Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 207 I am a Temporary Worker

Chapter 207 I am a Temporary Worker (3)

The sound of a porcelain cup shattering.

Feng Qianyun and Long Yutian looked at the door, only to see Wu Xiaohan who was about to bring coffee to Long Yutian froze in place.

She looked at Feng Qianyun and the disheveled Long Yutian in the room, "You, you..."

Feng Qianyun thought to herself, this is all right, she was caught and raped by his fiancée on the spot, and several Yellow Rivers are not enough for her to wash.

Wu Xiaohan rushed in front of Feng Qianyun angrily, "In vain I thought you were a good person and wanted to worship you as my teacher, but I never thought that you would seduce someone else's fiancé at such a young age!"

Feng Qianyun is so innocent, it was obvious that someone else seduced her, but now she is seducing others.

As the culprit, Long Yutian not only did not help Feng Qianyun explain, but instead laughed.

"You are too shameless! I will kill you right now!" Wu Xiaohan was anxious, so he took off the glove of his right hand, trying to poison Feng Qianyun to death.

"Do you want to compete again? You can't beat me with poison." Feng Qianyun took a step back, although she thought that the poison in Wu Xiaohan's right hand could not kill her, but poisoning is a painful and uncomfortable thing after all. , she's fine and doesn't want to make trouble.

"You, you!" Wu Xiaohan was about to be pissed off by Feng Qianyun. Last time they competed, she really couldn't win Feng Qianyun, but her fiancé got together with her again. How could she bear it? !

Feng Qianyun took the opportunity to run away quickly. When she walked to the door, she turned her head and said to Long Yutian: "Your fiancée, you can take care of it yourself. I'm just a temporary worker. Don't ask me for anything, I'm not responsible!"

The next day, Han Mojue said that he would help Feng Qianyun to celebrate her successful completion of the task, and that he would celebrate for her, so he invited her to celebrate at Lin Wanhui's restaurant.

Before Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue entered the small restaurant, when they passed through the alley, they saw a woman and a man entangled not far away. Huichuntang was the clerk who introduced them.

The woman seemed to be in trouble and wanted to get rid of the entanglement of the man opposite her, but the man seemed unwilling and had a tendency to use force on her.

Song Li didn't have a shift today, so she wanted to go shopping and buy something, but she ended up being entangled by this man. She told me countless times that she didn't care about him at all, but she just didn't listen, and it was fine if she didn't listen. , Still following her, it's too tasteless, if I knew it, I should have told her brother about it, and let her brother handle it.

"Let go, let me tell you several times, I don't like you!" Song Li didn't know how many times she emphasized this point.

But the other party didn't listen to her explanation at all, "It doesn't matter if you don't like me now, we can get along slowly, and maybe we will have feelings after we get along."

Song Li was so annoyed that a man happened to pass by, so she took the man's arm, "My boyfriend is here, you can go now!"

Song Li just wanted to make the other party give up, but she didn't see clearly who the man beside her was.

Han Mojue just passed by Gentleman Qianyun, who knew that a woman came up to hold his hand and claimed to be his girlfriend.

There was a smile on the corner of Han Mojue's mouth, because he recognized the woman who recognized him as her boyfriend on the street, "Xiaoli, is this guy pestering you all day?"

Han Mojue was very cooperative.

Song Li was startled when she heard "Xiaoli". She looked up and saw Han Mojue. Although she had only met Han Mojue once, she was very impressed because he was very beautiful. I've only met him once, and it's hard to forget. Last time, he gave himself a business card, so she knew his name.

Song Li suddenly felt a little embarrassed. She just wanted to get rid of the entanglement, but ended up holding Han Mojue, feeling a little ashamed of herself.

The most unclear about the situation was Song Li's suitor. He thought it was a lie that Song Li said that she had a boyfriend, but now a man who claimed to be Song Li's boyfriend appeared, "Are you sure?" Is it her boyfriend?"

"Nonsense, I'm so handsome, don't I deserve her?" Han Mojue said as he pulled Song Li into his arms to show his intimacy.

Han Mojue's actions made Song Li's face even more rosy.

The man looked at Song Li and then at Han Mojue. Some people would believe that Song Li was not good enough for Han Mojue. If Han Mojue was not good enough for Song Li, probably no one would agree.

The man thought about himself again, he was not as tall as the man beside Song Li, he was not as good-looking as him, and he was not even as tasteful in his clothes.

A woman wouldn't choose him between the two of them, would she?

Although the man was unwilling and sad, he also knew that there was no hope, so he turned around and walked away.

As soon as the man left, Han Mojue let go of Song Li.

"Ah...well, thank you..." Song Li was obviously a little embarrassed.

"Hehe, it's okay, just by the way." Han Mojue carelessly did not notice Song Li's unusual flush.

"Han Mojue, why didn't I know that the two of you have kept in touch since the last time we met, and the relationship has developed rapidly, and has become a relationship between men and women?" Feng Qianyun deliberately teased Han Mojue.

"Little daughter-in-law, I run around for you every day. I wake up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs. If you still say that I have time to do other things, I will be wronged!" For the project on the other side, it is really hard to run there every two days, running around all day.

"Okay, okay, I know you've worked hard, little Juejue, be good, I'll reward you with ten or eight friends later, and comfort you, how about it?" Feng Qianyun turned to coax Han Mojue , Indeed, Han Mojue has really worked hard recently.

"That's about the same." Han Mojue snorted at Feng Qianyun.

Song Li felt very strange watching the conversation between the two. Aren't they two brothers and sisters?Why did their conversation sound so weird?

Seeing Song Li's confusion, Feng Qianyun introduced herself to her, "My name is Feng Qianyun, and I have no blood relationship with him, but we are good friends. He called me little wife simply because he It's a syllable, it doesn't have any special meaning, don't worry, he is still single!"

Hearing Feng Qianyun's explanation, Song Li finally understood, but why did she deliberately tell Han Mojue that he is single... It's weird.

"By the way, is it convenient for Fang to have a meal?" Song Li wanted to thank Han Mojue, so she wanted to invite Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun to have a meal.

"We are going to eat in the small restaurant in front, why don't you come with us?" Han Mojue invited Song Li to go with them out of politeness, but he didn't want Song Li to invite them to dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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