Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 208 I am a Temporary Worker

Chapter 208 I am a Temporary Worker (4)
The restaurant in front?Song Li looked forward, it was already the end of the alley, the storefront looked very old, it didn't look like a place where people like Han Mojue would go.

"Okay." Song Li doesn't care much about herself. She is just an ordinary office worker. She supports herself with her salary. She never goes to big restaurants for food without special needs. She always settles in small restaurants like this.

So Feng Qianyun, Han Mojue, and Feng Qianyun entered Lin Wanhui's shop.

"Yunyun, this way!" Shang Xiaoye greeted Feng Qianyun. She received a call from Han Mojue early in the morning, and went to the restaurant one step ahead of them, reserved a table for them and ordered food.

"Boss Yunyun!" Ouyang Zhimin also came, but he was still wearing hospital clothes, he was sitting in a wheelchair, and the cast was still tied on his body.

Originally, he couldn't be discharged from the hospital, but he refused to say anything. In the end, Xue Yunran helped him out.

"Ouyang Zhimin, you look like this, how do you eat later?" Ouyang Zhimin's hands were still in plaster.

Ouyang Zhimin smiled, "It's okay, Xiaoye is here to help!" These days, his food was either fed by the nurse or Shang Xiaoye.

Judging by his expression, it seems that being injured is a very happy thing!

"Hey, why I haven't seen you for a few days, Ouyang Zhimin, you have changed your name to my sister Xiaoye, what about the surname 'Shang'?" Feng Qianyun teased Ouyang Zhimin, this kid is now the heart of Sima Zhao , everyone knows.

"Boss Yunyun!" Ouyang Zhimin, who was poked at the heart, was actually shy. Who would have thought that Ouyang Zhimin, a school bully, would have such a shy side.

"Okay, I didn't talk about you anymore." Feng Qianyun thought to herself, chasing girls is like chasing after a while, this person hasn't chased yet, why are you so shy! "Sister Song Li, let me introduce you. She is Shang Xiaoye and my classmate. He is Ouyang Zhimin and also my classmate. But something happened recently."

Song Li was a little surprised when she heard Feng Qianyun's introduction, "Your classmate?" Obviously, Feng Qianyun seemed to have a big age gap with the other two.

"Yunyun is a leapfrog student!" Seeing the puzzled look on Song Li's face, Shang Xiaoye told her.

Song Li suddenly realized, and she was full of admiration for Feng Qianyun, "You are so good, have you jumped a lot of levels?"

Feng Qianyun thought to herself, she is not honored, she thought you came through the back door!

Song Li sat down to eat with everyone, "Wow, the food here is delicious!"

This is the inevitable reaction of everyone who comes here to eat for the first time, and everyone is familiar with it.

"Yunyun, are you still going back to school?" Shang Xiaoye also knew that Feng Qianyun had something to do before, and if she changed her identity as a gangster lady, going to school would be troublesome, and Long Yutian was a good one. example.Now that the matter is over, it's time to go back to school.

"In a few days, I still have some things to do." Feng Qianyun thought about going to school after the training was over. Although she had already obtained the qualification to be recommended, but she always didn't show up, and the influence was not good.So Feng Qianyun decided to wait until the training at the Long family was over, and then go to school for a while and be a good student.

"Hey, school is so boring lately, you are not here, Yunyun, Yu Chixiu has also dropped out of school, Long Yutian hasn't shown up for a long time, the president is already going abroad..." Shang Xiaoye supported his chin and counted.

Except for the absence of the first Feng Qianyun, the latter three obviously refer to the three major school girls of Shengrong Private High School.

Was Shang Xiaoye bored because Feng Qianyun didn't go to school, or was she bored because there were no handsome guys to watch?
"I think about men all day long. Don't forget that the college entrance examination is two months away!" Ouyang Zhimin was unhappy when he heard that Shang Xiaoye had counted men for a long time, but he couldn't count him.

"You should worry about yourself. Don't cry if you don't even pass the college entrance examination!" With Shang Xiaoye's grades, as long as the college entrance examination is performed normally, there should be no problem in the undergraduate entrance examination, but Ouyang Zhimin High School I haven't listened to a class seriously in three years, and now it's purely cramming.

"Hey, don't tear down my platform if someone else is around, okay?" Ouyang Zhimin felt resentful in his heart. He knew that his grades were not good, and it would be a problem if he wanted to be admitted to a college. He is a man who saves a little face, and still says in front of outsiders, how embarrassed he is.

Song Li watched them bustle and bustle, and felt that she had become a lot younger. At this moment, her phone rang, and it was her brother who called.

Only then did Song Li remember that she had an appointment with her brother at noon, but she was so fussed by that person just now that she forgot about it.

Song Li hurriedly picked up the phone.

"Xiao Li, what about you, I haven't seen you at Jiekou Station for a long time." Song Yuanshan finally had a free lunch to accompany his precious sister to have a meal, but after waiting for a long time, his sister did not show up.

"Ah, brother, I forgot about you. I'm having dinner with my friends here. It's at the end of the street. Otherwise, you can come over too!" Song Li felt a little embarrassed. Fortunately, it was her brother. If she is someone else, she has made an appointment with someone, but she still forgets about the other party. She must die of shame.

"What kind of friend, male or female, how old are you?" Song Yuanshan was very strict with his sister, and he would ask clearly who he usually went out with.

"Oh, brother, you'll know when you come here." Song Li thought, how could she describe it to her brother in front of others!

Hearing what Song Li said, Song Yuanshan knew that the friend who was with her was unknown to him before, so he immediately rushed over to the restaurant at the end of the street.

Song Yuanshan hurried over, entered the restaurant, looked around, and found Song Li.

He looked at the person sitting at the same table as Song Li, and saw two familiar faces.

One is Feng Qianyun, they have met several times before, and the other is Ouyang Zhimin, because Ouyang Zhimin has been in the police station several times, so he recognizes her.

"" Song Yuanshan looked at the people at the table, and felt that the combination was a bit strange.

"Captain Song, so you are brother and sister?" Feng Qianyun also knew Song Yuanshan. Although the two hadn't communicated in detail, they already thought that the previous incident had overlapped with Song Yuanshan many times.

"Huh? Brother, do you know each other?" Song Li wondered.

"Song Li, your brother is the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade. We have met several times because of some cases." Feng Qianyun explained.

Oh, that's the way it is. Song Li thinks about it. Her brother usually sees a lot of people. Unlike her, he works at work and stays at home all day long. The people he knows are only a few classmates when he is studying. Colleagues.

(End of this chapter)

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