure that Baili Bing had used a special method, otherwise, how could there be no movement at all when he entered his room.

Jin Zhongye took one of Baili Bing's hands away, and found a golden scroll on her right hand, with a golden lotus imprint on it.

This is... the golden lotus scroll?
Ancient secret scroll?

No wonder, he escaped from the hands of the Black Dragon Gang. It turned out that there was such a treasure on his body. Jin Zhongye took the golden lotus scroll from Bailibing's hand. It's no wonder that Jin Zhongye would not want the treasure that fell from the sky!
Jin Zhongye took away Baili Bing's golden lotus scroll, and looked at Bai Li Bing again, no wonder he was called the saint of the underworld, she was quite pretty, much better than the women they found for him up.

At this time, the woman who was flirting with Jin Zhongye just now walked behind Jin Zhongye, also naked, she hugged him from behind, "Master Ye, leave this woman alone, let's continue!"

(End of this chapter)

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