Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 202 Li Bing caught up with Jin Zhongye, Que gave Yun a bath

Chapter 202 Baili Bing caught up with Jin Zhongye and lacked a bath for Yun (5)
"Melting the medicinal materials?" Feng Qianyun was still a little puzzled, "How did you do it?"

This is not to say that if you can do it, you can do it. If she tries it now, she will not be able to do it.

Lie Que smiled gracefully at Feng Qianyun, "I'm so tired, why are you still curious about this? I'll explain to you next time when you have the energy. Now, you should have a good time."

"Oh." It's also good to take a medicinal bath to relax her highly trained body today, which is very beneficial.

Feng Qianyun was about to take off her clothes, but when she realized that there was another Lie Que in the room, she stopped. Although he was preparing a medicinal bath for himself, in front of him... he would be embarrassed.

Now Feng Qianyun suddenly understands why Yu Chixiu was so awkward when she prepared the medicinal bath for him back then, it turns out that stripping herself naked in front of a person of the opposite sex would make people blush and heartbeat!
No, she didn't blush when she saw Han Mojue running naked last time.

Feng Qianyun spurned herself from the bottom of her heart, she used to be a doctor, so nakedness is rare, anything related to medicine should not be polluted by such impure thoughts!

Thinking of this, Feng Qianyun took off all her clothes in one go, leaving only two cuties.

In fact, it's nothing. Don't people still wear swimsuits on stage during beauty pageants?
She's not wearing nothing now, she has one on top and one on the bottom, what's there to be shy about!
When did her thinking become so old-fashioned and conservative!
Feng Qianyun went down into the bathtub, trying not to look at Lie Que, but fortunately she did not, because a suspicious red color appeared on Lie Que's cheeks.

Compared to Feng Qianyun, Lie Que should be more embarrassing. A little girl blushing at a mature man can only prove that she is precocious, but a mature man blushing at a little girl should be called obscene !
Lie Que methodically melted the remaining herbs into the water in the bathtub.

The water in the bathtub has almost completely turned black, Feng Qianyun's whole body is not under the water, only one head is exposed, the two of them are not so embarrassed.

"Lie Que, is your name Lie Que? This surname is so strange." Feng Qianyun took a bath and chatted with Lie Que for nothing.

Lie Que smiled slightly, "Is it strange? Because Lie is not a surname."

"So Lie Que is just your first name? Then what's your last name?"

"I don't know, I'm an orphan, so I don't know my last name."

Feng Qianyun looked at Lie Que, he looked very young, and he was outstanding in all aspects, Feng Qianyun thought that he would be the same as Long Yutian and Yu Chixiu, born very well, even better than them.

Born in a big family, they can get a better education, accompaniment, good teachers, and possibly auxiliary medicines and magic tools from an early age. In this way, their growth rate will be much faster than ordinary people.

Is Lie Que an orphan?

This was beyond Feng Qianyun's expectation, and it also aroused a sense of admiration for Lie Que.

Lie Que looked at Feng Qianyun's contemplative little face, "What are you thinking? What evil thoughts are in your little head?"

"I'm pure and fresh. I'm fine. I won't think about those messy things all day long. Of course, just don't seduce me with your attractive body. Although I am young, I am also a colored factor." , if they run out, there is nothing I can do!" Feng Qianyun said to Lie Que seriously.

"Are you reminding me that I should seduce you at the right time?" Lie Que laughed.

"I think you are the one who is full of evil thoughts, and you look refined and well-dressed, but you are very dirty inside!" Feng Qianyun suddenly thought, how attractive would Lie Que be if he took off all his clothes?Too bad, she was hit, she was really horny!Impurity, she wants to face the wall! "By the way, the trick you taught me yesterday was very powerful. I beat Feng Xueyi with that trick."

"You are just learning, don't use it lightly, continuous use will put a heavy load on your body, although your body is different from ordinary people, it may not be able to withstand repeated high-load operations, and for outsiders Said, if you use this trick a lot, the other party will see the clues, and you won’t be left to succeed every time. You can use it however you want after you master it.”

Feng Qianyun also knew that what Lie Que said was the truth, if she used this move to fight Feng Xueyi tomorrow, she might not be able to win, Feng Xueyi's internal skills are not very good, but external skills are really amazing , the body is also quite flexible, and the use of moves is very ingenious, which really makes her admire.

Feng Qianyun began to frowned deeply, so what method should she use to defeat Feng Xueyi tomorrow?

"Little girl, don't frown, you can kill flies." Lie Que reached out to stroke Feng Qianyun's brow.

"Let me think about it for a while." Feng Qianyun's face was serious. Facing an opponent stronger than herself, the most important thing is to be caught by surprise. How can she catch him by surprise tomorrow?
Lie Que probably knew what Feng Qianyun was thinking, and he didn't bother Feng Qianyun, thinking would make a person progress and grow, and only by constantly exploring in the battle can he continue to become stronger.

Guigui took the opportunity to jump out of Feng Qianyun's ears, he was suffocated to death in the past two days, for the happiness of Lie Que's brother and the woman, he kept holding back and didn't come out to disturb them two!

Is it easy to be a matchmaker?

Ghosts are about to cry.

"Brother Lie Que, when can you officially move in to live with a woman?" Guigui thinks that Lie Que is "unjustified and inappropriate", coming every night and leaving at dawn, like a shameless person It seems that his brother Lie Que is so outstanding, how can he not be seen by others!

Lie Que squeezed Guigui's little horn, "What does the little brat want to do?"

"Because in this way, I can see brother Lie Que all the time!" Guigui can stick to Lie Que, and seeing Lie Que is much happier than seeing Feng Qianyun.

Lie Que didn't answer Guigui's question. He grabbed Guigui by one of its horns, carried him out of the bathroom, and put him outside, "Bring us a good wind."

Then Lie Que closed the bathroom door.

The foolish ghost thought that Lie Que had given him an important task, so he sat down at the door, swearing to the death.

Would someone really approach Lie Que without knowing it?He just wanted to find some work for the chattering brat.

Seeing that the water was a bit cold, Lie Que carried Feng Qianyun out of the water, and then wiped Feng Qianyun dry with a big towel.

It turns out that Feng Qianyun's sleeping companion is also a babysitter.

"Lie Que, I think whoever will marry you home in the future will be blessed."

(End of this chapter)

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