Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 209 I am a Temporary Worker

Chapter 209 I am a Temporary Worker (5)
"Captain Song, sit down." Han Mojue called Song Yuanshan to sit down.

Since Song Yuanshan had already arrived, it would be rude for him to drag Song Li away at this time, so he also sat down.

Recently, he has been busy with the case of the arsenal. He wondered if he committed a crime of Tai Sui this year, and the big incidents followed one after another, endlessly.

"Brother, you have dark circles under your eyes. Did you stay up late again last night?" Song Li looked at the tiredness on her brother's face, thinking that he had been working night shifts for several days.

"I don't have a clue about the case at the arsenal. The superiors are pressing me. There's nothing I can do to stay up late. It's a pity that you can only be at home by yourself recently." From the occurrence of the ammunition case to the present, Song Yuanshan has only been home a few times.

Song Li shook her head, "Nothing, brother, you have worked harder."

At the dinner table, Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue glanced at each other, the two of them were sitting here to blame for their crimes.

"Captain Song, haven't you found out who did this?" Han Mojue asked tentatively.

"The higher-ups pay more attention to the ownership of the arsenal. As for the cause of the accident, it is not so important." Song Yuanshan replied, this point is not confidential, so it is okay for him to speak appropriately, but regarding the progress of the case , he cannot disclose it to the outside world.

This case has been reported in the news, and everyone knows about it.

The criminal police team is looking for who owns the arsenal, because this involves smuggling of arms, but the investigation process is very slow and has been hindered by many aspects. They have already suspected that the people involved in this arsenal are not simple. , but there is no way, as long as the case is there, they have to investigate it.

"Has Team Song ever thought about being able to create such a large underground arms storage depot in M ​​City, and avoid the eyes and ears of the police, maybe there are 'ghosts'?" Feng Qianyun reminded Song Yuanshan, what is the Jin family? People, there are contacts of their Jin family in the government, want to check?It's not that easy.

Feng Qianyun thought, if it wasn't for such a big explosion that everyone knew about and couldn't hide it even if they wanted to, and had to give an explanation to the general public, this case might not even exist, and it would have been covered behind the scenes. It was dealt with secretly.

Hearing what Feng Qianyun said, Song Yuanshan suddenly remembered that every time the police found some clues or found some relevant personnel, they often rushed to nothing.

According to Feng Qianyun, could it be that there are "ghosts" in their police station?
"Why did Miss Feng say that? Do you have any good ideas?" Song Yuanshan asked.

"It's nothing, it's just a guess." Of course Feng Qianyun would not say it because she knew who was behind the scenes. "Actually, Team Song doesn't need to worry too much. The case should be resolved soon."

The result is that there will be, but the person caught will not be Jin Zhongye, or other important members of the Jin family.

The Jin family probably wouldn't let the case go on like this. If the police still pursued it, the Jin family would push some ghosts out.

"The case will be closed soon? Does Miss Feng know something?" Song Yuanshan looked at Feng Qianyun and always felt that she seemed to know something, but is it possible?Isn't she the distant cousin of Yuchixiu who lives in Yuchi's house?

"I don't know, I think it's written like this in detective novels." Feng Qianyun shrugged her shoulders, with an innocent look that she didn't know anything.

Song Yuanshan thinks about it too, she is just a little girl, what can she know, what was she thinking just now, it must be because she is too tired recently, and there is a problem with her thinking judgment.

At this moment, Feng Qianyun's cell phone rang, and a text message came in.

Feng Qianyun took out her mobile phone, and it showed that it was from Xue Yunran.

If you want your brother Yunran to be okay, come to Weilong Building at seven o'clock tonight.

The signature is Ye Shao.

Feng Qianyun immediately made a phone call.

On the other end of the phone, Jin Zhongye answered, "Stinky girl, I heard that your Black Dragon Gang has something to do with the bombing of my arsenal? If you dare to break ground on my head, you should be ready to accept punishment!"

Jin Zhongye didn't like Feng Qianyun last time. If he hadn't been separated by the arsenal incident later, he would have come to trouble Feng Qianyun, Long Yutian and Han Mojue early in the morning. This time is just right, since The arsenal was made by their Black Dragon Gang, so he will have revenge, and he will have revenge!

"Let you listen to your elder brother Yunran's voice first. I heard that you have a good relationship with him? I spent the whole morning blocking the entrance of Bo'ai Hospital. It's not easy to catch him! "

After Jin Zhongye finished speaking, he took the phone to Xue Yunran and asked Xue Yunran to speak.

"Yunyun, don't come here, you..."

Xue Yunran hurriedly told Feng Qianyun on the other end of the phone that he didn't want her to come and take risks, but he had just started, and Jin Zhongye put the phone back again. Jin Zhongye let Feng Qianyun listen to the voice just to prove that Xue Yunran was really in his Just in hand.

"I promise you, but you'd better make sure that brother Yunran is unscathed, otherwise, take it easy!"

"I advise you not to notify Long Yutian and other members of the Black Dragon Gang, and of course don't think about calling the police, otherwise you will only see Xue Yunran's body."

After Jin Zhongye finished speaking, he hung up the phone. He didn't want Feng Qianyun to inform Long Yutian that he didn't intend to settle accounts with Long Yutian. Let's talk about some color!
At the dinner table, the others only heard what Feng Qianyun said, and didn't know what was going on on the other end of the phone, but from Feng Qianyun's expression and conversation, it was not difficult to hear that something seemed wrong.

"Little daughter-in-law, what happened?" Han Mojue asked hastily.

"It's okay." Feng Qianyun didn't say anything. Song Yuanshan was present, so she couldn't say clearly that Xue Yunran was kidnapped, and even if the police knew it, it probably wouldn't be of much help. The other party was Jin Zhongye, and the backstage was tough.

"Miss Feng, if you encounter any troublesome things, you should contact the police in time. The most correct choice is to protect yourself with legal weapons." Song Yuanshan could hear that Feng Qianyun seemed to have encountered something.

Feng Qianyun curled her lips into a smile, "When will the charges of prostitution with underage girls and taking turns having sex disappear from the court's verdict, I'll consider Team Song's suggestion again."

Song Yuanshan was rendered speechless by Feng Qianyun's words.

She was also a little ashamed on the face, because what Feng Qianyun said was the truth.

Feng Qianyun didn't say anything, Song Yuanshan didn't want to ask any more questions, and now he had enough to worry about, so he didn't have time to take care of those trivial things, let alone a little girl's affairs, even if it was an accident. What a big deal it can be!
(End of this chapter)

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