Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 201 Li Bing caught up with Jin Zhongye, Que gave Yun a bath

Chapter 201 Baili Bing caught up with Jin Zhongye and lacked a bath for Yun (4)
Her body was covered with large and small bruises, including bruises from beatings, hickeys, and bites. Anyway, Jin Zhongye didn't care for her at all, almost torturing her.

Baili Bing woke up from a coma for a while, and saw Jin Zhongye was still by her side. Thinking of what happened to her and Jin Zhongye just now, she felt nauseated, but she forcibly endured the humiliation and disgust, and one day, when she avenged herself After revenge, she will personally get rid of Jin Zhongye!

Baili Bing moved to Jin Zhongye's side, "Master Ye, now I'm being hunted down by members of the Black Dragon Gang, you will protect me, right?"

Hearing this, Jin Zhongye sneered from the bottom of his heart, and reached out to touch Baili Bing's chest, his hands were not weak at all, "My woman, of course I will take good care of her!"

Baili Bing was pinched painfully by Jin Zhongye, but his face looked like he was enjoying himself to death, "Young Master Ye, I want to know who destroyed Young Master Ye's arsenal?"

The secret arsenal in the garage is a matter of the Jin family, few people know about it, but Xia Wufeng knows about it, so Baili Bing, who stayed by Xia Wufeng's side before, also knows about it.

"You know?" Jin Zhongye is really serious this time. He has searched for a long time, but there is no clue at all. The elders in the family urged him to withdraw from M City. He is unwilling to eat like this. Suffering.

"Of course." Baili Bing actually didn't know, she just wanted to gain some chips for herself through this matter.

"Who is it!?" Jin Zhongye suddenly grabbed Baili Bing's arm and held her tightly, almost breaking Bai Li Bing's bones.

Baili Bing cursed Jin Zhongye from the bottom of his heart, but still had a happy smile on his face. "Master Ye, have you heard of the young lady who just appeared in the Black Dragon Gang?"

"Nonsense, of course I've heard of it, what are you talking about with me?" Jin Zhongye didn't have time to care about the housework of the Black Dragon Gang, so what does it matter to him how many young ladies they have?What he cares about is their family's arsenal!

"Because, the destruction of Young Master Ye's arsenal has nothing to do with the Black Dragon Gang!" Baili Bing simply wanted to drag the Black Dragon Gang into the water, and Feng Qianyun into the water.

"Are you serious?" Jin Zhongye heard that Baili Bing said that the Black Dragon Gang did it, and he also felt that this possibility was not impossible. There were not many people who dared to oppose their Jin family, and Long Yutian of the Black Dragon Gang was One of the!Just before the accident at the arsenal, he had a feud with Long Yutian, and Long Yutian had the audacity to take in the traitors of their Jin family!
"Of course!" Baili Bing replied with certainty, "Don't forget, I was an undercover agent in the Black Dragon Gang before, and of course I know a lot about them!"

When Bailibing said that, Jin Zhongye believed it to a certain extent. Bailibing was indeed in the Black Dragon Gang before, and he was doing well. It is not surprising that he knows some secrets of the Black Dragon Gang.

"Are you sure you didn't say that on purpose to seek revenge from the Black Dragon Gang?" Jin Zhongye still asked more to be cautious.

"Young Master Ye, if you don't believe it, that's fine. Anyway, I came here alone now, and there is no evidence to prove what I said, but Young Master Ye, it is not a day or two that the Black Dragon Gang doesn't take you seriously. It's a matter, even if I don't talk about it, Young Master Ye will take over the Black Dragon Gang sooner or later, so why should I make this rumor?" Baili Bing deserves to be an undercover agent for so many years, and his acting skills are top-notch. She can also tell the truth about nonsense and make others believe her words.

When Jin Zhongye thought about it, it really made sense. If the Black Dragon Gang was not eliminated, he would hold his breath.

If Long Yutian is not dead, he cannot forget the humiliation he received that day.

Jin Zhongye then thought that after staying in the Black Dragon Gang for such a long time, Bailibing should be very clear about the internal affairs of the Black Dragon Gang, so she has something to use.

Therefore, Jin Zhongye hugged Baili Bing into his arms, "Don't say you have no selfish intentions, you want to deal with the eldest lady of the Black Dragon Gang, she made you a street rat, you must have a grudge against her Let's do it!"

Regarding this point, Baili Bing did not deny it, and she also stretched out her hand to hug Jin Zhongye, "Young Master Ye is right, I wish that little slut would be torn to pieces, I dream of peeling her skin and cramping her tendons , drink her blood, if Young Master Ye destroys the Black Dragon Gang, can you hand over that little bastard to me?" Baili Bing said, moving his hand on Jin Zhongye's chest, slowly moving down move.

"That depends on your performance?" Jin Zhongye was delighted to have an obedient bed partner.

Bailibing's eyes were filled with coldness, but in action, he was submissive to Jin Zhongye and tried his best to curry favor with him.

She wants to record this shame on that little bitch!
At night, Feng Qianyun returned to her room with leg cramps again due to exhaustion.

Feng Qianyun didn't relax her training because she beat Feng Xueyi in the morning's fight with Feng Xueyi. She knew that if she wanted to use advanced moves better, she had to lay a solid foundation. Feng Xueyi did have a lot of something she could learn.

Feng Xueyi had absolutely high demands on Feng Qianyun, high intensity, and he didn't give her the slightest bit of water because of Feng Qianyun's age.

When Feng Qianyun returned to the room, Lie Que was already there.

"Man, I'm so tired that I'm bitten by a dog." After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she fell onto the bed again.

"Even if you want to sleep, you have to take a bath first."

"No, I want to sleep!" Feng Qianyun was extremely tired, and when she saw Lie Que, she would occasionally act coquettishly.

Lie Que thought it was a bit funny, it was rare to see Feng Qianyun pretending to be lazy.

Lie Que hugged Feng Qianyun from the bed.

Feng Qianyun, who was picked up by Lie Que, asked, "What are you doing?"

"You don't want to wash, I'll help you." Lie Que carried Feng Qianyun into the bathroom while speaking.

" not only sleep and practice with you, but also wash with you?"

"Sleep with you, practice with you?" Lie Que looked at Feng Qianyun suspiciously, why did she feel like he was... a third companion?
"It's nothing, I said you are virtuous!" Feng Qianyun hurriedly changed her words.

Lie Que didn't expose her, and put water on her. Feng Qianyun's room stocked a lot of medicinal materials. After identifying them one by one, Lie Que took what he needed.

Lie Que took the medicinal materials to the side of the bathtub that was already filled with water, and used his internal force to melt the medicinal materials in his hand into a liquid. The liquid flowed into the bathtub and mixed with the water, turning the water into brown-black.

Feng Qianyun watched the scene where Lie Que melted the medicinal materials, and was very surprised, "What is that?"

"There is no other tool to process these medicinal materials, so I melted them, so that the medicinal power can be more fully integrated into the water." Lie Que explained.

He was preparing a medicinal bath for Feng Qianyun.

(End of this chapter)

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